Feb 15, 2022 - Day -8

Good morning! Have a nice day! ))

Strong monologue. Expected. ))

The cynicism of power and Zelensky is best studied through the situation with Trukhin. The power, represented by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Monastyrsky, "covered up" Trukhin before and continues to "cover up" today, after the publication of a video in which a drunk Trukhin openly offers a patrol policeman 150,000 for the right to leave the scene of the accident quietly and go into the woods. And Monastyrsky carried out this task of Zelensky. And Trukhin today influences many processes in power, like a person who practically manages the budget committee. And nobody is bothered that this person committed a crime, lied to the media and society, and is also a member of President Zelensky's team.

Just don't say that now, before the threat of full-scale war, everyone doesn't care about Trukhin. I want to remind you that Yurchenko, who was given a suspicion of corruption by NABU on September 17, 2020, is sitting in the Verkhovna Rada and voting synchronously with the "Servant of the People". I suspect that he also receives an envelope synchronously with the whole faction. The government works with him and doesn't feel disgusted. And maybe someone has forgotten how the media lied and Bogdan Anal-tabu Yaremenko, when he tried to justify himself from the scandal? But


unfastidious. Therefore Yarmenko, upon the command from the Office of the President, votes together with Yurchenko for everything they are ordered to. Yes, they are servants. Loyal servants, but not of Ukraine, but of Zelensky. And maybe someone has forgotten that within the ranks of this


Did the rapist Ivanisov come to the VR? The Ukrainian parliament is probably the only one in the world where a rapist enacts laws and always votes as instructed by Zelensky. And someone forgot about another cute minion from Zelensky's entourage, Andriy Klochko? And he is no better than all the ones mentioned above. He simply helped his family put an end to the era of poverty. He became a deputy and his mother and sister began buying houses, apartments, land, and cars en masse. They bought around 20 million, but they can't explain where the money came from. Andriy claps his sunken eyes and says it's not him. NABU is already investigating them, and for

#слуг - #slave

He is absolutely unique and non-toxic. Because there are almost all like him. And if someone among them reeks of corruption, incompetence, lies, and stupidity, the rest do not notice it. After all, for them


This is a normal smell. And Zelensky himself doesn't notice this stench. Because there are no other aromas around him, and he is used to it. It is precisely because of all this that the servants react so calmly to the situation with Trukhin or Kuzmin. You can condemn what you disagree with.

And that is why we cannot let Zelensky and his group bury Trukhin's crime and stay silent. Because if he gets away with it, it will set an example for others. They will understand that they can drink, rape, steal, and that Zelensky will always cover for them. And then we will have the same situation as in Russia. Everything for their own and the law for everyone else. But that is not our path. The law must be the same for everyone. Like in Europe. And if we want to become a civilized European country, we must follow the path of the rule of law, not the circular protection. That is why Trukhin must be held accountable by the law. And I don't care that Zelensky and Monastyrsky are defending him. A thief must be imprisoned. That is an axiom!

Red, yellow, green - with such badges will vote those deputies who are supposedly sick with COVID.

On February 15, the Verkhovna Rada plans to hold a vote on the initiative to allow MPs who are on sick leave due to the coronavirus to vote remotely using different colored cards (those without cards may use colored pepper) through video communication.

You definitely didn't imagine it. And it's not fake!!!

Just yesterday, on one of the talk shows, deputies reported that the software on their tablets had been reinstalled and they had overcome the option of electronic voting.

So all possible and impossible barriers are being broken down for monopolizing the ability to make decisions of obligatory nature for everyone. I translate it as creeping usurpation of power.

⚠️ - Warning

Mosiyčuk is the future president of Ukraine. The law on oligarchs is okay.


Private Bank will return to the clutches of the oligarch.

I apologize, but you have not provided any specific text or word to be translated. Please provide the text or word you want to be translated into English, and I will be happy to assist you.

Kolomoisky gave an interview.

UP. There is a lot of interesting things. We have collected everything in one post. ⬇️

Kolomoisky about relations with Zelensky:

I like him, everything suits me in principle. I can't say that I'm 100% happy, but I see very big positive changes. Moreover, specific ones that you feel every second.

About "Great Construction":

Here I am, going to the airport now. It takes me less time than before. Previously, it would take me 40 minutes, now I arrive in 25."

About kickbacks in the program "Great Construction":

- Some parts of society believe that the government thrives off these roads.

- What does this mean?

- What do they earn on the roads. Salaries in envelopes - this whole story is supported by road construction, among other things.

- This is all a lie.

About Trukhin:

Of course, I know him. I was at his wedding. He was a nice guy.

About the law on oligarchs:

Did you discuss the law on oligarchs with your lawyers?

- Discussed. Not because I'm in trouble, they said it's actually a positive story for me.

About the law on oligarchs-2:

Am I correct in understanding that you support the law on oligarchs?

- As the lawyers explained to me, this is advantageous for me, it suits me. This is a good law. If they don't put you in jail here, then you are fully legalized in the West.

About future politicians:

Give me an answer: do you believe that someone new will appear?

- I don't believe it. I don't see it yet. I think, maybe among you journalists.

- Who, for example?

- Mosiychuk can go.

About Dubinsky:

I am still communicating with him. Look, until May we can communicate, further on the troubles begin - the law about the oligarchs, we need to write a declaration.

About Arachamia:

We get along well with him. But that's all until May. Then I think there will be scorched earth around this office.

About the "anti-Kolomoisky law":

"Anti-Kolomoysky" law - this is a fundamental thing, it's a big process. This is part of what is related to Privatbank. Therefore - completely unconstitutional nonsense and the like.

About PrivatBank:

I don't count on it, I'm just sure that we'll get it back. If everything is fair and honest - then we should get it back.

Interview in full

I cannot determine what drugs can cause such nonsense. Or maybe Pushilin is just an idiot? Such a grand idiot is capable of being in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication, voicing everything that the Kremlin curators tell him. I can still believe in that. But it's funny.

The British edition "Financial Times", referring to an unnamed representative of Western intelligence, reported that the Kremlin is considering Oleg Tsarev as a potential leader of the puppet government of Ukraine in the event of a successful invasion.

So, stop! But what about Muraev? No, wait. The British have already written before that this very leader of the puppet regime would be Muraev. And now he won't be? That's not fair. We were already prepared, and now such a disappointment. It turns out that there's a replacement in the Kremlin's team. Instead of Yevgeny Muraev, Oleg Tsarev steps forward as a leader. Really? But Tsarev is currently boozing and running some sanatorium in annexed Crimea. And someone will believe that Tsarev is giving up such a luxurious position and the opportunity to continue indulging in the role of the head of the virtual leader of the puppet regime? What? Volyn massacre? No, I don't believe it. But I do believe that someone in Britain is leaking disinformation. And everything else is very amusing.

Sorry, but this is hilarious! It is said that the leadership of Ukraine was updated on the stand at the National Police. And all would be fine, but they used a photo of Zelensky from the series "Servant of the People". Or rather, a photo of President Goloborodko. Although, maybe they are filming a new season? But honestly, I consider such actions logical. After all, we really have a comedian playing the president. So Goloborodko looks harmonious on the stand.

In case of armed intervention by Russia in their hometown or village, the majority of Ukrainians are ready to resist in one way or another. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted in February 2022 by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology.

"Since December 2021, despite the continuing aggressive escalation by Russia, Ukraine's readiness to resist is growing: from 33.3% to 37.3%, the readiness to provide armed resistance has increased. Furthermore, from 21.7% to 25%, the readiness to resist through participation in acts of civil resistance has grown. Overall, 57.5% of Ukrainians are ready to resist in one way or another, compared to 50.2% in December," the report states, as disclosed on Tuesday.

12.4% of respondents plan to leave for a safer region, 7.5% plan to leave the country, 17.9% would not do anything. Another 7.6% have not yet decided on an answer, and 1.2% refused to answer the question.

In the regional context, the readiness to resist varies from 72.2% in western Ukraine to 30.5% in the east. The readiness to engage in armed resistance ranges from 44.8% in the west to 17.8% in the east. In the west and the center, the readiness to resist has increased. In the south, compared to December, the difference is within the margin of error, but there is a tendency towards some increase in readiness to resist. In the east, on the contrary, the difference is also within the margin of error compared to December, but there is a tendency towards lower readiness to resist.

The survey was conducted from 5 to 13 February using computer-assisted telephone interviews.

Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky said that clothing from the case involving the car accident with the Yaroslavskiy motorcade has disappeared. Tangible evidence has gone missing.

Damn, this series will never end. But now it's already a tragicomedy. I wonder, did anything disappear from Trukhin's case? Or maybe the forest where the drunk deputy from "Servants of the People" planned to quietly retreat has already disappeared?

Well, what can I say? Call Sergiy Leshchenko. If he can't come up with an excuse for Pasha, then no one else can. And he's talented! Because he was able to come up with an excuse even for his wife going to Moscow to work in a nightclub. So he'll make up something for Alina Pasha too. Because it might happen that she'll need to collaborate with Leshchenko's wife in Moscow in the future. So both Pasha, Sergiy, and Pasha. No worse than Zelensky. ))

This is Oreyro! ))

💢Zakharova fired a public salvo at the United States and the West as a whole for their policy of exaggeration and excessive alarmism.

But the truth is that the disclosure of Russian plans and the strict measures of the West allowed us to avoid greater calamity in the form of a large-scale war.

Although it is not worth relaxing: Russia will continue to destabilize Ukraine in other ways.

Mom's linguist spoke up. ))

Valeriy Zaluzhny, please check the surroundings at the headquarters, because the enemy leaked a secret map with the plan of the nearest operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I can already see Zaperebryk burning.))

Hackers attack the websites of Ukrainian government agencies. All of them have been subjected to a massive DDoS attack. Hackers managed to "take down" the website of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Clients of state-owned PrivatBank and Oschadbank report disruptions in the operation of services, in particular, Privat24 and Oschad 24/7. Users of Oschadbank complain on social media that ATMs and terminals are not working, and they cannot withdraw or deposit money from their cards.

And how can one not recall now the quote from one of Zelensky's team members? Is cybersecurity still not important?

In connection with today's statement by the Russian parliament regarding the recognition of the so-called "LPR" and "DPR", the delegation of Ukraine in the Trilateral Contact Group has addressed the Special Representative of the Acting Head of the OSCE in Ukraine, the representative of the OSCE in the TCG, with an initiative to urgently convene extraordinary consultations of the TCG to obtain official information from the delegation of the Russian Federation regarding their position and planned future steps, taking into account the decision of the legislative body of the Russian Federation.

Damn, to tears! Deputy of the State Duma Kazbek Taisaev is convinced that Russians are willing to give up "not only the 13th salary" for the recognition of the fake LPR and DPR. Yes, he won't pay for it. On the contrary, he will make money for himself from the budget. And ordinary Russians will pay for everything. Out of their own pockets. Oreyro! )))

"Servant of the People", Turkmen version. Called "Democratic Turkmengbashi".

Biden addressed the American nation on the situation surrounding Ukraine and RF.

The main theses are as follows:

• The USA is ready for diplomacy.

• The threat of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia remains

The United States does not record the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Ukrainian border.

• if Russia attacks Ukraine, the US and the world will respond strongly.

• In case of invasion, there will be huge losses for Ukraine and losses for Russia - isolation.

The USA will impose sanctions against key financial institutions of Russia in the event of an attack on Ukraine, the Nord Stream-2 pipeline will not be completed.

The USA will defend freedom. "We are ready to pay any price"

• We will not send American soldiers to fight in Ukraine

• The USA has no plans to deploy missile weapons in Ukraine, citizens of Russia are not enemies of the USA.

• If the attack affects Americans, the US will react.

The USA will defend countries that are part of NATO.