Feb 14, 2022 - Day -9

Good morning, friends! Let's start with the fact that my channel has received a blue checkmark, which is a label confirming the verification of the account and that this is my genuine account, not some anonymous unclear thing. And let's continue with the fact that there are already 38,000 of us. Thank you for reading, commenting, and sharing my posts. Let's stay in touch. And I will continue to inform you and talk about what I find interesting.

Our ambassador to Great Britain and former Minister of Foreign Affairs in Zelensky's government, Vadim Prystaiko, stated that Ukraine could refuse to join NATO. Similar statements by official individuals are extremely dangerous for Ukraine's foreign policy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already condemned such a statement. But I think that Markian Lubkivsky, who is a career diplomat, commented on it best.

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban, who is known for his inclination towards authoritarian rule, has for the first time hinted that his country might withdraw from the EU.

At the same time, about 80% of Hungary's residents support EU membership and are strongly opposed to leaving the European Union.

Orban told his supporters during his speech in Budapest that the European Union is waging a "sacred war, jihad" under the banner of the rule of law. At the same time, he demanded "tolerance" from the EU towards Hungary. Otherwise, it will be impossible to follow the common path, he said. "For them, the rule of law is a tool they use to make us like them," Orban said.

Official Brussels accuses Orban of persecuting the opposition, attacking freedom of speech, and violating EU standards. The education law has provoked such a reaction that a resolution was adopted by PACE on this situation, and now Hungary is under the threat of monitoring.

It should be noted that Orbán made such a statement under the influence of Putin and was charmed by his style of governance. By the way, I would like to remind you that it is Hungary that is blocking Ukraine's entry into the cyber center at NATO and continues to block the Ukraine-NATO Commission meeting. And as you may guess, this does not happen without Kremlin influence.

Sorry, but the concept has changed. ))

Journalists from CNN released a report in which experts say that "warm weather could hinder the Russian invasion," as the ground will not freeze and it will be more difficult to move equipment to Ukraine. However, journalists do not exclude the possibility of invasion by aviation, missiles, and long-range artillery. But they lean towards another date.

I would like to receive in advance a list of all the invasion dates. But who knows what's in the head of the Kremlin psychopath?

Spoke with our warriors at ground zero.

Birch! We have so many delicious things!!! And NLAW, and Javelin, and even what isn't written about in the press.

- And the number? Is it enough? Did you receive a lot?

A lot? No, not a lot, but a sh*t ton!

The morning started off well. And I like the mindset of our warriors.

Russians are vile creatures. And in order to end the war, they are ready to blow up the Crimean Bridge, which they themselves built. At least that's what


Mykhailo Makaruk, speaker of the InformNapalm community and speaker of DemSokyra on issues of information security ⬇️

Clearly, calmly, and logically about the situation from my beloved Estonia. I am proud that I was the head of the group of inter-parliamentary communication Ukraine-Estonia. True friends and allies.

Estonia does not plan to evacuate its embassy from Kyiv and does not withdraw military instructors from Ukraine amid concerns over Russia's new armed aggression.

As reported by the Estonian portal ERR, members of the government announced this after an emergency meeting on Monday, convened due to the situation around Ukraine.

According to the government's assessment, an unprecedented number of Russian troops around the Ukrainian border creates very high risks of military escalation, and although there is no direct threat to Estonia - it is worth preparing for possible collateral consequences in the field of cyber security, internal security, energy, and economy, as well as preparing for a possible flow of refugees.

"Estonia will support Ukraine and the people of Ukraine and will continue to provide assistance, even if Russian aggression escalates into a war," underlined Prime Minister Kaya Kallas.

Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets noted that Estonia, despite the tense situation, will not evacuate its embassy from Kyiv, but called on Estonians to consider the risks.

Deputies from "United Russia" introduced a draft appeal to Putin in the State Duma about recognizing the DPR and LPR. This increasingly resembles the story of hedgehogs crying, pricking, but continuing to eat cacti. And Russia is still capable only of destructive actions, not creative ones. Everything, as in the USSR.

Oh! Emperor met with serfs. The truth is, the table is longer and longer each time. Maybe it's easier on Zoom? ))

As of 12 o'clock on February 14, Ukraine has 23 missing Members of Parliament.

Source: interlocutors UP in law enforcement agencies

Details: Specifically, we are talking about such elected representatives:

Kiva Ilya (OPZZH), on January 30th went to Alicante (Spain);

Royal Natalia (OPZZH), February 9, flew to Riga (Latvia);

Levochkin Sergey (Opposition Platform - For Life), on February 10, flew to Venice (Italy).

Yulia Lvochkina (OPZZH), went to Nice (France) on January 26th;

Rabinovich Vadim (OPZZH), flew to Tel Aviv (Israel) on February 3;

Novinsky Vadim (non-factional), on February 10th went to Munich (Germany);

Ustinova Aleksandra ("The Voice"), on February 6th flew to Düsseldorf (Germany);

Abramovich Igor (OPZZ), flew to Warsaw (Poland) on February 12.

Alikseychuk Alexander ("Servant of the People"), flew to Doha (UAE) on February 5th.

Allakhverdieva Irina ("Servant of the People"), on February 4th flew to Dubai (UAE);

Plachkova Tatiana (OPZZH), flew to Vienna (Austria) on February 13;

Bort Vitaliy (Opposition Bloc party member), flew to Istanbul (Turkey) on February 3rd.

Puzanov Alexander (OPZZH), flew to Doha (Qatar) on February 13th;

Ivanisov Roman (non-factional), on February 11 flew to Paris (France);

Krivosheev Igor ("Servant of the people"), on February 4th went to Madrid (Spain);

Nagornyak Sergey ("Servant of the People"), flew to Zurich (Switzerland) on February 11th.

Pivovarov Evgeny ("Servant of the People"), on February 11 flew to Sharjah (UAE);

Yuri Solod (OPZZ), on February 9th, went to Riga (Latvia).

Shpenov Dmitry (non-factional), on February 12 flew to Geneva (Switzerland);

Vadim Stolar (OPZZH), February 12, went to Nice (France);

Yakovenko Evgeny (non-faction), on February 12 flew to Istanbul (Turkey).

Voloshyn Oleg (OPZZ), on February 14, left Ukraine by car across the border with Belarus.

Ukrainian airlines MAU and Bees Airlines have started moving aircraft abroad at the request of lessors. These airlines have received an official notification from insurers regarding the termination of aircraft insurance for flights over Ukraine and are complying with the terms specified in the contracts. This means that these airlines will not be flying in Ukrainian airspace for now.

But why is that? The Ministry of Infrastructure loudly promised that this wouldn't happen! So where are the praised guarantees of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers? They are valued at the level of trash guarantees. And this explains a lot. Unfortunately, it's a real problem because not only passenger transportation will be disrupted, but also transportation in general. There will also be problems with mail and package delivery. And that will also cause discomfort.

By the way, Happy Valentine's Day ❤️

This is of course very cute that the rapist Ivanisov, whom Zelensky brought to the Verkhovna Rada, flew to Paris. But we hope that at least there he won't rape anyone. Out of habit. But the fact that he flew away speaks not only about him running away, but also about working with Zelensky and


He managed to earn some money, which allows him to escape to Europe. And possibly for a long time. The "Great Theft" servants are doing fine.

While we discuss possible dates for a direct invasion and celebrate the level of armament of our army, Ukraine's problems do not disappear anywhere. And one of these problems is Danila Getmantsev and his economic policy, which carries destructive action for the entire business.

At the same time, Getmantsev himself is a person of authority with pro-Russian views. And not just one of the representatives of the authorities, but someone who deals with the most valuable thing in any modern civilized country - the economy.

And the fact that Getmantsev's tastes are clearly not pro-Ukrainian is very easy to see. It is enough to go to his Telegram channel and monitor him. On this channel, Getmantsev consistently praises and thanks Shariy, as well as recommends reading anti-Ukrainian channels of the same Shariy, Bondarenko, Lukash, Muraev, and others. Yes, he does this from his official deputy account. A wonderful position for a servant-"patriot" from the ruling party, isn't it?

Political views of Hetmancev are difficult to call pro-European or pro-Ukrainian. He actively criticized the language law and called those who defended the Ukrainian language "fascists". And then he even defended the scandalous boxer Usyk from "pseudo-patriots" who deservedly criticized him for his previously ambiguous position towards Russia and annexed Crimea. Moreover, Hetmancev constantly promotes anti-Western rhetoric. He, like the Office of the President, is always dissatisfied with international Western experts who cleanse our judicial branch of power and other institutions, who are represented in the NAB Councils.

The worst thing about this situation is that a person with a clearly anti-Ukrainian position is dealing with business development issues. And this is what makes Ukraine weaker and pleases the Kremlin. Economic destruction is the easiest way to completely destroy a country. And Hetmantsyev consistently stubbornly embodies this scheme in life. He lobbies for the gambling business, forgets to include rent for manganese ore in law 5600, because it will hit Kolomoisky, but consistently suppresses white business, both small and large, and increases taxes for Ukrainians. In general, if all this is analyzed, the question arises.


Which state do the Hetmans belong to after all, and why does this story smell so strongly of Zaporizhzhya?

Naturally, our intelligence agencies don't care about that, they need to hassle the business. It's good that we have the US - they have imposed sanctions against four Ukrainians who "work in the interests of Russia." Sivkovich turned out to be among those punished, for whom Hetmantsyev was an assistant for 8 years. And this is one of those cases when the apple named Hetmantsyev fell not far from the apple tree named Sivkovich. It's not surprising that now some sources say that this apple could also be hit, and the Americans may impose sanctions against Hetmantsyev. At least, these rumors persistently circulate. But I would like our intelligence services to still check this character. Because his work is clearly not in the interests of Ukraine.

We all understand perfectly well that a possible war between Russia and Ukraine will not be about territory, not about the population or natural resources! It will be a war for values, for Western democratic, liberal values that the Kremlin hates and that Ukraine embodies. Therefore, today either everyone who shares these values ​​must be together! Or, take off your white coats and stop lying that freedom and democracy mean something to you. (c) Sergey Garmash

Peskov stated that only Putin and Lukashenko will determine the timing of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Belarus.

Earlier he said that the troops will leave Belarus on February 20th.

On this week in Strasbourg will be held the next session of the European Parliament. It is planned to raise the Ukrainian issue there. For example, already today, February 14,


voting on the allocation of macro-financial assistance in the amount of 1.2 billion euros (it is planned to conduct them in two tranches). And on February 16, from the early morning, they will take place.


"The relations between the EU and Russia, European security, and the military threat to Ukraine. It is obvious that the topic of Ukraine will be, if not determining, then one of the main ones. And in connection with this, the European Parliament contacted the President's office through diplomatic channels with a proposal to visit Strasbourg and speak before the Members of the European Parliament."

Sources claim that Europeans received a very strange and puzzling response. "The Office, and therefore Zelensky, announced that he is ready to come to the European Parliament on the condition that the deputies vote for a resolution that will officially establish guarantees for Ukraine's entry into the European Union," said a source familiar with the course of the negotiations. To be precise, the Ukrainian side demanded in the correspondence that this resolution contain a "clear membership promise".

According to the available information, in private correspondence between interested parties and in the context of this sentence, the word "blackmail" was mentioned by Europeans. They tried to explain to Banks that such a decision is impossible not only to accept but even to discuss in such a tight timeframe. I would like to note that there was no official information about Vladimir Zelensky's visit to Strasbourg.

At the same time, it is known that he will participate in the Munich Security Conference, which will take place from February 18th to 20th. This will be his second appearance in Munich. About the first, of which I was a personal witness, I...


In 2020.

Our asthmatic joker has appointed a new holiday. Raise the flags, play the anthem, the day of unity. A little unity, they really fooled all of us so well over the past three years.

Awesome victory, I think: it depends on the person, but I instantly felt relieved.

After all, now you can continue making money on the roads, where debt intermediaries are already sitting. Then take electricity from Belarus, so that domestic generation dies. Then delight Uncle Koloma with fresh rents, so that they are lower for him, and for rivals - de-oligarchization.

Continue to fuck up the defense, that is, see the previous item. Continue to fuck up the banking sector, that is, see the penultimate item. Fuck it all.

"All 'further', because everything in the district has long been stolen. But wait, what am I talking about. We have a new holiday! Why not just be happy? You can't get angry, username, quickly get a firecracker and stick it in your ear, our president asked everyone to look very joyful! He himself is very joyful. It says in the memo."

What, don't you want to celebrate? No heart at all, right? You are all soulless stones. You don't like to celebrate, but a person tries for you.

You know, I remember many criminals. And politicians who become one of them. But for the first time, I see a fucking idiot who never became a politician - but loves holidays so much. There are so few of them, Vova! Come on, more, you want it.

Set a fuck day in the ass, let's congratulate Ermak. And Dominic Toretto's day, otherwise Trukhin got bored. To all "servants" for the holiday.

Every clown loves a holiday. This is for us, what we do not pray for.


To prevent Putin from attacking, we will immediately sing the national anthem.


Vova, if February 16th is a new holiday, then why did you forget to make this day a day off? Well, so that people could quietly go to the forest.

For Russia, this is unprecedented courage and unprecedented audacity, simultaneously. And the king in the Kremlin definitely won't like it. But thanks to those people in Russia who were not afraid to publicly oppose the war!

This is the same case when the best "Valentine" is sent to you by friends from Israel! ))

These scumbags don't even bother disguising themselves anymore, but rather talk about their possible invasion scenarios.

The Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, stated that Russia will not attack Ukraine if it is not provoked to do so. He added that Moscow has the right to protect Russian citizens who reside in Donbass.

This is reported by RBK-Ukraine with reference to Chizhov's interview to The Guardian.

"We will not invade Ukraine unless we are provoked. If Ukrainians attack Russia, don't be surprised if we respond," said Chizhov.

As another "provocation" that can provoke Russia's attack on Ukraine, the diplomat mentioned the killing of Russian citizens both in Donbass and in any other place. However, the permanent representative did not specify who and why would be "killing" them.

Another "provocation," which could lead to a Russian invasion, Chizhov called the staging of an incident against militants in the occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions (ORDLO).

"Having provoked them and then striking them with all their might, thereby forcing Russia to react in order to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe on its borders," clarified the Russian diplomat.

By recalling their instructors from Ukraine, the NATO countries (hopefully unintentionally) fulfilled one of the five points of the "rapid de-escalation" that Manka "Disinformation" Zaharova announced last week.

But I would not rule out that our partners have learned to say "ich tam net".

Good night, friends! ))