This website contains detailed information about the active phase of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began on 24th of February 2022. The website's content is presented in a series of daily posts, the majority of which were taken from the Telegram channels "Demokratychna Sokyra" (Democratic Axe), Borislav Bereza, and some others.

The project was created with the aim of outlining the extended record of the invasion and war crimes of Russia, as well as the political and day to day life in Ukraine to the English speaking people. By including translated snippets of interpretations of the important events, we aim to provide more context that the foreigner audiences might be missing.

This website also serves as a source of information for anyone globally - from journalists and researchers to policymakers and ordinary citizens - who want to understand the Russian invasion of Ukraine. By translating content into English, we break down language and cultural barriers, giving a direct line to the Ukrainian perspective often overshadowed in the mainstream coverage.

We aim to highlight the human side of the conflict, the international response, and the roles of the global institutions. Our platform is updated regularly, ensuring relevance and accessibility of information.

Ultimately, the goal of this project is not just to inform, but to inspire international solidarity with Ukraine and to promote understanding of this significant geopolitical event by sharing these stories of the Russia’s war in Ukraine.

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