Mar 21, 2022 - Day 26



🚨Ivano-Frankivsk region! Air alarm!



❌The White House has stated that there is no mention of lifting sanctions on Russia.



❗️In Donetsk region over the past day, 3 people were killed and 5 were injured as a result of shelling by Russian occupiers.



We are publishing the schedule of additional evacuation flights for March 21👇🏻

⭕ Kharkiv:

8:00 - Intercity+ Kharkiv - Lviv;

11:30 - Long-distance train №209/210 Kharkiv - Ivano-Frankivsk.


10:30 - #901/902 Dnipro - Khelm.


13:00 - No. 271/270 Kramatorsk - Lviv;

16:00 - No. 273/272 Kramatorsk - Lviv.

Additional flights will also depart from Odesa to Uzhgorod at 22:32, from Kyiv to Chelm at 19:13.

The schedule of regular trains for the next day is updated daily at around 00:00 on the website



🤬Four people were killed in the shelling in the Podilsky district of Kyiv.



🧪Head of the Sumska OVA Zhyvitsky reported that an ammonia leak occurred at the Sumykhimprom plant in the city.

Radius of the affected area - about 5 km.

❗️❗️❗️If you cannot leave the area of impact to protect yourself, you should use shelter, basements, and lower floors of buildings because ammonia is lighter than air.



‼️ATTENTION! An air alarm has been declared in Kyiv!

We ask everyone to urgently follow to the civil defense shelter!


‼️ ATTENTION! Air raid sirens in Kyiv!

Please proceed to the shelters!



Rules of conduct in the event of an ammonia leak or spill: ‼️

🔻 leaving an infected area requires traveling perpendicular to the direction of the wind;

🔻 if there is no possibility to leave the infection area, it is necessary to take cover in shelters, basements, apartments (houses), previously sealing windows, doors, ventilation (preferably with fabric soaked in lemon acid or a weak solution of vinegar or water);

🔻 In the apartment (house) it is advisable to go to the bathroom and turn on the shower for shallow spraying (water absorbs ammonia from the air), do not turn on the ventilation (removes clean air and pulls in polluted air);

🔻 If you smell ammonia - breathe through a moistened gauze bandage (preferably soaked in a 5% solution of acetic or citric acid).

First aid for ammonia poisoning:

✅ take the victim outside to get some fresh air;

✅ give him warm milk with baking soda;

✅ put on a cotton-gauze bandage soaked in water, preferably a 5% solution of acetic or citric acid;

✅ When getting into the eyes - rinse with water or wipe with vaseline or olive oil;

✅ if the skin is affected - wash with clean water, make compresses with a 5% solution of vinegar or lemon acid.



📌Details about the ammonia leak at Khimprom 🔺

The affected area currently covers about 2.5 km.

The direction of the wind and the settlements under threat: Novoselitsa village.

Emergency teams of the plant and the State Emergency Service are working.

For Sumy there is currently no threat (the direction of the wind is not towards the city).



Kyiv region, Zhytomyr region and Staryy Kostiantyniv! Air raid!



🚨Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kramatorsk! Air alarm!



🚨Volyn! Air alarm!



🚨Rivne region! Air alarm!



📛The Belarusian opposition claims that Belarusian partisans are creating obstacles to prevent Belarusian troops from entering Ukraine.



🚨Ternopil region and Biliaivka! Air alarm!



🤝 During his future visit to Europe, Biden will meet with President Duda in Poland to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.



‼️ATTENTION! AIR RAID ALERT declared in Kyiv!

Please urgently take shelter in a civil defense shelter!

⚡️⚡️⚡️ = ⚡️⚡️⚡️

‼️ ATTENTION! Air raid sirens in Kyiv!

Please proceed to the shelters!



⚓️Residents of Berdiansk report that five ships carrying grain have disappeared from the port.

According to eyewitnesses, they were driven away by Russian tugboats.



🚨Poltava, Mirgorod, Rivne, Zhytomyr! Air alarm!



🚨Kharkiv and region! Air alarm!



🚨 Cherkasy, Lviv, Rivne regions! Air alarm!



🚨Lubny! Air alarm!



🚨 Ternopil! Alarm!



Operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 06.00 on 03/21/2022 regarding Russian invasion

The following text translates to: Startedtwenty-sixth dayheroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to Russian military invasion.

The position and nature of the actions of the defense forces have not undergone significant changes in the last day..

Armed Forces of Ukraine and other units of Defense Forces continue to strike at enemy troop formations, who is trying to hold the captured borders.

At the same time,a decrease in the intensity of the use of manned aviation by the enemy is recorded.

For the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the results of enemy missile and bomb strikesused tactical unmanned aerial vehicles.

Air Force units of the Armed Forces of UkraineFor the previous day, 7 enemy air targets were hit(1 airplane, 4 UAVs and 2 cruise missiles)

In addition, the bomber and assault aviation struck devastating blows on concentrations of enemy equipment and personnel.

The occupiers continue to terrorize the local population and engage in looting on the temporarily occupied territories.

The enemy is exporting household, automotive equipment, food products and other material assets to the Russian Federation.

Isolated cases are notedplacement of personnel, weapons, and equipment by Russian occupiers at civil infrastructure sites.

The occupiers continue to carry out measures of forced mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions..

So, according to available information, budget organizations of the Stanichno-Luhansk village community are informed about the need to arrive on April 1, 2022male employees aged between 18 and 60 to the local police department for registration.The reasons for such "registration" are not explained, although it is related to another wave of mobilization to the 2nd army corps for deployment in combat areas.

Armed Forces of Ukraine in interaction with other components of defense forces give a worthy rebuff to the aggressor in all directions.

Destruction of enemy supply columns continues.

Keep calm! Together we will win! Glory to Ukraine!



Chernihiv region! Air alarm!



❗️At 2:18 the fire in the shopping center in Kyiv was localized in an area of 1500 square meters.

Currently, there are known to be 4 dead and 1 injured. The information is being clarified.



😡 Russian occupiers in Luhansk regiondestroyedor damaged 20 objects, including 12 residential buildings. There were no deaths, five people were rescued from the rubble.



⏰ From today, the curfew in Chernihiv region will last from 20:00 to 6:00, - Regional Administration.



🇪🇺The EU will consider the issue of imposing an oil embargo against Russia.



Russian occupiers fired two missile strikes at the training ground in Rivne region.



Iryna Vereshchuk on the planned humanitarian corridors work on March 21.



According to preliminary data, 8 people were killed as a result of shelling of a shopping center in the Podil district of Kyiv, - Prosecutor General's Office.



🇨🇳Red Cross China will give Ukraine humanitarian aid over $1.5 million.



As a result of the morning enemy shelling from naval artillery, several houses in Odessa were damaged. There are no casualties, - spokesman of the Odessa Regional Military Administration Sergey Bratchuk.



⚡️It will be dreadful photo from the ruined Trade and Entertainment Center occupied by the invaders.

According to preliminary data, the Prosecutor General's Office, eight people died as a result of enemy shelling and fire at night.

A shopping centre suffered damage. Windows in nearby residential buildings and parked cars were damaged.

Rescuers and law enforcement officers are working on site.

Konstantin Usov| Subscribe



More than 3 million Ukrainians are forced to leave for European countries. 11 - 12 million Ukrainians have become internal migrants, - Podolyak.



⚡️A passenger Boeing 737 of China Eastern Airlines crashed in southern China. There were 133 people on board.



🇸🇰Slovenia soonsendtheir diplomats to Kyiv, they will be in Ukraine as volunteers.



❗️In Kyiv, in Lviv Region, Rivne Region, Zhytomyr Region, Ternopil Region, Volyn Region — air alarm!



"You see our desire to be with Europe. Our desire, which we fight for in the field of battle. And which you can fight for simply in your society. With your own opinion, word, pressure on politicians. So that Ukraine finally becomes part of the EU. Germans, you have the power!" Address from Volodymyr Zelensky to the citizens of Germany.



The enemy's estimated combat losses from 24.02 to 21.03.



🇱🇻Latvia is planning to ban Russian ships from entering its ports.



😡 In Melitopol, Russian occupiers kidnapped five journalists from the publication Local News.



Friends! Dear Kyivans!


The enemy continues to attack the capital. At night, rescuers fought a fire for a long time in the Podil district. As a result of the shelling, the shopping center burned down, and 6 residential buildings were damaged. Three of them are uninhabitable.

8 people died.

Damaged are also the premises of two schools and two kindergartens.


Through fires after airstrikes in the capital and in the region, air pollution is observed. Therefore, do not open the windows. And when you go outside - protect your lungs by wearing even a medical respirator like FFP2.


I appeal to Kyiv residents - do not remove or post videos of military equipment moving, checkpoints, guarding strategic objects. Do not help the enemy!



⏰ The curfew in Kyiv and the region will be strengthened again, - Klitschko.

It will start today at 20:00 and will last until 7:00 on March 23.



🇺🇦🇬🇧Johnson canarriveto Kyiv for negotiations with Zelensky.



🏥Since the beginning of the war, health care facilities in Ukraine have successfully conducted 5 high-tech transplants, —MOZ.



WHOconsideringpossibility of evacuating critically ill patients from Ukraine.



🐤 Battle geese are already in Russia!

And what will happen when our NATO-trained pigeons are trained by instructors?



Zhytomyr region was shelled with Grad missiles for the first time, three military personnel and one civilian were killed, - head of Zhytomyr Regional State Administration Vitaliy Bunechko.



❗️In Kyiv, Kramatorsk, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kropyvnytskyi, and in Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, and Dnipropetrovsk regions, an air alarm has been declared!



The occupiers paint names and hull numbers on their ships, along with them - pitiful remnants of honor and dignity, -DPSU.



Occupants raise the age of "mobilized" from ORDLO from 55 to 65 years old, -reconnaissance.



👨‍🎨In London, a charity auction is taking place to support the children's hospital Okhmatdyt, the Ministry of Health reports.

Now they are treating wounded children in the institution who suffered as a result of Russian aggression.

A unique anti-war painting by Banksy - Banksy's CND Soldiers, unsigned, has been put up for sale. The painting was anonymously put up for auction.

The quiet auction will last until March 27, 2022. Bidding starts at £20,000.



In Kherson, Russian occupiers opened fire and threw flash-bang grenades at local residents who came out to the rally. There are wounded.



🇪🇺 Brussels has started considering Ukraine's application for EU membership and promises to do so as quickly as possible.



March 19 Russia forcibly resettled 2389 children from Donbass - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.



✍️Parliamentarians of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States signed a joint statementAbout the urgent need to modernize Ukraine's air defense..



📱 Ukrainians will continue to receive unemployment assistance despite the state of war, - Ministry of Economy.

You can get unemployed status in the Diia application and electronic services of the State Employment Service.



The EU today will increase aid for arms to Ukraine to 1 billion euros, - German Foreign Minister Berbock.



In Ukraine, a list of artists, bloggers, and politicians who support Russia or remain silent about the war has been created.

Among them are not only Russian stars, but also Ukrainian.

The project was initiated by Ukrainian blogger and producer Petro Zastavnyi, and the list is compiled by Marina Sikorska.



🇺🇸Our people - cannot be defeated!

94-year-old pensioner Maria Mykytivna from Pryluky donated three out of four thousand of her own pension to the needs of the Armed Forces.

The pension this month was 4 thousand, I give them 3 thousand for support. I wish only victory, she said.

For Maria Mykytivna, this is the second war - at 12 years old, she survived the horrors of the Second World War.



Russian occupants kidnapped the head of the Tsyrkunivska community of the Kharkiv district Mykola Sikalenko.



⚡️Russian court banned Facebook and Instagram.



🥺 In Kharkiv died Boris Romanchenko, a 96-year-old prisoner of fascist concentration camps. He survived Buchenwald, Peenemünde, Dora-Mittelbau and Bergen-Belsen. Today he was killed by a Russian missile.



💪🏼 Ukrainian military shot down a Russian fighter jet near Chuguev. Also, in the morning in the Kharkiv region, in the territory temporarily controlled by the occupiers, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down two Russian drones "Orlan."



❗️Kyiv, air alarm!



Vinnytsia region! Zhytomyr region! Khmelnitsky region! Alarm!



❗️Attention! Air raid alert across almost all of Ukraine! Head to shelter!



We're fighting against one of the largest armies in the world for our salvation. Against rockets, bombs, and artillery. Against occupiers who shoot refugees on the roads. Who kill ordinary civilians, create artificial famine in whole cities, burn residential quarters. This is the scariest war in Europe since World War II.

Photo: Heidi Levine, Aris Messinis, Pavel Petrov, Salwan Georges, Shant Khatcherian.


We are fighting for our survival against one of the largest armies in the world. Against missiles, bombs and rocket artillery. Against the occupiers who shoot refugees on the roads. Who kill ordinary civilians, create artificial famine for entire cities, burn residential areas. This is the worst war in Europe since World War II.

Photo: Heidi Levine, Aris Messinis, Pavel Petrov, Salwan Georges, Shant Khatcherian.



⚡️Bloomberg:The UK government is preparing to temporarily take control of the British subsidiary of Gazprom, Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail, which has faced difficulties due to the business refusing to work with Russia.



⚡️ Russian media started changing the rhetoric regarding the death of their soldiers

Instead of wording "died during the demilitarization and denazification special operation", Russian media began to write "died during the special operation to protect the DPR, LPR, the motherland, and Peaceful Sky above Russia in Ukraine in 2022" or "died during the special operation to protect the DPR and LPR."



Abramovich's estate in Colorado for $50 million could be the first to be seized in case of US sanctions

This is reported by CNBC. All because he was bought and remained registered in the name of an oligarch. The White House is currently deciding whether to include Abramovich in the next sanctions package, sources say.



Friends, our studio is working! Watch round-the-clock broadcasting from the studio of the TV channel "Pravyy" onYouTube!

In satellite broadcasting and on T2 at "Direct" frequencies, a nationwide marathon is broadcast.

Hello everyone. I'm back. I was absent for a good reason. Tomorrow I will finish everything and tell you what happened. And I am once again opening up comments and will tell you what is happening with us.



❗️The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs handed a note of protest to the US Embassy in Russia to John Sullivan over Biden's remarks about Putin.

Russian-American relations on the verge of rupture,- reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.



The Ministry of Defense of Russia has published a video of yesterday's strike on a shopping center in Kyiv.



The advisor to the head of the Office of the President Mykhailo Podoliak talked about how Russia justifies the war against Ukraine.



❗️The fascists kidnapped the mayor of Berislav, Oleksandr Shapovalov, and another local activist, they have been in captivity for three days.- reported by the Kherson Regional State Administration.

In Kharkiv, a 96-year-old prisoner of fascist concentration camps Boris Romanchenko (photo from the 90s) died. He survived Buchenwald, Peenemünde, Dora-Mittelbau and Bergen-Belsen, but was killed by a Russian rocket in his apartment during a "de-Nazification operation".

New fascists continue Hitler's work



🧪 Putin fears for his life. In early February, he replaced 1000 of his employees.

The government of the United Kingdom is preparing for the temporary nationalisation of Gazprom's subsidiary.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Bloomberg.

The British authorities are ready to take control of Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail Ltd. The company is engaged in retail sales of natural gas in Great Britain.

Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail Ltd, which conducts business with over 30 thousand clients, is the main candidate for the introduction of special management mode, - said a knowledgeable source to the publication.

The subsidiary supplies approximately 20% of industrial and commercial gas in the UK. Among the clients of Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail Ltd are, in particular, the National Health Service and other government agencies.

In Russia, this is what the lines for sugar look like. I would be more pleased if the lines for intelligence looked like this. But Russians won't stand in such a line.

The best advertisement for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Watch until the end. And don't forget to send this to your friends in Russia. And spread it everywhere you can.



Putin not only attacked Ukraine. Putin attacks the entire West, our principles and values. Therefore, a collective response from the West, devastating for Putin, must be implemented. This was emphasized in an interview with Fox News.



Activists continue to block trucks heading to Russia. According to witnesses, the length of the truck queue is 50 kilometers. People have been standing at the Polish-Belarusian border for the third day in a row.



For those who requested control of Bayrakter through Action. Update the application and switch to services! Optionally, our team with friends has launched a "digital sedative" for you.



Luxembourg now

He apologizes. He is ashamed. But tonight the Russians attacked this shopping mall. And he apologizes...



❗️The Russians shelled the shopping center in Kiev because of the published photos of military equipment taken from a neighboring building- reported in the General Staff of the Armed Forces.



⚡️ Conflict Intelligence Team:The probability of a naval landing in Odesa or the region is low, since practically all transferred units of the Russian Marine Corps are already engaged in battles on the territory of Ukraine.



‼️Kramatorsk! Alarm!



⚡️ Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko stated that Russian occupiers are shelling the capital out of helplessness, as Ukrainian defenders are giving them a strong rebuff.



⚡️ There is a major failure in Apple services



Evacuation buses with children from Mariupol came under fire from Russian occupiers. There are critically injured children, announced the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration Oleksandr Starukh.

Ebanarium. And there are corresponding rules there.

Here's what the destruction in the Podolsky district of Kiev looks like.

Kharkiv. A shell hit people standing in line at the supermarket. This is shocking. And this is awful.



‼️Rivne region! Alarm!



Volyn! Alarm!



‼️Ternopil region! Alarm!



‼️Khmelnytskyi region! Alarm!



‼️Zhytomyr region! Alarm!



🎓 ZNO, DPA, the unified entrance exam and the unified professional entrance exam in 2022 have been canceled

Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet reported this. Most students will finish the academic year remotely.



⚡️Zelensky said that the final point in the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine will be an all-Ukrainian referendum.

I explained to all negotiating groups: when you talk about all these changes, and they can become historical, we will not go anywhere, we will come to a referendum.- said the president in an interview with Suspilne.

This is a very short, but positive story. Lately, only the lazy have not been outraged by the fact that the rent for apartments in Lviv has increased. And if you study this issue, it turns out that not so many have raised the price. But they perfectly illustrate the proverb - A small bug, but stinky. But people like to generalize. Although the same Lviv residents selflessly help refugees. And it's not just about volunteers, but also about those who quietly do a good deed. For example, in Lviv there is a hotel Coin on Gorodotskaya street. The hotel is working, as before, welcoming guests. And the whole first floor, quite large, the owner of this hotel has separated and converted into housing for refugees. And all refugees live there for free. And they are fed for free there as well. This is the decision of the hotel owner. My friends told me about it when I was in Lviv. I went and saw it. Yes, it's all true. And how is this story not a worthy example to respect? So don't go to extremes and generalize everyone. After all, people are different, but there are more good people. I know this for sure. The story I told you only confirms my confidence. And you draw conclusions and remember that we are all different, but we cannot be defeated as long as we are together. In unity is our strength! And in mutual aid!



❗️Ambassador of Ukraine in PolandAndrii Deschytsiadeclaring that Poland has started preparing for a possible invasion from Russia.



❗️ The USA send part of the Soviet-made air defense systems they secretly acquired decades ago to support the Ukrainian armed forces.— The Wall Street Journal

The final compromises at the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia will be decided by an all-Ukrainian referendum.

This concerns issues of security guarantees for the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas and Crimea - Zelensky.

Remind our president, please, that in Ukraine it is forbidden to hold any referendums on the issue of reducing the territory and violating the integrity of Ukraine, or anything that could diminish the territory of our country. And such a referendum, which is currently being proposed, could lead to this. This is stated in Article 2 of the Constitution of Ukraine: The sovereignty of Ukraine extends to its entire territory. Ukraine is a unitary state. The territory of Ukraine within its existing borders is indivisible and inviolable.

Can we rather conduct a referendum on joining the USA or abolishing the presidency? The results may surprise many.



🦾 128 separate mountain assault brigade destroyed the main battle tank of the Russian army, widely advertised and praised T-90..



I appeal to all Ukrainians, wherever we are. Do everything to protect our state. To save our people. Fight. Battle and help. Drive out these slaves! Drive out the occupiers! So that Ukraine - lives. And we all - together with her. Free and peaceful. Which we love so much. Glory to Ukraine!



‼️Kharkiv region! Alarm!

The trouble with fools is that they do not want to listen to the wise and learn from others' mistakes. The same lovers of the Russian world did not listen when I told them that they would wash themselves with tears and blood when the Russian world came to their home. And it happened. And now the idiots are not ready to listen and understand. It is their right. Just do not cry afterwards, as former lovers of the Russian world are doing now, whose homes were destroyed by occupiers and their loved ones killed.



⚡️In Berdyansk, which has been temporarily occupied by Russian occupants,self-proclaimed "acting mayor" appeared.

The prosecutor's office alreadyopenedcriminal proceedings for collaboration activities.



😔 In Mariupol, graves for the dead are simply dug on the street near residential buildings.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" reported about nearly 10 thousand deceased Russian military personnel. The next day the numbers were deleted.Details:

In the evening of March 20 on the website of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the news about the briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defensereported"According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, during the special operation in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces lost 9861 people killed, and 16153 people were injured," the note said.

▪️According to the Web Archive service data, this message remained on the site until the evening of March 21. Later the paragraph about "losses" was removed from the note, but the original version of the news can be read inarchive.

Context:The last time the Russian Ministry of Defense published information about its losses was only once - on March 2. At that time, the department reported 498 dead.

According to Ukraine, around 15,000 Russian military personnel have died since February 24.



☝🏻 The SSU under the NSDC of Ukraine confirms that scammers in Ukraine have become more active using the consequences of Russian shelling for looting.

🔺Criminals are actively spreading offers on social networks to "repair damaged windows for free." They inquire about the level of damage, the number of evacuated apartments, residents' financial status, other details about the house and street, and most importantly - the exact address and time of absence of the homeowners at home.

❗️Thieves rob houses at specified addresses.

❗️During wartime, such crimes are classified as looting and punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to ten years.

🔺The use of information for the correction of fire by the occupiers is not excluded.

🙏🏻We urge citizens not to fall for such fraudulent schemes.

❌ Do not tell strangers where your apartments are and other circumstances related to the consequences of shelling. This threatens you and helps saboteurs.

☝🏻Trust only verified information



New Sociology fromRating. 85% support the creation of a union with Poland and Great Britain. I also support. But I will just point out one logical error that for some reason is not noticed by those who oppose NATO to another form of security guarantees, which now, apparently, they are trying to come up with on Bankova.

For the record. I will not react to or comment on the presidential office advisors. We will all talk about this after the war. There are many questions accumulated by the pre-war authorities to the pre-war opposition and vice versa. I will only note that controlling oneself is one of the virtues of wartime and it is very sad, although predictably, that some manage to hold out only a few minutes of airtime.

Now my modest thoughts on alliances. Judging by the information that comes to the public sparingly, the intention to join NATO we will exchange for some security guarantees. The guarantor of security can be a pool of countries and it would be good if there was a state with nuclear status.

Who is in the nuclear club? Officially, only the states-signatories of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons from 1968: USA, Great Britain, France, China, RF. Informally, Iran, DPRK, Israel, India, Pakistan can also be attributed to it. There is no accurate data on their nuclear programs and the number of warheads - everyone knows that they have weapons, but pretend that it is not serious and North Korea confirms this. In general - five countries.

The divination begins.

Are we considering the option of obtaining security guarantees from the Russian Federation? The option sounds wild in relation to a country that is currently destroying us, pretending to protect (I deliberately chose now without emotional rhetoric). Guarantees already existed - the "Budapest Memorandum" - they were not observed. In fact, Ukraine's neutral status under Yanukovych did not save us from the occupation of Crimea and ORDLO.

2. Is China ready to be the guarantor of our security? Doubtful, considering the remoteness of our foreign policy from them. There were no premises, hints, or initiatives before the war, and there are none now.

3. The United States, the United Kingdom, France remain. And here lies the simple logical error that opponents of NATO somehow do not notice.

Creating an alliance with Poland and Britain (Turkey can also be added here) does not resolve the issue of NATO's global confrontation with Russia - something the dwarf actively demonstrates to everyone. The mentioned countries are already members of NATO. An attack on them triggers that very Article 5 of the NATO Charter where "one for all and all for one." London and Warsaw cannot be NATO members on even days and members of a military-political alliance with Ukraine on odd days. A part cannot be greater than the whole. By joining an alliance with us, they do not cease to be NATO members.

Here is the Kiev-Warsaw-London categorically correct and military cooperation with countries is very important and necessary for us. It is obvious. It is just as obvious that they faced a serious dilemma at Bankova: to renounce the Euro-Atlantic aspirations, change the Constitution (by the way, it is interesting - the proposal will only be to remove the word or insert a neutral status, formalize it), and in return receive a promise of withdrawal of troops; or to continue the war to a victorious end. And I will note - the status is just one of the questions to which one must answer.

We will win.

This is top-notch!



Irina Vereshchuk talks about the results of the humanitarian corridors' work on March 21.



❗️Russian troops fired four missile strikes on Rivne region, three of them were repelled by the air defense system, says Vitaliy Koval, head of the OVA.

How cowardly they are, these Russians. A crowd of Russian trash are bullying a girl in Yekaterinburg, and only a few people stood up for her and tried to defend her from the tossers. The rest just chant "Shame" and film it, instead of rallying together against Putin's thugs.



🤬 In Melitopol, Russian military kidnapped three Israeli citizens: Tatyana Kumok and her parents - Vera and Mikhail Kumok.

Ukrainian Jews and other Ukrainians are disappointed with Israel's position and tone on the issue of the Ukrainian-Russian war," Vereshchuk said.



⚡️ Ukrtelecom has just restored the internet in Kherson and the region, according to the State Special Communications.



‼️Kropyvnytskyi! Alarm!



⚡️Roskomnadzor restricts access to the website Euronews

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto, stated that Budapest will veto EU sanctions on the import of Russian gas, the establishment of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, and a peacekeeping mission.

By the way, a very consistent position. Once the authorities of Hungary sided with the Nazis, now they are siding with the racists. I think Orban will soon receive greetings from Brussels and Washington. ))



❗️This is how Avdiivka looks like now. This horror was arranged in the city by Russian aviation and artillery.Russian fascists today killed 5 residents of Avdiivka, injured 20.



⚡️Germany found a replacement for Russian gas - Berlin has signed a long-term agreement with Qatar for the supply of liquefied natural gas.

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said the deal will open doors for the country's economy.



Frozen assets of the Bank of Russia in France do not plan to transfer to the Bank of Ukraine, - head of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



⚡️"They don't take us in NATO, because they are afraid of Russia. That's it. We need to calm down and say okay, other security guarantees."— Zelensky on compromise on the issue of Ukraine's membership in the Alliance.

The world's largest cryptocurrency exchange Binance has made changes to its policy and blocked the possibility of conducting P2P transactions for a number of Russian banks and payment systems. We are talking about those financial institutions and payment systems that have fallen under sanctions. This was reported by the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine.

After careful verification, the following payment methods have been excluded from the Binance P2P list:



Alpha Bank;



Translation from bank card (Russia);

SBP - Fast bank transfer;


As noted in the message from Binance, all listings containing these payment methods have been automatically closed by the system.

State financial monitoring thanked Binance for the changes made and for participating in "combating the treacherous criminal aggression of Russia against peaceful Ukraine."



📸 Photo of the day. Ministers of defense of Great Britain and Ukraine.



🤬 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary stated that the country will not support EU sanctions against Russia in the energy sector. Hungary also opposes a no-fly zone over Ukraine and a NATO peacekeeping mission proposed by Poland.



✍️ The President of Ukraine has established a military administration in Hostomel.



💪 Tanks in Russia - all



❗️ Kiev! Air alarm!



🗣Podyak commented on information about the losses of occupiers that leaked online: Russian art of lying no longer helps



‼️Slovyansk! Alarm!



‼️ Ukrainian defenders completely destroyed the enemy ammunition depot

A few hours ago, Russian occupiers shelled the city of Zelenodolsk (Krivoy Rog district of Dnipropetrovsk region) with Grad rockets. But the Armed Forces of Ukraine gave a tough response.

Therefore, the enemy's ammunition depot was completely destroyed. And there are no more Grad missiles that shelled the city.



🗣Zelensky is convinced that without a personal meeting with Putin it will not be possible to find out what Russia is ready for and whether it wants to stop the war at all.



It was a day of important events. Difficult conclusions. But it was another day that brings us closer to our victory. To peace for our state. Glory to Ukraine!



💰French banking group BNP Paribas suspends operations in Russia.

According to Bloomberg, the local branch will no longer be able to process any transactions from the end of March.



🎥Head of Mykolaiv regionVitaliy Kimasking locals not to keep ammunition for themselves, but to share with Ukrainian soldiers



🚨 Odesa region! Alarm!



🦾Ukrainian troops successfully repulsed on the Donetsk and Luhansk directions13 attacks by Russian invaders within 24 hours.

Ukrainian defenders also destroyed 300 enemies.



💸The National Bank increased the limit oncash withdrawalfrom currency accounts from 30 thousand to 100 thousand hryvnias in equivalent in Ukraine and abroad.

You can withdraw currency from hryvnia accounts abroad up to 100,000 hryvnias per month.



💬 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukrainecriticizedthe decision of the company Johnson&Johnson to continue working in the Russian market

Their taxes enable the Russian war machine to kill innocent Ukrainian men, women, children, and elderly people. Johnson & Johnson should change their mind. Do the right thing. Choose humanity, not war crimes.



🇺🇸Joe Biden confirmed that Russia used hypersonic missiles in Ukraine, -CNN.

According to the President of the United States:Putin is backed against the wall, he did not anticipate the scale of our unity, and the more his back is against the wall, the harsher tactics he can use.



❗️Russian troopsshotchildren's hospital in Severodonetsk.

Children, their mothers, and hospital staff were evacuated in time. Fortunately, there are no victims.



Interview with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky for global media outlets about NATO, compromises in negotiations, and democracy.