Mar 27, 2024 - Day 763

763 days of active phase of the 10-year war. I don't know when the war will end, but it won't be like it was before. Is everyone here?

Time for great news!



❗️During the past day, there were 67 combat clashes, - General Staff.

Overall, during the past day, the enemy carried out 5 missile and 74 air strikes, launched 152 rocket attacks on the positions of our troops and populated areas. As a result of Russian terrorist attacks, unfortunately, there are casualties and injuries among the civilian population.

At night, Russian occupiers once again attacked Ukraine, using 13 UAVs of the "Shahed" type. With the forces and means of Ukraine's air defense, 10 UAVs were destroyed.

At the same time, our soldiers continue to actively engage in causing casualties to the occupying forces in personnel and equipment, exhausting the enemy along the entire line of confrontation.

During the past day, the Air Force of the Defense Forces struck 2 command points and 8 areas where the enemy's personnel, weapons, and military equipment are concentrated.

Units of missile troops struck 1 air defense weapon, 1 artillery weapon, and 1 enemy ammunition depot.

We are not such a rich country to spend money on such rubbish in difficult times. It is engaged in legislative spam and entertains itself with taxpayers' money. And the fact that the war is unprincipled and stupid does not justify it.



Late in the evening, the aggressor twice fired at Nikopol, - Lisak.

Fired heavy artillery at Chervonohryhorivka and Myrivska communities. Released about half a dozen shells.

There are no dead or injured.

Rusnya, your Shaman singer is liar. Promised to help and cheated. Well, everything, as always. And all because he is Russian!

What's up, Russkie?



❌Destroyed 10 attack UAVs.

At night on March 27, 2024, the enemy attacked with the strike UAVs type "Shahed" from the Kursk region - rf. A total of 13 hostile drones were used. Shot down - 10 in the Kharkiv, Sumy, and Kyiv regions.

Russian meat wanted to be an occupant, but the operators of the shock drones of the 47th OMBd proved that it is still meat, although already dead.



🕯In the morning at 9:00, we observe a minute of silence in memory of those who died in Russia's cruel war against Ukraine.



Today we honor the memory of police officer from Donetsk Andriy Trush.

Brave, principled Andriy Trush has been defending Ukraine and his people since 2014. A law enforcement officer from a town near Yenakiyeve, he served in Vuhlehirsk. During the onslaught of Russian militants, according to colleagues' memories, the police captain was perhaps the only representative of Ukrainian authorities in the city, helping people day and night. Being surrounded, he spent two weeks in basements, and when the enemy foiled the operation to rescue him, he alone ventured out to his comrades through the occupied territory.

The full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine caught a policeman in Mariupol. Together with his colleagues, he evacuated people under bombs, saved the wounded, delivered food and water, informed about the situation in the city.

The life of a policeman was cut short on March 8 while performing his duties. He was only 41 years old.

Forever in line!

If you believe Russian propaganda, Ukraine is a gay-Islamist neo-Nazi state led by a Jew, where people worship Satan. (c) Mike Lebed



In the morning, we received sad news. Our colleague, MP of the previous convocation Andriy Antonyshak, passed away.

Andriy fought, was wounded. But then he got lucky. The war caught up with him in the rear, undermined by health.

We called each other from time to time, Andriy was very worried about the situation on the front line, we discussed the supplies for the units and humanitarian aid.

In parliament, Andriy was in the team of the People's Front, we worked together in the coalition.

We remember you, friend...Sincere condolences to the family.



💰 The World Bank has approved a $1.5 billion loan for Ukraine under the guarantees of Japan and Britain.- Cabinet.Funds will be provided under the guarantee of the Government of Japan through the World Bank's Advance Ukraine Fund in the amount of 984 million US dollars and under the guarantee of Great Britain in the amount of 516 million US dollars.— mentioned in the message.



😈 And it's already a traditional night in Belgorod.

At the roskim, it was reported that supposedly 18 air targets were shot down over the city and district.



😓Occupiers struck 386 times at 7 settlements of Zaporizhia region during the day.— OVA.

The military personnel of the Russian Federation carried out an air strike on Malinivka.

46 UAVs attacked Hulyai Pole, Levadne, Robotyne, Malaya Tokmachka, Malynivka, Novoandriivka.

5 shells fell on Mali Tokmache and Robotin.

There were 39 reports of destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure objects. Civilians were not injured.

This is probably a photo of last night. Gentlemen!



😔On March 26, two residents of Donetsk were killed by Russians in Novohrodivka.

One person in the region was injured per day.

The total number of russian casualties in Donetsk region is given without taking into account Mariupol and Volnovakha.

My version is that the Russian special services are behind the terrorist attack at Crocus, and there is more and more evidence to support this. ISIS was used as a cover through the FSB agency. And it's not even about the fact that special service agents were massively present at the scene of the attack, recording everything on video and not worrying about their safety. The point is that none of them came to the aid of the victims of the attack and did not attempt to stop the terrorists' actions. Why? Because such an order was given. I would not be surprised if one group of perpetrators was one, and others were detained, already dressed in the same clothes. In general, operation Ryazansky sugar 2.0. And once again, they used Russian people as expendable material.

Rusnya, what the fuck?



🗣 The USA is ready to defend NATO territory: the Pentagon commented on missile threats to Poland.

Noted the Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh.

The United States is ready to fulfill its obligations within the NATO alliance. In particular, America intends to defend allied countries in case of a threat of attack, including Russian missile strikes.



1030 soldiers, 11 tanks, 27 artillery systems, and more: General Staff announced the daily losses of the Russian army.

and so on... (c) Bohdan Protsishyn



🇭🇺Thousands of people took to the streets of Budapest demanding Orban's resignation.— Reuters. (Translated: — Reuters.)

In Hungary, protests began after oppositionist Peter Madar published an audio recording about the corruption of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's team.



⛴️Six workers are believed to have died as a result of the bridge collapse in Baltimore.

The search is complicated by the cold and poor visibility, so the coast guard believes that they could hardly survive.



💬Russians have accumulated hypersonic cruise missiles Zircon in the occupied Crimea and may continue occasional targeted terror with an accent, in particular, on Kyiv.- Southern Defense Forces spokeswoman Natalia Humeniuk.

We understand that the enemy's priority remains the method of terrorist pressure. And when there is a threat of ballistic armament from the south, usually the southern and southeastern regions become red on the air alarm maps. The experience of this time showed that the use of missiles such as "Zircon" with increased range indicates that the air alarm when using ballistic missiles from the south will be announced all the way to the Kyiv region, to the northern regions. There is an understanding that several dozen similar missiles are accumulated by the enemy in military hubs like Crimea. And he can continue from time to time with pinpoint terror, focusing, in particular, on the capital, - Humenyuk said.

SBU detained an FSB agent group that was preparing missile strikes on the Kyiv TV tower and the General Staff units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Cyber ​​security specialists uncovered new attempts by the aggressor to inflict fire damage on Ukraine's strategic infrastructure.

As a result of the special operation in Kyiv and Odessa, two FSB agents were detained. They were preparing missile strikes on military units of the Armed Forces and objects of energy and telecommunications in three regions.

In the zone of special attention of agents were the army units providing security for the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, information about the Defense Forces in Poltava region, as well as the Kyiv TV tower and the capital's power plant.

At first, the attackers tried to identify the locations of the Ukrainian troops, and then they directed the occupants to the corresponding coordinates to adjust the air strikes.

For covert collection of intelligence, one of the Russian agents got a job as a dispatcher at an Odessa company that supplies food products to the branches of the Defense Forces.

Another accomplice was collecting information about the technical condition of the Kyiv TV tower after it was shelled in March 2022.

Also, he photographed the exterior of one of the thermal power plants that supplies electricity and heat to a significant part of the capital region.

Based on available data, this information was needed by the aggressor to make a decision on adjusting repeat strikes or carrying out new strikes on the local power plant and TV tower.

Employees of the SBU timely exposed the intelligence activities of Russian agents and documented it step by step.

At the final stage of the special operation, both criminals were caught "red-handed" while spying on potential "targets" for the occupiers.

According to the investigation, one of the enemy collaborators turned out to be an engineer-technologist of a food industry enterprise in Odessa. The other one is a 24-year-old Kyivan.

At the end of January this year, they were remotely recruited by an FSB human resources employee in Moscow and the Moscow region.

At present, the investigators of the Security Service have informed both suspects of suspicion under Art. 111 Part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

They face life imprisonment.



⛓️ The SBU detained an agent group of the FSB, which was preparing missile strikes on the Kyiv TV tower and the units of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

They were preparing missile strikes on military units of the Defense Forces and energy and telecommunications objects in three regions.

In the zone of special attention of the agents were military units providing security for the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, data on the Defense Forces in Poltava region, as well as Kyiv TV tower and the capital's thermal power plant.

At first, the criminals tried to identify the locations of Ukrainian troops, and then directed the occupiers to the corresponding coordinates to adjust air attacks.

For covert collection of intelligence, one of the Russian agents got a job as a dispatcher in an Odessa company that supplies food products to the Defense Forces units.

Another figure was collecting information about the technical condition of the Kyiv TV tower after its shelling in March 2022.

Also, he photographed the exterior of one of the thermal power plants that provides electricity and heat to a significant part of the capital region.

Based on available data, this information was needed by the aggressor to make a decision on adjusting repeated or making new strikes on the local power plant and TV tower.

They face life imprisonment.




Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 321 dated 22.03.2024 highlighted to the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure from the fund for the elimination of the consequences of armed aggression:

⚠️4 billion 510 million hryvnias construction, repair and other engineering and technical measures from the protection of critical infrastructure objects of the fuel and energy sector of critical infrastructure, at the same time approved list of critical infrastructure objects and budget allocation for their financing, but set the "for official use" handle.

22.03.2024❗️the occupiers launched a massive combined strike with shells and missiles of various types on the energy system of Ukraine.

23 March❗️Head of the Agency (Mustafa Nayem) reported that

The defense worked with maximum efficiency at all substations.

I believe that WE ALL (and, at least, members of parliament) should know (get an answer to the question):

1️⃣ about the amount of allocated and spent funds for the entire period on the protection of energy facilities (not only from the state budget, but also from funds provided by external donors);

2️⃣who carried out the control (which measures were planned) of the quality of construction and the results of this control;

3️⃣planned to spend on which objects4.5 billion hryvnias ;

4️⃣why the stamp "for official use" is set and will a comprehensive answer to the request of a people's deputy, who exercises parliamentary control, be given to these questions❓



😅In Russia, operators of UAVs are being punished for successful attacks by Ukrainian drones on oil refineries.

In ATEC, it was noted that Russian air defense forces are experiencing serious difficulties in fighting drones due to the insufficient effectiveness of radar stations in recognizing such objects - they simply do not see them.

The leadership of the units of the PPO demotes Russian military personnel in military rank, imposes penalties, and sometimes even sends them to war in Ukraine.

This made my day!!!

Vice Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Olena Kondratyuk posted a job vacancy for an smm specialist on Facebook. This offer was quickly responded to by the main chatterbox of the Verkhovna Rada - Marianna Bezuhla.

Olena Kondratiuk disowned Mariana. In the literal sense. And knowing people say she even drew a circle with chalk around herself. Just in case!))



😳Starlink terminals are being sold on black markets all over the world -Bloomberg.

This problem is global and primarily puts the company's control over them in doubt.

Usually residents of countries where Starlink does not have legal coverage activate terminals in licensed countries or pay for them through international bank cards.

This problem is important to us and, first of all, to the Defense Forces, as Stalinists have been repeatedly observed in command of Putin's troops.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief Volodymyr Zelensky lied about providing the army with drones.

Three months have passed 2024, in which Zelensky promised to provide the army with 1 million drones, but the state does not provide for the needs of defense forces in fpv drones, mavics, autels - brigades actually receive about 5 percent of the drones they use.

Minstrategprom announced that it produced 200,000 drones in the first two months of 2024. Where these drones are is unclear, the military did not receive such a number of FPV drones from the state. The impression is that statements calm society down, money is distributed among pockets, and as a result - handing over drones to brigades, no one is responsible.

Where is the Supreme Commander's Headquarters located?

Why doesn't Zelensky respond for his words?

Where is Minister of Defense Umerov? When it comes to solving problems, he always remains silent modestly.

Where is the parliamentary control of the Verkhovna Rada? Why are you silent? Oh, are the Servants of the People lobbying certain companies and not planning to make noise?

As always, a lack of responsibility.

The government must go to the front not for another photo shoot in military uniform, but to solve problems! While you waste time and taxpayers' money in your offices, you don’t feel the war at all.

Can't manage and plan - give money to the brigades. The brigades will buy it themselves, it will be clear who is responsible for it.

Or return the military PDFO to local communities with the obligation to buy drones and EW equipment for this money, even if there is someone to ask the military. (С)Yuri Butusov



🤔President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic has posted a mysterious post on social media about difficult days for the country and its residents.

He did not provide any details regarding threats to Serbia, but promised to inform residents about this in the coming days.

Difficult days for Serbia. It is not easy to say what news we received in the last 48 hours, - wrote Vucic.

According to his words, the received data directly threaten the vital national interests of both Serbia and (Republic of) Serbian.

In the coming days I will inform the people of Serbia about all the challenges that lie ahead of us. It will be difficult. We will fight. Serbia will win, - Vucic added.

As known, in Serbia, secret police officers patrolled the streets of Belgrade with guns during the weekends. President Aleksandar Vucic stated that they and the civilian police will monitor sports facilities and shopping centers in the capital.



🔥 "Strike drone unit Gromovik of aerial reconnaissance 45th Separate Assault Brigade destroyed an enemy mortar on the eastern direction."



❗️For the defenders from the 115th Operational Mobile Brigade 1st Mobile Battalion, who are currently carrying out tasks in the East of our State, the "AVENGER" antenna is very much needed.

Support our guys, there is only a small amount left to collect

🎯Goal: 64,999.00 UAH

🔗 Link to the bank

💳Card number bank

5375 4112 1542 2291(Note: This appears to be a series of numbers and does not need to be translated)



😔During the period from December 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission documented the execution of 32 Ukrainian military servicemen by Russian occupiers.

Also, UN representatives interviewed 60 military personnel released from Russian captivity.

Mission continues to document evidence of torture practices, cruel treatment, deaths in detention, detention without contact with the outside world, enforced disappearances, as well as horrific conditions of detention.

Nobel laureates urge significantly increase support for Ukraine, - writes Der Spiegel

▪ "We call on world leaders to sharply increase assistance to Ukraine."Ukraine must win, not just refrain from losing., — dozens of Nobel laureates have come out with a strong call to action. In a letter received by Spiegel, they urge the international community to take more decisive steps against Russia.

▪ The signatories are concerned not only about the fate of Ukraine. "The Putin regime has shown that it is a clear and direct threat to humanity," the letter signed by 39 Nobel laureates said.

Signatories accuse the governments of many countries of underestimating the danger of Vladimir Putin and instead pursuing a dangerous appeasement policy - similar to that conducted at the beginning of Adolf Hitler's rule. Politicians and citizens around the world should "abandon any illusions about Putin and his criminal regime. History teaches us that appeasing an aggressor encourages further crimes against humanity. No temporary benefit can justify this. We are determined to ensure that Munich 1938 is not repeated!"

In their open letter, Nobel laureates formulate five points:

1. Significant expansion of assistance to Ukraine. Timely assistance will reduce the number of victims and help oust the aggressor from Ukrainian territory.

2. Support for the opposition in Russia. The lives of political prisoners such as Ilya Yashin, Vladimir Kara-Murza, and Lilia Chanyshova are in "immediate danger" following the murder of Alexei Navalny. Therefore, the international community must do everything possible to protect them.

3. Strengthening support for Russian citizens who have fled due to their political beliefs and need asylum abroad.

4. Expansion of support for Russian opposition organizations and independent Russian media, whose role in a possible regime change is extremely important.

5. Delegitimization of Putin's illegal retention of power in Russia. The world must make it clear that Putin is no longer seen as a partner.



❕Demobilization of conscripts according to approved schedules in the Armed Forces and the State Special Transport Service will begin on April 2 and end on May 31— writes People's Deputy Alexei Goncharenko. That is, in different parts demobilization of draftees will take place in one of the days in this range.



🤝Slovenia will support the Czech Republic's initiative to purchase artillery ammunition for the Armed Forces of Ukraine outside the European Union.

The head of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not specify the exact amount. However, Slovenian media write that the government may allocate one million euros.

Instead, the Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg stated that his country will not join the Czech Republic's plan to purchase ammunition due to its military neutrality.



🗞️ Macron's statement about sending troops to Ukraine angered American officials, — Bloomberg. , — Bloomberg.

Macron's hints were made to make Russian President Putin think, he said then, but officials familiar with NATO discussions on Ukraine said they could have the opposite effect- mentioned in the publication.

According to a high-ranking American official, Macron was able to dispel the ambiguity that existed about the allies' red lines, which forced Berlin to publicly exclude the possibility of sending troops.

These comments were also not very smart from the point of view of operational safety - according to certain officials, who also spoke with Bloomberg on condition of anonymity - especially considering that several countries already quietly have some personnel in Ukraine.

There is no doubt that some EU prime ministers are hoping for Macron's leadership, many welcome his tough position on Russia, according to an official familiar with discussions at their recent meeting in Brussels.



Ukrainian air defense systems can shoot down Russian missiles such as Zircon with the help of SAMP/T and Patriot systems.— Air Force dictionary by Ilya Yevlash.

According to him, the speed of hypersonic weapons is more than 5 machs, and 1 mach is approximately 1200 km per hour. But Ukraine has means to shoot them down.

This is a very, very fast weapon. If we talk about "Zircon", it's about 8-9 Mach. This is incredibly fast. However, when these missiles enter the strike trajectory, their speed decreases. It becomes subsonic. About 4.5 Mach. And it is at this moment that we can use our complexes, which are anti-ballistic. This is SAMP/T, Patriot, which can deliver powerful strikes and even shoot down such weapons, - said the spokesman for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.



"I swear to defend the Ukrainian state, to stand unswervingly on guard for its freedom and independence!"

Exactly two years ago, in our office on Lavrska street, these words sounded from the soldiers of the 206th territorial defense battalion.

During the fierce fighting for Kyiv, there was no time for soldiers to take their oath. They did not think about it. Their only thoughts were on how to defend the capital and drive the enemy as far away as possible. Finally, after two months, they were able to officially swear loyalty to the people of Ukraine.

I remember that there was an atmosphere of haste all around. Then, after the successful defense of Kyiv region, these brave guys needed to urgently head south. But in the eyes of the soldiers, there was no longer fear or nervousness, like on February 24. Everything was negated by hatred.

Next were Mykolaiv, Kherson, Snihurivka, Donetsk...

Unfortunately, in these battles our team lost many brothers. We will not forget any of them and we will avenge each one! Today, the soldiers of the 206th battalion continue to defend our land in the East.

Thank you for your service, guys! Together we will win!



😳Close to 40 thousand residents of Ivano-Frankivsk region are wanted for failure to appear at the territorial center for recruitment and social support.

As reported by the deputy chief of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service Colonel Roman Bodnar, individuals entered into the "Obereg" system are officially wanted.

Police have the right to forcibly bring them to the Temporary Detention Center as part of administrative detention.

Those who ignored the summons, did not register or in some other way evaded the draft get to the base.

Roman Bodnar emphasizes that attendance at the TCIC upon summons is mandatory. The summons can be made by any available means: in public places, on the street, at enterprises, in transportation, or at the place of residence. In case of refusal to sign the summons, video recording is carried out using body cameras and a protocol is drawn up.

UPD Collection closed! Thanks to everyone who had the opportunity and donated! You are amazing!

I feel like a beggar again, although I am asking not for myself, but for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Friends, I'm turning to you again for help. I have brothers from the 97th battalion of the 60th Separate Mechanized Brigade. They need help with car repairs. Their vehicles were damaged by the war, but they need them to work. I know times are tough for everyone now, I understand that the Ministry of Defense does not provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine as much as we would like, but I understand that our help to the Armed Forces of Ukraine is saving the lives of our soldiers, destroying the enemy, and approaching victory. The amount needed is not large, but they have many vehicles. If you have the opportunity and desire, please donate. This will help repair these and other vehicles that the fighters of the 97th battalion work with. It's not just for them, it's for all of us.

Link to the bank and card in the first comments.

Goal 200,000

5375 4112 1529 6810 - translated to English is 5375 4112 1529 6810



😡The Security Service of Ukraine detained a former employee of a Russian torture center in Kherson who was trying to flee abroad.

During the liberation of the regional center, he burned the enemy's prison guard certificate and moved to a rented apartment to cover his tracks.

In this way, he planned to hide until January 2025, when he turns 60, and then move abroad as a refugee from southern Ukraine.

According to the investigation, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he worked as an electrical engineer at a local enterprise.

But after the capture of Kherson, the man voluntarily joined the administration of the Russian prison, which operated in the captured local correctional colony at that time.

In this position, he guarded the cameras where members of the resistance movement in the region were held.

He faces up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.



🇺🇸The USA has extended sanctions against Russia for another year for involvement in cyberattacks- The White House.

In the Biden administration, it is indicated that significant harmful activity in cyberspace continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to national security, foreign policy, and the economy of the United States.

For this reason, the state of emergency regime, introduced on April 1, 2015, should be maintained after April 1, 2024., - announced the administration of the US president.



🚚 The smugglers hid in a laundry box to get into Moldova.— State Emergency Service.

In Odessa, a long-distance driver was found who transported Ukrainians abroad by truck. Interestingly, he asked for an advance payment of $100, but the final cost of the trip depended on the comfort of crossing the border conditions - if you had to hide in a sleeping place in the cabin, it cost $3400, but it was $700 cheaper in a laundry box.

However, during the inspection of the truck, both illegal passengers were still exposed. Now they face administrative liability, and the driver faces criminal liability.



😡 Russians have struck a residential neighborhood of Kharkov in apartment buildings, there are dead and injured - Mayor Terekhov.



Occupants made two strikes in the Shevchenko district of Kharkiv, - head of the OWA Sinyegubov.



In Belgorod, a drone crashed into an administrative building, Governor Gladkov reported.

He did not specify which exact house the drone hit.

According to Telegram channels, it is about local management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Slavy Avenue.

The woman was injured as a result of the strike.



Currently one dead is known, six more injured, two are in serious condition, reported the mayor of Kharkiv Terhov.

Heavily damaged five-story buildings where people lived. The emergency surgery institute was also affected.



Among the wounded are four children, damaged multi-storey buildings, - Head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Synyehubov.



According to preliminary data, today the enemy struck Kharkiv for the first time with a guided high-caliber munition, - Sinyegubov.

Currently known about one dead and 16 wounded.

Not many people noticed the real meaning of unhealthy activity fucking.

The draft law 11104 has been withdrawn. But draft law 11103 on special missions remains valid.

What are these special missions? These are structures that do not require any qualifications and are formed by the president, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, or the Prime Minister at their discretion from among their relatives, friends, and those who can pay a sufficient amount.

When the heroes of the economic front tired of the war want to go to the sea, they will bring, whoever needs how much needs and go on special missions to the Maldives, Bali and other powerful allied states. They will go, by the way, at the expense of the state budget.

And so that the tired from the war knights did not feel lonely, the fucked-up woman prescribed in the bill that: Family members of the head, members, as well as personnel of the special mission of Ukraine, have the right to accompany them during the performance of the functions of the special mission of Ukraine.

You take a wife, children, fishing rods, a panama hat and represent Ukraine in such a way that those opposition deputies are nowhere to be seen. As long as there is money.

And it turns out that she is not as crazy as she seems, and offers quite practical things. Moreover, it's not like a ban from Moscow priests, the Council will definitely vote for it.

What is this for us?? 🤮🤮🤮 (c)Sergiy Marchenko



Booking military personnel with high salaries was rejected by the relevant committee.

The purpose of the bill is to establish a socially just mobilization. The actual essence of such amendments would be the principle of war for the poor. And this is unacceptable," - said the MP from "Servant of the People", a member of the relevant committee Igor Kopitin, reported.



Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Budanov talked about the most absurd fake news spread by Russian propaganda about him.

In my opinion, the most absurd fake was when they said last year that I was killed. Photos appeared where I was with the ambassador of Japan, and they (Russians, - Ed.) dissected him, this photo spread in the network with such captions: "here he has such a slope", "here there is no shadow", - he told at the Kyiv Stratcom Forum 2024.

The head of intelligence said that there were two versions.

First - "he is barely alive, he has a corset on." "They are just holding him like a mummy, supporting him so he doesn't fall." The second option was that it was a hologram at all. It's already serious, - added Budanov.



🔔‼️COLLECTION for PPC in the SOUTH‼️🔔

Zenith Rocket Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 🏹

Mobile fire teams need your help in purchasing trailers to more quickly, accurately 🎯 and timely respond to airborne targets in the skies in southern Ukraine. 🇺🇦

🏦 Fundraising goal:

149,265 hryvnias


Card number bank👇


Belgorod residents invite Solovyov to visit them after the propagandist called the complaints of Belgorod residents a disgusting tantrum. Now the scandal has reached a new level. But Solovyov is scared and not going. Even the local occupying authorities are calling him, but Rudolfych is scared, he is soiling himself and not going. It's a pity he's not coming. The RDK and the Legion of Freedom of Russia would have hunted him down.

Solovyov, scum, come to Belgorod. Please everyone. Although Evening Mudzvon prefers to bark from Moscow. And why is that? ))



🇨🇿Today, the Czech Republic imposed sanctions against former deputy Medvedchuk.

The extended sanctions list also includes the company Voice of Europe and propagandist Artem Marchevsky.

The Prime Minister of the country Petr Fiala said that the sanctions are aimed at hitting the pro-Russian network, which tried to develop an influence operation in the Czech Republic, iROZHLAS reports.

Potentially this could have serious implications for Czechia and the EU," added the Czech Prime Minister.



Russian terror against the city is taking on a particularly vile form, - Zelensky about the strike on Kharkiv.

Attempts to blackout over a million people, constant rocket strikes and "shahids." Now - airstrikes. Just down a regular street, through buildings, schools, regular civilian infrastructure. At this time, one person is known to have died. My condolences to family and friends.



Will citizens over 18 years old receive a deferment until they reach mobilization age?

The Ministry of Defense explained what the bill No. 10449 on mobilization and military training entails.

So, mobilization is proposed from 25 to 60 years old.

From 2025, basic military training is introduced in higher educational institutions. However, some categories of citizens are exempt from undergoing basic military training at universities.

Instead of conscription, basic military service for a term of 5 months in peacetime and 3 months in wartime is introduced.

Citizens over 18 years old can choose the time of basic military service.

Citizens from the age of 18, regardless of passing basic military training or service, will receive a deferment until reaching the mobilization age.



Russia has been constantly obstructing any peaceful negotiations and initiatives since the beginning of aggression against Ukraine in 2014, so its participation in the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland is not foreseen.reportedKuleba.

Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine pointed out that"Between 2014 and 2022, we held almost 200 rounds of negotiations with Russia in various formats, and Russia always acted the same, obstructing the negotiations and preventing participants from reaching real comprehensive agreements on a wide range of issues" .

Kuleba pointed out that it is impossible to make peace without one of the conflict parties, which is Russia, however, it will not be present at the forum in Switzerland.

We want countries representing Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America to agree on a very specific set of rules and approaches at this first summit that will serve as the basis for future regulation with Russia, - explained the head of the Ukrainian foreign policy department.



During the day, 49 battles were recorded.reportsGeneral Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Defense Forces aviation struck in ten areas of concentration of enemy personnel, weapons, and military equipment.

Units of missile troops launched attacks on two areas where the personnel were concentrated, one air defense system, one electronic warfare station, and another important enemy object.



🇱🇻Temporary trustee in Russia's affairs in Latvia Oleg Zikov has been added to the list of persona non grata, he has been ordered to leave the country no later than April 10th, - Delfi.



The government decides to introduce additional excise taxes in the near future, particularly on fuel. But this will hit the wallet of every Ukrainian hard, and we cannot allow that.

The Government's decision has not yet been published, but oil traders have already raised prices at gas stations by 1-4 hryvnias per liter. Moreover, since fuel is the lifeblood of the economy, the introduction of such an excise tax will have a cumulative negative effect: food, clothing, utilities, literally all goods will become more expensive. These excises will be a heavy burden on every Ukrainian.

But there are other solutions to fill the budget!

Authorities claim that excise duties are a condition from the EU, but this is not true. It is a condition only for member states, and even then with the possibility to postpone for 10 years after entry. Authorities claim that this is necessary for budget formation, but somehow they do not use obvious and very important other sources that will not harm Ukrainians so much.

More than 32 billion can be obtained from excise duties on alcohol and tobacco, which is exactly supported by the European Union. Another 20 billion taxes for some reason were not paid by gambling organizers. The Accounting Chamber says that Ukraine missed out on 60 billion due to opaqueness and corruption in defense. This is where we need to get money, not digging into the pockets of Ukrainians. Our task is to protect people.

Cancel these decisions, enter discussion mode with business and experts. Do not fool people, because everyone will have to answer for your thoughtless actions. The times of the crazy printer are over.


The whole country was rejoicing yesterday over the victory of the Ukrainian national football team and its qualification for EURO 2024.

YoungSergei Rebrov, current national team coach, ran in the late 1990s as part of Kyiv's "Dynamo". And together with Andriy Shevchenko and others, they used to tear apart "Barcelona" and "Real" then.

Led by the legendary "Dynamo" squadValeriy Lobanovskyi .

That's how great victorious strategies and traditions are built:Lobanovskyi - Rebrov - Ukrainian national team 2024 .

In Ukrainian language, the text means: "They were still talking about Lobanovsky in Ukrainian."only one book- from the series "Outstanding Ukrainians" from IPIO.

Great edition for family reading that can teach you and your children how to overcome.

Your Patriotic Frog



🇪🇺Countries of the European Unionagreednew trading rules with Ukraine from June 5.

On June 5, 2024, the deadline for the EU trade liberalization measures for Ukraine expires in the conditions of the war with Russia, and the member countries debated their extension.

There was previous agreement between the EU and the European Parliament to do this on the condition that the European Commission would react promptly if Ukrainian imports were to cause significant distortions in the markets of EU countries.

And in Russia, they are getting ready for something again. And then the FSB will again say that it is not them, but Ukraine. Mmm...

In Moscow (Voskresenskoye) and in the residential complex "EcoBunino", unknown bearded men walk around residential complexes and take photos of all surveillance cameras, measure the load-bearing columns of underground parking lots. They even took out fire hoses.

Curdly, somehow... Yes?

When I look at the movements of the Bank's servants towards dictatorship and violations of the rights of Ukrainians, for example, the draft laws of Bezuhla, I understand where they draw inspiration from. Russia inspires them. There it is already the norm...



❗️Two Tu-22M3 bombers over the Black Sea - Air Force.



❗️In Kyiv and most regions, an air alarm has been declared.



❗️Missile launches X-22 from the Black Sea towards the southern regions have been recorded, - Air Force.

Odesa - into hiding!



We have gathered the most important things for you that you may have missed for March 27th.

🔹The Russian army, probably for the first timehitdriven around Kharkiv with a large caliber projectile.

Ukrainian energy workers succeededrestorecritical infrastructure power supply in all cities affected by Russian energy attacks from March 22.

🔹At the border with Polandblockedthree checkpoints.

🔹In the headquarters of the defense of Great BritainrecognizedIn the case of a direct military confrontation with the Russian Federation, they would have held out for no more than two months.

🔹In Ternopil prematurelycompleteheating season



Withdrawal of troops by regions, except for Odessa, - Air Force.

Effective work of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade on the destruction of the enemy in the area of Novomykhailivka. 29 invaders were destroyed in 2 hours of combat. Impressive and efficient work.

Glory to the Ukrainian soldiers!



😢 Russian troops shelled Kharkiv region, a 12-year-old child was killed.

According to the investigation, on March 27 around 21:20, Russian military shelled the village of Borova in Izium district. A 12-year-old boy died. Residential houses and a kindergarten were damaged in the settlement, - reported by the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

There is only one force that has defended Ukraine, maintains defense, retakes territories, destroys occupiers, and brings Victory closer - and that is the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to the Ukrainian military!

Peaceful night to all good people 🌙

And let all the rabble die