Mar 14, 2024 - Day 750

750 days of active phase of a 10-year war. We will still pass this test. And we will not be ashamed of the result. Everyone here?

Great news!



🤬At night, Russians attacked Ukraine, using 36 Shahed type drones. Air defence forces managed to destroy 22 attack drones., - General Staff.

In Sumy region, as a result of the attacks, there are hits on civilian infrastructure in four cities: in Sumy, Shostka, Trostianets, and Bilopillia.

Emergency rescue services are working at the scene. The consequences of the strikes are being clarified.



The morning was good for the residents of Belgorod region. Locals complain about drone attacks.

As a result of the first explosion in the village of Prokhorovka, the roof of a private house ignited, Governor Gladkov of the Belgorod region said.

The second drone, says a Russian official, detonated near the same building, damaging a neighboring private residential building with a shock wave. No casualties reported.



🚨Air alarm is spreading across Ukraine!

Fucking ruskies! Well, nothing has changed.



🕯In the morning at 9:00 silence commemorates the memory of those killed in the cruel war of Russia against Ukraine.



Today in Kryvyi RihDay of mourning.

After those who were killed by the Russians, attacking him the day before. 5 lives were cut short.



😔On March 13, Russians wounded 2 residents of Donetsk: in Maksymivka and Chasove Yar.

The total number of Russian victims in Donbas is given without taking into account Mariupol and Volnovakha.



😡The enemy shelled Kherson and other populated areas of the region yesterday, - OWA.

Russian military targeted residential areas of settlements in the region, resulting in damage to 8 multi-storey buildings, 3 private houses, an economic structure, a gas pipeline, the territory of a plant, a motor transport enterprise, buses and cars.

Fortunately, there are no casualties for this day.

Congratulations to all the combat brothers and sisters who were the first to defend Ukraine and today celebrate the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer. I congratulate you on this holiday, thank you for your heroic actions that stopped the Russian onslaught and local collaborators in 2014 and 2022. Let us honor the names of the Heroes today and remember them by name. All those who have gone through the war initiated by Putin or are defending the country from occupiers today, those who have returned home or have given their lives for the right to live in Ukraine, which is not controlled by the Kremlin. Let us acknowledge the great and invaluable help of Ukrainian volunteers, who from the first days of the war helped everywhere with ammunition, clothing, medicines, food, and everything else. Thank you all for everything you have done to protect Ukraine! You are the true new Heroes of Ukraine. Sincere thanks! Glory to the Heroes of Ukraine!

Art (c) Andriy Yermolenko



🔥Something is burning at the airport of Russian Sochi.

The local authorities have already reported that the fire is planned. Supposedly there are trainings taking place at the airport.

At the same time, the Russians online suggested that a plane could have caught fire at the airport.



Captain Petro Kovalyuk, callsign Yavir, died on January 11, 2023 near the village of Nevske in Luhansk region.

In battle with the occupiers, he received fatal injuries as a result of enemy tank shelling. The officer was 40 years old.

Petro was born in the city of Vyzhnytsia in the Chernivtsi region. He lived in the village of Chereshenka. He graduated from Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. He taught history and Defense of Ukraine at Vyzhnytsia Support Lyceum. He was a creative, experienced educator, skillful organizer. Honored Teacher of Ukraine. By his own example, he showed students true love for Ukraine and its democratic principles.

Forever on duty!

The United States plans to open in Australia the first foreign plant for the production of guided long-range missiles GMLRS for reactive Multiple Launch Rocket System HIMARS. Ammunition will be directed for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine., — Wall Street Journal.Translation: , — Wall Street Journal.

The publication indicates that Lockheed plans to hire six Australian engineers to prepare and launch production. The decision is made as the US defense industry cannot meet demand and quickly replenish missile supplies.

Rapid consumption of ammunition in Ukraine and the Middle East - from missiles to artillery shells - has complicated the ability of the US industrial base to meet demand and replenish depleted stocks. The Biden administration is looking to develop multiple production lines in allied countries for critical weapons, although this is not easy, writes WSJ.

Australian officials note that they plan to test the first batch of 12 GMLRS rockets by the end of 2025, and by 2030 the country expects to produce thousands of munitions annually. Obstacles to implementing the plan could be a shortage of personnel, transportation difficulties, and a deficit of necessary components for production.

GMLRS missiles are made by the American company Lockheed Martin. They are equipped with a satellite guidance system and can hit targets up to 80 km away.



📰 In two days, Ukrainian drones attacked Russian oil refineries, leading to damage to 12% of Russia's oil processing capacity.

— Bloomberg

On Wednesday, a strike by a Ukrainian UAV caused a fire at one of the largest oil refineries in Russia - PJSC Rosneft in Ryazan near Moscow. In the south of the Rostov region, a drone attack also shut down the smaller Novoshakhtinsky refinery. These incidents added to the previous damage suffered by the Lukoil plant PJSC Norsi on Tuesday.

The Ryazan oil refinery is located approximately 200 kilometres from the Russian capital and supplies Russia with 17.1 million tons of oil products per year. This is about 340,000 barrels per day. Bloomberg adds that the plant is the main supplier of motor fuel for the capital regions of Russia.

Novoshakhtinsk oil refinery stopped its operation, which was reported by the Governor of the Rostov Region.

The capacity of the oil refinery is 5.6 million tons per year, or approximately 112 thousand barrels per day.

The news agency emphasizes that these three objects affected by Ukrainian drones represent approximately 12% of Russia's oil refining capacity.



😈Meanwhile, it's not quiet in Belgorod. An air alarm sounds in the city.



General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has released approximate losses of Russian occupiers for the past day.

On March 12, Russian volunteers crossed the Russian border and began an operation to liberate Russia. What is the purpose of these formations? Are they currently staying in RF territory? Is it possible to join the Legion "Freedom of Russia" for Russians? Will there be raids deep into RF? Military personnel from the Legion "Freedom of Russia" Alexey Baranovsky answered the questions in an interview with Borislav Bereza



Ukrainian Volunteer Day.

The event was created by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on January 17, 2017. The date was chosen not by chance. On this day in 2014, the first volunteers from Maidan arrived in Novo-Petrivka to undergo military training.

The phenomenon of Ukrainian volunteers will forever remain an example of patriotism, high level of national consciousness and motivation, indomitability of the Ukrainian spirit.

Every day, thanks to the incredible efforts of volunteers, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and other defense forces, Ukrainian Victory is forged.



👺Three people were reported injured due to shelling in Belgorod,— Roszmi



😡 Russians have struck radio engineering objects in the Sumy region with missile and aviation strikes.OVA.

Part of the region's territory temporarily cannot receive Ukrainian television and radio signals. There may also be disruptions in mobile communication.



😂Video of the consequences after landings in the center of Belgorod.

On Volunteer Day, I have several questions without addressees.

Why delay the law on mobilization? And thus do not provide a clear coordinate system for those who have been fighting from day one.

2. Why is the focus of the mobilization law not on those who have already gone to serve, but on those who have not yet gone?

3. What is the situation with payments to the deceased?

4. Why is a split created on property principle? I am talking about the law on mobilization. Ignoring justice will lead to social unrest. And these are banal sociological laws, not a threat.

5. Why do business representatives still complain about pressure from authorities regarding receiving bribes? Agree, it's strange: first ask business to close the gaps of the state and help departments, and then come to them with inspections.

6. Is the preparation for the integration of the Armed Forces of Ukraine into the NATO system underway? In particular, are young officers receiving full military education (not just tactical courses) in Western universities? Remember, a full course is 4-5 years.

7. Why can't the people responsible for the strategic narrative explain the basics: who are the authorities for society, what society are we building.

Volunteers and volunteers helped the state in difficult times. And gave the opportunity for those who hold official positions to fix problems. And including taking into account the interests of volunteers.

In the photo: summer 2022. Kyiv residents in Donbass. Most in the photo are volunteers. Unfortunately, some are already permanently on duty. (c) Petro Okhotin, volunteer, military serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine



🚧 The situation with the border blockade with Ukraine will be resolved within a few weeks, - head of the committee on foreign affairs of the Sejm of Poland Pavel Koval.

He noted that farmers' protests are taking place throughout Europe.

I don't understand why everyone associates them with Ukraine. They are not primarily related to Ukraine or any Ukrainian issues, - he said.Let's note that Polish protesters are against European agricultural policy, as well as for banning the import of agricultural products from Ukraine.



👻Russians write that battle sounds can be heard in the area of the village of Tyotkino in the Kursk region and in the area of the city of Grayvoron in the Belgorod region.



🌊Explosion at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station: water partially returned to the reservoir.



⛓️ The Security Service of Ukraine detained a Russian agent who wanted to blow up a railway in Kharkiv region.

The culprit turned out to be a local resident who worked at the main headquarters of the armed forces of Russia (known as GRU).

According to available data, he planned to use a homemade explosive device to commit a series of explosions. The instructions for its production at home, the defendant received remotely from the RF military intelligence.

In case of sabotage, the occupiers hoped to disrupt the logistics of supplying fuel and ammunition to the Defense Forces in the direction of Lyman.

He faces imprisonment.



🚨An air alarm has been declared in Kyiv and other regions.



From morning the enemy is firing at Nikopol. Five people are already injured in the city.- Head of the PPA Lisak.

Among them is a 7-year-old boy. Will be treated on an outpatient basis.

At home will be a 43-year-old man and two 74-year-old women. One injured 73-year-old is hospitalized. Her condition is of moderate severity.

Several high-rises and city infrastructure were damaged.



We are ready to provide excavators for the needs of our Defense Forces.

To further build the line of defense. Our team initiated this project last year. We do not expect the resolution of bureaucratic red tape.

From the Ukrainian manufacturer, we purchased 5 new cool excavators that will work for a long time and reliably. Another 15 - were found and bought inside the country and abroad. We have done quality service, inspection, and repair.

Currently, 1,000,000 dollars have been spent on this project. Half of this is our funds with Marina, the rest is from the NGO "Community Affairs".

I appeal to the Support Forces: 20 units of equipment are already ready to build the defensive line! Let's divide the front line - and we will provide fortification production. This is not only earthmoving equipment, but also giant Fodens that will transport reinforced concrete structures.

Fortifications are meant to protect the lives of Ukrainian soldiers - there is nothing more important. It is in our power!

Counting here on the leadership of the Armed Forces, on the Commander-in-Chief, on the leadership of the General Staff, on the commander of the Support Forces, on the commander of the engineering support forces.

Together we will win!


Very powerful art by Nikita Titov.



❕Russian volunteers demand evacuation of civilians from Kursk and Belgorod regions.

RDU, Legion Freedom of Russia and Siberian battalion call on the governors of Kursk and Belgorod regions to declare evacuation of the civilian population from the entire territory of these regions.

Volunteers warn that civilian casualties due to fighting will be on the conscience of the governors.

They demand not to obstruct the evacuation and continue the operation to liberate the areas until all goals are achieved.



🗣️In the Kremlin already know the results of the vote, Russians in the occupied territories have already started early elections for Putin, - representative of the Main Intelligence Department Vadim Skibitsky.

"The Russian dictator Putin instructed his henchmen and local collaborators in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to “draw” a voter turnout of 75% and the same percentage of his support," he said.

According to Skibitsky's words, it is very likely that the servants, in order to please their master, can "paint" 85% and above.

"These figures are meaningful exclusively for Putin and Russian propaganda, in order to try to show his support both in Russia and in the occupied territories. But it is obvious that these elections are another farce, the results of which are already known in the Kremlin," added the spokesperson for the GUR.



Destroyed a complex of muro-m and a truck of occupiers - works a special unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate Kabul 9.


In the video - the results of one day of work of the special unit: scouts found and burned 2 trucks and an SUV of Russian invaders, as well as an enemy video surveillance complex m.



Another fire in Russia.

This time the relay was taken by Tver. The new building is burning nicely.

Today there will not be a lot of news due to constant meetings and a couple of interviews for Western media. Sorry. I will make it up a bit later.



😭More than 1790 children have been affected in Ukraine as a result of full-scale armed aggression by the Russian Federation.

As of March 14, 2024, according to official information from juvenile prosecutors

💔535 children perished

❤️‍🩹1255 received injuries of varying degrees of severity.

These figures are not final. Work is underway to install them in areas of hostilities, temporarily occupied and liberated territories.



📞 Ukrainian intelligence publishes another intercepted conversations of Russians.

Wife / girlfriend of the occupant discusses by phone the situation with the evacuation of the civilian population of certain regions of the Belgorod region.



🇩🇪 The Bundestag has once again rejected the delivery of Taurus air-to-surface missiles to Ukraine.— Mirror.

In a roll-call vote, 190 MPs supported the proposal out of 690 votes, 495 voted against, and 5 abstained.

The deputy group of the Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union includes 197 deputies.

Although there are supporters of supplying Taurus missiles in the "traffic light" parties (Social Democratic Party of Germany, Free Democratic Party of Germany, Greens), the coalition supported Chancellor Olaf Scholz's line, who clearly rejected the delivery several times. Only on Wednesday, he confirmed his position at a parliamentary hearing.

In November of last year, the Union had already submitted a proposal to the parliament for the supply of winged missiles to Ukraine. In January and February, the request was rejected by a "traffic light" majority.

Last week I was lucky to talk to a professor. We discussed some potential scenarios for the future of Ukraine. Our views coincided by 90 percent. We disagreed on small points and options that do not affect common processes. At the end of the conversation, I asked the respected interlocutors why the majority of our compatriots do not want to see and understand these scenarios?

The majority of the population of Ukraine has more or less the skills to analyze information. The quality of analysis is a separate issue. However, people may not like the conclusions, and then they don't want to believe them. This is an infantile attempt to hide from reality and problems. But what is much worse is that today among the political elite there are few who are ready not only to see the problems and understand all the challenges of today, but also know how to resist them, - replied one of them. Maybe a little different, but that's how I remembered it.

Why did I remember this? Because everything happened again as I said. When in May-April 2022 I PUBLICLY warned that a refugee return program needed to be implemented during and after the war, that this issue needed to be addressed, that Europe is interested in Ukrainians to solve their demographic issues and shortages of workers and intelligent heads, I was told that everyone will return and the EU will forcibly send everyone back to Ukraine. Not only were my warnings ignored by the authorities, but also proposals to solve this issue.

The latest polls show that only 30 percent are ready to return, and men will leave as soon as they are demobilized and the borders are opened. And now even EU countries have openly said that they are interested in Ukrainians and will not forcibly deport anyone. What can we say? Bravo to Zelensky, Yermak, and other Arakhamiys, who ignored everything I and other experts said and understood what would happen. Read what the Polish ambassador to Ukraine, Yaroslav Guzi, emphasized.

Ukrainians are very important from the point of view of the Polish labor market, emphasized the Ambassador of Poland in Ukraine, Yaroslav Guzy, in an interview with DW.

Responding to questions about Poland's plans to help Ukrainian refugees return to Ukraine, Guzy answered: Poland will remain absolutely neutral on this issue. That is, it will neither encourage nor hinder. This is a decision for Ukrainian citizens residing in Poland. Whether they will decide to return or not.

At the same time, the diplomat noted that Poland is interested in Ukrainians, who are very important from the point of view of the Polish labor market. I mean the labor shortage. I can imagine a situation where an employer, for example, who employs Ukrainians, convinces them to stay because it will be difficult for him to find a replacement for them. But these are not the things that the Polish authorities will somehow react to," added Guzi.

The Ambassador also noted that currently the Polish government is deciding how to regulate the issue of long-term stay of Ukrainians in Poland. Special protection and the right to benefits for refugees in this country will be valid until the end of June of this year, while the European Union Council has extended them until March 2025.

Poland is not a country that provides strong social security to its citizens, that is, it is not a place where you can comfortably live on benefits and so on. Therefore, some people, for understandable reasons, decide to move from Poland to Germany, for example, to a more generous country in this regard. However, I am convinced that we are dealing with a temporary solution, while the Polish government is thinking about how to regulate this in the long term perspective, - the ambassador noted.



⚖️The court partially granted the prosecutor's motion and left Roman Hrynkevych in custody as a preventive measure until April 17.- Public.

At the same time, the size of the bail was reduced to 469 million hryvnias.

He is one of the five suspects, like his father, in the case of supplying clothing to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.



Undoubtedly, today it is important to assess the pre-election and election farce taking place in the territory of Russia and, without a doubt, these pseudo-elections contribute to legitimizing Putin.

But parliament exists not only for statements. Parliament has its legislative, oversight, and diplomatic functions.

This morning, a message from the Institute for the Study of War, an authoritative international organization, was published. It warns of the risks of a possible breakthrough by the Russians against the backdrop of a shortage of ammunition and unpreparedness of fortifications.

So, the issue of fortifications for us is a matter of life and death. For several months, the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada has not put to a vote the creation of a Commission on fortifications and minefields. All factions in parliament, except for the majority, have appointed their representatives to the commission.

It reminds me of the situation 4-5 months before the full-scale invasion, when they did not put changes to the budget to strengthen the financing of the Armed Forces up for a vote with the same smiles.

While Ukraine waits for ammunition - we ourselves bought and transferred to the Armed Forces yesterday 2000 FPV drones, as well as more than 20 excavators, bulldozers, several Fodens in order to build fortifications.

Find the strength in yourself to at least vote for the creation of the TSC. Put the church law to a vote. Put the vote on protecting the business climate. Put the draft mobilization law to a vote with our amendments, when the security forces should go to the front instead of pressing on business.




The organizer of an illegal tour to Moldova tried to bribe a border guard., - State Border Guard Service.

In Odessa, border guards together with the National Police detained a man who promised to ensure the client's entry into Moldova for $1500. He planned to keep $500 for himself and spend $1000 on "resolving the issue" with border guards. He decided to transfer the money in an abandoned farm, where he was caught red-handed.

The suspect has been charged and remanded in custody. An administrative protocol has been drawn up against the offender. The case has been referred to court.

Questions about negotiations with Russia. Does the government warm up society? Are negotiations planned in Istanbul? What scenarios do we have? What to consider a victory? External enemies. Russia uses all possible means of influence. Orbán - is he a Russian agent? What operations is Russia conducting in Europe? Answered by Ukrainian politician and statesman and military man, former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko in a conversation with Boris Berezа.



❗️ The SBU has started a rotation on the Zaporizhzhia direction, - Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi.



Russian propaganda claims that air defense system allegedly skillfully shoots down Ukrainian drones.

But why then is this happening in Russia as shown in the video?

More videos on our TikTok👇



💬The Pope walked into a garden where no one called him- Borrel

So the head of Eurodiplomacy responded to the pontiff's call for negotiations with Russia under a white flag.

I believe that now is not the time to call on Ukraine to surrender, but, on the contrary, it is time to continue helping.

This is a visualization of a simulation of a nuclear strike on Russia in response to Putin's use of nuclear weapons.

Taking into account the interception of some missiles, the expected number of victims on the territory of the Russian Federation equals 130 million Russians. In the first strike, 50 million will die, and within the following month approximately another 80 million will die from radiation sickness. These are normal prospects for Russia.

The Spartans were tough, but Athens lost in the 27-year Peloponnesian War not to Sparta, but to themselves. Historian Josiah Ober calls this the Alcibiades syndrome. He was a good demagogue, leader, star, and beauty. But he had one significant flaw - he was selfish, and the Athenians were only interesting to him as voters. This led him to many misguided decisions and ultimately to treason. Even worse, almost the entire Athenian demos fell ill with this syndrome, starting to look for a scapegoat for their betrayal in the form of unjustified illusions. (c)Boris Tseytlin



❗️The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has announced the introduction of a new algorithm for recruiting into the Armed Forces.

The created rules are designed to replace outdated approaches - into a clear mechanism of voluntary enrolment in military service through recruiting centers and online.

▪️German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall has announced plans to open at least four factories in Ukraine, writes The Guardian.

"Ukraine is now an important partner for us, and we see the potential of two to three billion euros per year," said Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger.

This year the company plans to achieve a record sales volume of 10 billion euros.

This is the plan for the next 2 years, but it's a very promising plan.

Today, on Thursday, March 14, at 7:00 pm, I will be doing a live broadcast with the People's Deputy Volodymyr Aryev.

Defensive structures that authorities happily reported on and checked by deputies. Is everything as they tell us? What conclusions can be drawn?

Inactivity of the Verkhovna Rada. Why do deputies not work and cancel meetings one after another? Why does the government lack votes for the mobilization law? Can this situation be fixed?

Raid of Russian volunteer formations on the territory of the Russian Federation. How can this end? Will this affect the elections in the Russian Federation?

Statement by Stefanchuk on the possibility of buying out of mobilization. Can the authorities allow such social injustice? What do these statements mean? What could this lead to?

Ambassador of Poland in Ukraine Yaroslav Huzi said that Ukrainians are very important from the perspective of the Polish labor market. He also emphasized that Poland will not influence Ukrainian citizens on the issue of returning home or not. How do we solve the issue of refugees and returning them to Ukraine? Will the authorities do anything?



The Legion of Freedom of Russia has called for the urgent evacuation of residents of border areas of the Kursk and Belgorod regions of the Russian Federation.

They explain such a call by conducting a limited military operation.

Grayvoron, what's up there? Belgorod region, everything alright? Do you like Putin's stability? Was it like this before 24.02.22?



Ukraine ranked 130-132 in the Economic Freedom Index-2024.Fund "Heritage"(Heritage Foundation) (Heritage Foundation)опублікував - published30th anniversaryreportabout the state of economic freedom in the world "Index of Economic Freedom 2024"This is the result of observing the economies of ~170 countries around the world over 30 years.

On a scale from 0 to 100 (max. freedom), those with 80 points or more are considered free.

"Free"- This is Singapore, Switzerland, Ireland and Taiwan. Last year there were seven countries in this group.

• In the groupmostly freeonly 22 countries (70-79.9 points);

• There are 55 countries"moderately free"(60 - 69.9 points);

• 95 countries (over 50%) have an economic freedom level below 60 points. Of these, 62 countries are consideredmainly involuntary(50-59.9 points)) and 33 countries -"репресованими" translates to "repressed" .

So,Ukraine with a score of 52 points on the freedom max scale is PREDOMINANTLY UNFREE



🤝Sweden will allocate 30 million euros for the Czech initiative to purchase ammunition for Ukraine, - Defense Minister Jonsson.

Funding will be provided within the framework of the 15th aid package to Ukraine, which is currently under consideration by parliament and will require separate approval.



💬Russia has deployed almost all of its ground forces in Ukraine, - NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg

According to his words, that is why NATO member countries currently do not have a military threat from the Russian Federation.

I want to thank the 53rd OMB and Oksana Chorna for this calendar and for defending Ukraine. Thank you for protecting Ukraine and standing up to the enemy! And the calendar itself is a work of art! Thank you!



🤝Bulgaria sent Ukraine the first 30 wagons with armored personnel carriers. In total, there are 100 units of equipment in this batch.

As Defense Minister Todor Tagarov explained, the delay in supply is due to logistical difficulties.

The total cost of the military aid package exceeded over 94 thousand dollars.

Important survey from Rating.

The importance of it is not only in the fact that we need to prepare for the return of boys and girls from the war, who never thought they would become veterans. But in the fact that it is already happening. This research is not about tomorrow, but about today.

Among the risks faced by veterans of the Russian-Ukrainian war after returning from service, the top places are occupied by psycho-emotional instability, physical health problems, difficulties in obtaining medical assistance, lack of inclusive space and adapted workplace for disabled persons, as well as problems with obtaining social benefits. Respondents also consider problems of conflicts in the family, homeland, unemployment, lack of understanding from society, mismatch of military experience for civilian life, and abuse of alcohol or drugs to be quite probable. About half of the respondents mentioned the risk of suicide among veterans. About a third of the respondents mentioned the risks of breaking laws and participating in criminal activities. At the same time, compared to the survey in September 2023, the number of those who see the risks of all the above-mentioned problems has increased. The presence of these problems is most keenly felt by the families of veterans who have fought since 2014 and are currently fighting.



Residents of the border areas of the Kursk and Belgorod regions are listening to the call of Russia's Freedom 😈

Interesting information about countries where the predominantly population is not infantile and are not ruled by populists. And they don't have servants of the people. Whoever builds something - that's what they have.



We have gathered for you the most important things you may have missed on March 14th:

🔹 The AFU started rotation.and the replacement of units on the Zaporizhzhia direction.

🔹 In Sumy through the Russian attack on March 14 and 15days of mourning were declared.

🔹Three EU countriesblocked the purchase of ammunitionon the account of frozen assets of the Russian Federation.

🔹 President of France Emmanuel Macron stated in a closed circle thatsend military to Odessa.

🔹Energeticsturned the line to work, which powers the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

🔹Registration has started in Ukraine forNational multi-subject test.

Macron is good. But I advise you not to fall in love and not to rush to conclusions. You'll understand why in a little while. And trust the interpretation of his statements in anonymous TG channels less.



‼️Friends, attention‼️

A request has been received from military personnel of the field communication hub 41 OSB military unit A4066 who defend our country on the front line.

They now need additional equipment to support continuous communication among themselves, namely:

- Batteries for Motorola radios - 50 pcs.

Communication is the nerve of the army!

🎯Goal 100,000 UAH

Help save the lives of those who bravely fight for Ukraine and our future. Make your contribution to Victory, support the Ukrainian Armed Forces with donations.

Glory to Ukraine!🇺🇦

🔗 link to the bank

💳 Bank card number

5355 2802 1243 3328 Translated: 5355 2802 1243 3328

USDT( TRC20) -> USDT( TRC20)


Account details MBF Let's unite

Code: 45046691

Recipient's account: UA943220010000026002910000825

Bank name: PJSC Universal Bank

Purpose of payment: Charity donation

Collection from the Charitable Foundation Let's Unite. Reporting:

Happy holidays to all involved once again! ))

The result of the war between Russia and Ukraine will be decided in the spring and summer, - Borrell.

"Ukraine cannot wait for the results of the presidential elections in the USA in November."

Interesting. I agree that there is a high probability that many things can happen by the end of spring. It is already clear to many. Let's see what the outcome will be.



Today I had the opportunity to thank the workers of our defense complex - people who have dedicated their lives to Ukrainian strength. Who make our weapons that manifest themselves on the front, at sea, in air strikes on the Russian system of war. Thank you for Ukrainian shells, guns, drones, for our rockets, for our EW systems - for everything that helps our soldiers to fight and saves the lives of Ukraine and Ukrainians.

There will be even more of our weapons, ammunition, our drones, our electronic warfare systems. Today I met with employees of one of such defense enterprises. Officially we don't talk about that. Now, during the war, we cannot openly show everything that we can actually do. After the war, of course, we will express our gratitude openly. These are people who found a way to strengthen our state. Significantly. And every day we accumulate more of this power. Such necessary power - such long-range power. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Well, why are you whining? You, creature, wanted this? Because of people like you, the Russians are now scraping up on Belgorod. And I know you will read this, pitiful.



❗️Director of Kyiv Metro Viktor Braginsky will be suspended from performing his duties after the publication of the Bihus.Info investigation, - Klitschko
