Mar 29, 2024 - Day 765

765 days of active phase of the 10-year war. I want to thank all defenders of Ukraine who give resistance to occupiers! Is everyone here?

Time for good news!



😡 At night, the Russians struck at power plants in central and western regions of Ukraine, UkrEnergo reports.

The thermal and hydroelectric power plants in the central and western regions were damaged.

Currently in Dnipropetrovsk region there are emergency schedules, while in Kharkiv region there are hourly disconnection schedules.



At night, the RussiansattackedSettlements in the Dnipropetrovsk region as a result are wounded, including a child.

PPA shot down 10 drones over the region, 4 missiles were destroyed over the Dnipro.

As a result of enemy attacks, several energy facilities were damaged.



During the past day, 59 armed clashes occurred.reportsGeneral Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Defense Aviation struck at 14 areas where enemy personnel, weapons, and military equipment were concentrated.

Units of missile troops struck at 1 area of concentration of personnel, 4 control points, 4 air defense assets, 2 artillery assets, and 1 enemy ammunition depot.



In the morning at 9:00, we honor the memory of those killed in Russia's brutal war against Ukraine.



At night, air defense forces destroyed 84 air targets - 58 drones and 26 missiles.



Today we honor the memory of border guard Oleg Cherpak.

The guy was born in 2004 in Kyiv region. In 2022, he graduated from an agricultural lyceum. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the 18-year-old young man joined the ranks of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. In December 2022, he was appointed as an inspector of the border service - a driver of the border commandant's office.

Sergeant Oleg Cherpak was killed on May 13, 2023 in a close combat with occupiers near the border village of Mokhy in Chernihiv region. He was 19 years old.

The soldier was posthumously awarded the medal "For the Defender of the Homeland".

Forever in line!

Oh! It never happened before and it happened again? And who is to blame for not being ready??? And who is our Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who is responsible for this? And who didn't listen to Zaluzhnyi when he said that full mobilization was necessary to resist the Russian army? And who talked about an offensive in 2024 when Zaluzhnyi said that preparations should be made for defense? And who promised 1 million drones, but instead, brigades received some kind of tears from the state? And who removed Zaluzhnyi? So was all this not preparation for repelling the invaders' offensive? Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, maybe it's time for you to look in the mirror and draw conclusions if you can?



🇳🇱The Netherlands will deploy Patriot air defense systems in Lithuania.

Systems will be in Lithuania for several weeks for training.

We are entering a full-fledged parliamentary crisis just before the new advance of the occupiers. The Verkhovna Rada is a body whose continuous powers are guaranteed by the Constitution during a state of war, but it becomes inactive and discredited. Signs of the destruction of parliamentarism are as follows:

The Verkhovna Rada remained the only state body whose working schedule has not changed since the siege of Kyiv: the meetings are scheduled by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada with the leadership of the servants when they want. And they cancel the same way.

2) There are no votes in the law. Servants disappear from the hall after 2-3 successful votes and then even obedient partners of power from the former OPZZh do not help.

3) Instead of working - managed from Bankovaya freaks. They write idiotic bills, crawl into other people's streams uninvited, snatch other people's phones - in general, behave like chaos monkeys. This is not so much psychiatry as political discreditation technology parliament in general. As in a well-known TV series - only one should remain in power. And that's what they're working on. It's just the impression of a monkey king, not a warrior-hunter.

4) restriction of any opposition activity: as much as possible, they will not let them go anywhere. Neither to see the real situation on the front, nor to international meetings. Instead of constructive work during the period of greatest danger to the existence of Ukraine - neglect, arrogance, and deafness. It doesn't matter that European Solidarity represents millions of voters and like-minded people. The current government's understanding of democracy is primitive - "we are the majority, we can do anything". They are not mature enough for a different perception, and they don't really want to.

For war time, when it is necessary to work around the clock for defense, as well as for entry into the European Union, the situation is suicidal. On Bankova Street, it seems like self-preservation instinct was cut out. Or did someone guarantee them self-preservation, unlike Ukraine?

Society must strengthen its voice and constantly demand adequacy of actions from the authorities in order to avoid a political crisis in conditions when both institutions and personalities - everyone - should work to support Ukraine. Because the representatives chosen by society do not want to be heard there. (c) Volodymyr Ariev, Member of the Parliament of Ukraine



General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published the approximate total losses of Russian occupiers.

The Wall Street Journal Russia doubled the import of explosive ingredient with the help of West.

Russia increased the import of explosives necessary for the production of artillery ammunition, including from companies located in the USA and other Western countries, despite sanctions, according to trade operation data.

▪ Russian imports of nitrocellulose - a highly flammable cotton product that plays a key role in the production of gunpowder and rocket fuel - increased by 70% in 2022, and by mid-2023 reached 3,039 tons of product, almost doubling the level of 202.

Defense companies around the world are trying to find ways to obtain nitrocellulose in conditions of scarcity, which has led to rising prices and creating obstacles for production. Nitrocellulose is produced only by a few countries in the world, as its main application is in ammunition, and it is subject to international trade restrictions.

▪ Russia produces little nitrocellulose, the main ingredient of smokeless powder used in artillery, so Russia's ability to acquire it abroad played a decisive role in its confrontation with Ukraine, according to US officials and analysts.

"Nitrocellulose becomes an artillery shell...The majority of deaths on the battlefield and a significant portion of collateral damage to the civilian population are from artillery," says Bradley Martin, head of the Rand analytical center.

▪ Nitrocellulose is also used for civilian purposes, but analysts believe that the increasing imports are intended for military purposes, as the Russian economy has been reoriented to military production.

▪ China increased its supply of nitrocellulose to Russia after the US and EU imposed sanctions banning the export of any kind of military production to Moscow. But companies from the US, Germany, and Taiwan are also among the nitrocellulose producers supplying Russia over the past two years, according to trade data.

▪ Russian importer Analytical Marketing Chemical Group has received about $700,000 worth of nitrocellulose from Taiwan over the past two years. According to information from the company's website, the importer is a constant partner of the Kazan State Powder Plant, which produces a whole range of weapons, according to the company's social media records.

Before the start of the conflict in Ukraine, Turkey provided less than 1% of the Russian nitrocellulose imports. However, by the middle of last year, one Turkish company, Noy Iç Ve Diş Ticaret, supplied almost half of the Russian imports of this product, according to data from the Russian customs, provided by the trade database ImportGenius and studied by The Wall Street Journal.

According to corporate documents, most of the sales of the company Noy, based in Istanbul, were carried out by Russian companies that are registered subcontractors of the government. The first shipments of nitrocellulose to Russia were made by the company Noy within three months after February 2022, and it was through Noy that a significant part of nitrocellulose made by Western allies reached Russia.

German subsidiaries of the New York company International Flavors & Fragrances have sold at least 80 tons of nitrocellulose to the company Noy, which last year shipped the material to Russia. A representative of International Flavors & Fragrances stated that the company was surprised to learn that the supply of nitrocellulose to Russia, which it had suspended in April 2022, continued through a third party.

The Taiwanese company TNC Industrial produced more than 500 tons of connectors, which the company Noy delivered to Russia last year, according to trade data. The company Hagedorn-NC, which has been producing nitrocellulose in the western lowlands of Germany for over a century, produced a similar amount of product over the past two years, delivered by Noy to Russia.

▪ Export of Western companies to Russia is taking place against the backdrop of a global shortage of nitrocellulose, which slows down the production of artillery for Ukraine by NATO countries. Poland, for example, has invested funds in restoring nitrocellulose production to meet the growing demand for artillery - Mykhailo Makaruk, Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier, spokesperson for InformNapalm.

CBS News in the description of Zelensky's interview with reference to the words of the President of Ukraine notes that the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Zelensky says thatUkrainian military are currently not ready to defend against another large Russian offensive, which is expected in the coming months. .

Head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine SIRSKY says he plansnot allow the loss of its territory, exhaust the enemy as much as possible, inflict the greatest possible losses on him, form and prepare reserves for conducting offensive actions .

One says that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not ready for the Russian offensive, while the other says that he plans to prepare for a counteroffensive. Does anyone else find these statements contradictory? However, I prefer the calm position of the Syrians, and Zelensky's statement smells of hysteria and hype. But the question is, who is closer to the real state of affairs? Only time will tell.



There is damage to the energy infrastructure in the Dnipropetrovsk, Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Cherkasy, and Chernivtsi regions, Prime Minister Shmyhal reported.

In some regions, emergency shutdowns are in place. Ukraine needs more early warning systems to secure critical infrastructure and protect the population, the head of the government said.



During the battles for Avdiivka at the end of February, 25 Ukrainian servicemen fell into captivity of occupiers.reportedCommander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrskyi.

He stressed that Russian propagandists are trying to use various videos with captured Ukrainian soldiers in order to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine, psychological pressure and spread panic among Ukrainians.

I want to say to these soldiers, if they hear me, and to their families: we have not forgotten anyone and we are doing everything to liberate these military personnel from enemy captivity. The efforts of our state leadership, as well as the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces Command, are fully involved in this, - said Syrskyi.



Ukraine has returned the bodies of 121 deceased servicemen, as reported by the Coordination Headquarters for Prisoner of War Affairs.



We are starting the updated work of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

First - more predictability, this function. We need to strengthen Ukraine's ability to predict and influence the processes on which the national security of our state depends.


Friend – continuation of the execution of all current tasks of the National Security and Defense Council system. And especially closely – regarding the sanction policy of our state.

Third - doctrinal work. Clarity of national guidelines and systematicness in their implementation is what is needed now and after the war.

Fourth - cybersecurity and information. The NSDC has the potential to do more to protect against hostile destabilizing operations and coordinate all state institutions in this area.

And fifth - the work of the Staff, projects of decisions, control over the implementation of decisions - all this, of course, must be continued. The obvious priority is the defense of our state and the protection of our society.



The Ministry of Defense of Romania reported that fragments of a drone were found on a farm near the border with Ukraine.

Elements of a probable drone were found in agricultural lands on the island of Velika Brijela.



Zelensky dismissed Ambassador of Ukraine to Moldova Mark Shevchenko.



Ukraine and the USA have signed an agreement to delay payments on state debt.

Signing this Agreement will allow to reduce the debt burden on the state budget and redirect funds that were supposed to be paid for the repayment and servicing of debt obligations to the needs of the social and humanitarian sphere. Grateful to partners for significant contribution to supporting macrofinancial stability and economic growth of Ukraine in conditions of war, - emphasized the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Marchenko.



Former Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Danilov will continue to work in the diplomatic direction, Zelensky reported.

On his part, MP Honcharenko stated that Danilov will be an ambassador to Moldova.



❗️ Reported explosion in Odessa.

Air alarm has been announced in the city and region.

Hold on, Odessa! Russnians are not humans, they are biological waste!



Chief Commander of the Armed Forces Sirsky for the first timecommentedresignation of the former head of Zaluzhny. According to him, the reasons for his dismissal were significant.

In the military, there is one duty - we do not discuss orders, we execute them. So if the President of the country, the supreme commander-in-chief, had reasons for such a replacement, especially during the active phase of the war, - this means that these reasons are significant, - said Sirsky.

In Belgorod, everything is stable. I wonder why this is happening? And was it like this before 24.02.22? No? So what happened?



Zelensky told about the first Stavka, for the convening of which the new Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Litvinenko was responsible.

This night, the Kaniv and Dniester HPPs became the conscious targets of the enemy. The country-terrorist wants to repeat an ecological disaster in Kherson region. But now not only Ukraine, but also Moldova is under threat, - said the president.

He also noted thatthe need for PPO has come to the forefront .

Due to the intensity of Russian shelling, it is necessary to replenish supplies faster. I have instructed to strengthen cooperation with partners. We count on their quick response, - added Zelensky.



Russians hit Odesa with two guided missiles, both targets were shot down by air defense forces, - OVA leader Kiper.

In some areas of the city, the fall of debris was recorded. A 15-year-old child was injured, she was hospitalized, - said Kiper.

Alexei Danilov will continue to work in the diplomatic direction, - Volodymyr Zelensky

Somehow I remembered:Ex-commander of the SSU Victor Khorenko will continue to perform special tasks as part of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense - said ZelenskyNovember 3, 2023But Khorenko is still not in the JFO, and now it is the end of May 2024. Although this is not the first time Zelensky lied. I wonder if it will be the same with Danilov?



🇷🇴Prime Minister of Romania Marcel Cholak could not say whether the drone that crashed near the border with Ukraine was of Russian origin.

Let's wait for the investigation. If we look at the crater, there was no explosion there, so it couldn't have caused any damage, even if it had fallen in another area," he said, quoted by Libertatea.



💥 In the Odessa region, two Russian guided air-to-surface missiles X-59 were destroyed, - Air Force.



❗️Council committee has completed consideration of 4269 amendments to the mobilization bill

In a few weeks, the Council will consider the issue in the Parliament hall.




Thank you to everyone who contributed to the collection for the Zenit Rocket Brigade of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Together we managed to raise the necessary amount and now the defenders of the Ukrainian sky in the south will have a little easier time!

Together to victory!



🔥British intelligence showed photos of the aftermath of the Ukrainian strikes on Sevastopol on March 24.

You can see that one structure of the building of the communication center of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation is damaged.



As a result of the attack of Russia in Odesa, three people were affected, two of them are children. - OVA



🚨In many regions of Ukraine, an air alarm has been announced due to the threat of launches of X-22 missiles.




Every donation of 100 UAH - participation in the draw of a real trophy: a fragment of a Russian rocket, with wishes from our Air Hawks who shot it down!

More contributions - more chances to get this truly collectible item!

Goal: 210,000.

A small donation for the family that is currently defending our sleep.

As on earth, so in the air.

Vlada USAturnedAt least 20 companies due to the risk of using their products RF in the war against Ukraine.

"Over the past few weeks, we have sent letters to more than 20 American companies, each containing a list of over 600 foreign pages," said Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Axelrod at the annual export control conference in Washington, District of Columbia. "In the letters, we asked American companies to voluntarily stop supplying these parties due to the high risk of diversion to Russia."

Companies manufacture and sell products found in rockets and drones that the Russian Federation attacks Ukraine with, according toRadio Liberty.



🤬The mayor of Odessa Trukhanov reported five injured in a Russian attack on the city.

As reported by the head of the press center of the Southern Defense Forces Humenyuk - among them are three children aged 10 to 15 years.



From April 1, the minimum wage in Ukraine will be increased from 7100 to 8000 UAH, - Prime Minister Shmyhal



Today quickly collected the necessary votes for a petition on the subject of casinos – online gambling platforms. About how widespread it is and how it affects part of society. I instructed the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, State Special Communications Service, Ministry of Digital Transformation and Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council to gather all the analytics on this issue for me and propose a decision next week.

And today started early - at night - due to Russian missile strikes. I was in constant communication with the Air Force commander Oleshchuk and Head of Sirsky. Detailed reports. The responses to the enemy will also be detailed.

Glory to our strong nation! Glory to Ukraine!



🤔Zelensky dismissed two deputy heads of the OP.

Olena Kovalska and Iryna Mudra have been appointed to replace Oleksiy Dniprov and Andriy Smyrnov.

The new ambassador of Ukraine in Moldova will be Oleksiy Danilov, - Volodymyr Zelensky

Everything is fine that we did not send to China. But a very interesting case. You name the Chinese special envoy Hu and go as an ambassador to Moldova. An incredible story of a diplomatic career. ))



Former Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov will depart as Ukraine's ambassador to Moldova, said Volodymyr Zelensky.



🤔Zelensky's family income tripled in 2023.

The submitted declaration states that his income for the year is 12.4 million hryvnias.

The growth in WR was explained by the recovery of lease payments from real estate.



❗️❗️❗️A petition has appeared on the Cabinet's website to redirect funds from the telethon to the Armed Forces.

Link to the petition:

According to a study by the Center for Economic Strategy, the proportion of men among refugees from Ukraine currently staying abroad has increased from 17% to 35%.

No comments.



We have gathered for you the main things you might have missed on March 29th:

Ukraine in Marchreceived 9 billion dollarsexternal financing.

🔹In the U.S. military committeeevaluated risksthe new large-scale offensive of the Russian Federation

🔹Zelensky instructed to prepare a decision onrestriction of online casinos.

🔹Emergency schedules have been introduced in six regionspower outage

🔹 Income of the Zelensky familyfor 2023, the three-fold increase.

🔹They plan to build in Zakarpattiariver port

First, it's beautiful. And secondly, the first is enough.



🤔І The Institute of National Memory demands the dismantling of the Arch of Friendship of Peoples in Kyiv. .

The Institute states that even the renamed monument represents Soviet ideological themes and connotations, posing a threat to the national security of Ukraine and requiring complete dismantling.

Having readnew interviewZelensky for the Washington Post. Mmm...

One of his theses sounds like this: The Armed Forces of Ukraine will inevitably retreat if the USA do not provide the necessary military assistance to Kyiv.

Let's say, in my opinion, this interview will not bring us any benefits, both abroad and in Ukraine. I don't see any negatives either. But I don't understand why give an interview that is not beneficial to the country.

Peaceful night 🌙 to all good people

And let all the riffraff die!