Mar 5, 2024 - Day 741

741 days of active phase of 10-year war. Let's stand. Let's endure. Let's overcome. Let's win. And just waiting is not enough. We need to act. Is everyone here?

Time for some good news!



Tonight, as a result of a strike by Ukrainian naval drones, the Russian patrol ship project 22160 Sergey Kotov was hit, "UP" reports with reference to sources in the GUR.

In the network publish the moment of explosion of the Russian ship.



At night, the Russians attacked Ukraine with 22 "Shahed" type drones, according to the Air Force.

The PPO forces destroyed 18 enemy drones.



Ukrainian military repelled 22 enemy attacks on the Novopavlivsky direction, held positions and repelled assaults by occupation forces on the Kherson direction.reportsGeneral Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

During the past day, the Defense Forces aviation struck at eight areas where personnel were concentrated and one enemy ground control station of UAVs.

Also, with the efforts and means of the Ukrainian air defense, one guided aviation missile X-59 has been destroyed.

The missile troops units have struck three areas of concentration of personnel, one air defense system, and six enemy artillery systems.



🕯In the morning at 9:00, we observe a minute of silence to honor the memory of those who died in Russia's brutal war against Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces reports the destruction of the enemy ship "Sergey Kotov"


🎯 On the night of March 4-5, 2024, the special forces unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine "Group 13" attacked the patrol ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet "Sergey Kotov".


🤝 The mission took place in cooperation with the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.


✅ As a result of the strike by the sea drones "Magura V5", the Russian project 22160 ship "Sergey Kotov" suffered damage to the stern, right and left sides.


🌊 The "Kotova" fire incident took place in the territorial waters of Ukraine, not far from the Kerch Strait.


The cost of the sunken ship is around 65 million dollars.



🇧🇪Belgium has expelled dozens of so-called Russian diplomats from the country, said Prime Minister Alexander De Croo.

In recent months, Belgium has deported dozens of so-called Russian diplomats from the country. Were they spies? Obviously, yes, - he said.

According to De Croo, Russia is also attacking Belgium in other ways.

"If we speak out against Russia, we know that very often our websites become targets of cyberattacks in the following hours," he added.



Today we honor the memory of military serviceman, Master Sergeant Yuriy Kramskiy.

The man lived in the Lyubotyn community in Kharkiv region. He died on January 17 while performing a combat mission in Donetsk region.

The fighter was 44 years old. Buried the soldier in his native community.

Forever in line!



In the Belgorod region, after an explosion, an oil depot is on fire, it is reported about a drone attack.

Russian Telegram channels report that a drone attacked the Belgorodneftoprodukt oil base in the village of Dolhye.



General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has published tentative losses of Russian occupiers for the past day.

In September of 2000, live on CNN, in response to Larry King's question "What happened to the Russian submarine 'Kursk'?", Putin answered: "It sank".

Apparently, the same thing happened with the RTO "Moscow", SK "Admiral Makarov", three small missile ships ("Veliky Ustyug", "Askold", "Samum"), five large landing ships ("Minsk", "Novocherkassk", "Saratov", "Olenegorsky Miner", "Cezar Kunikov"), two missile hovercraft (projects 1176, 11770) and a missile boat (project 12411), SB "Rescuer Vasily Bekh", submarine B-237 "Rostov-on-Don", patrol boats of project 03160 and patrol boat "Sergei Kotov". They all sank. I want to draw attention to the fact that this did not happen until 02.24.22. What happened?

And I want to know if everything is okay with unlocking iPhone for the Russians?



The VMS showed the destruction of the Russian ship "Sergei Kotov", which previously participated in the attack on Snake Island and where they planned to place anti-aircraft missile systems.

Video of the destruction of Sergey Kotov. GRU MO - respect!



📊49% of Ukrainians believe that the attempts of the state to exert more control over information in online sources restrict the rights and freedoms of citizens, - KMIS.

In 2022, 60% of Ukrainians agreed that in order to strengthen protection from the enemy, the state should more actively control information in internet sources. At the same time, 30% were against it and considered it a restriction of rights and freedoms.

By February 2024, the situation has changed significantly: now more people perceive the attempts of the state to act more actively towards internet sources as a restriction of rights and freedoms - according to 49% of respondents.

At the same time, the proportion of those who believe that it is worth more actively controlling information from internet sources to strengthen security has decreased by up to 44%.

Ukrainian MP from the "Servant of the People" party Volodymyr Kreydenko, after the full-scale invasion by the Russians, moved to a new apartment in one of the new residential complexes in Pechersk in Kyiv. According to him, the elite apartment was purchased by his father from the sale of real estate in Melitopol and the realization of cherries. He told about this and more in his author's blog.



Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has once again become the richest person in the world, surpassing Elon Musk in this indicator, The Wall Street Journal reports.

On March 4, Bezos' net worth was 200 billion dollars, while Musk's personal fortune amounted to 198 billion dollars.

On the third step is the head of LVMH, Bernard Arnault, with assets of 197 billion dollars.



Commander of the 184th brigade of water security ships [Novorossiysk], under whose command the patrol ship Sergei Kotov was, describes the details of the ship's destruction.



All the devils that torment our Ukrainian people will surely be punished.

At first, "Sergei Kotov" together with the cruiser "Moskva" terrorized the Snake Island and our brave defenders on it.

Now the "Cats" and "Moscow" together are heading to the bottom - where there is a place for the whole Russian fleet.

And the fantastic operations of our Armed Forces in the Black Sea will definitely be included in military art textbooks.


A large number of videos of women who look like foreigners but speak Chinese and promote love for China, made with artificial intelligence, began to appear on Chinese social media platforms on the eve of the lunar New Year at the beginning of this month.

Avatars in videos are created from stolen and modified online images. Women recognized themselves in the video.

Olha Loieck is one of those women. A 20-year-old Ukrainian studying cognitive science at the University of Pennsylvania. Several months ago, Loieck started a channel on YouTube where she talks about mental health and shares her philosophical views on life. However, shortly after that, she began receiving messages from subscribers who said they saw her on Chinese social networks.

There she is not Olga Loek, but a Russian woman who speaks Chinese, loves China and wants to marry a Chinese man. Her name is Natasha, or Anna, or Grace, depending on the social media platform in China.

I started translating videos using Google Translate and realized that most of these accounts talk about things like China, Russia, how good relations are between China and Russia," she told Voice of America. "It's very offensive."

In some videos, avatars talk about how they appreciate the close ties between Russia and China. In other videos, they praise Chinese history and culture, or talk about how much Russian women want to marry a Chinese man.

"If you marry Russian women, we will wash the laundry, cook, wash the dishes every day," says the avatar. "We will also give you foreign children, as many as you want."

On the video sites Douyin and Bilibili, there are several dozen videos of the avatar Loek speaking Chinese. Most of these accounts invite viewers to visit online stores to buy, as they say, real Russian goods.

Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, has marked some of these videos as potentially AI-generated. But from the comments, it's clear that many believe they're watching a real woman. One network user wrote: "Russian beauty, the Chinese welcome you."

Loek said that she will never say such things, obviously, considering that she is from Ukraine, which has been at war with Russia since 2022. She said, "This is probably used to make people, maybe people in China, feel that foreigners consider their country better."

On Bilibili, China's largest video site, some videos with artificial intelligence using the face of Loek are marked with the HeyGen logo, indicating that the video was created on the company's website. In one video from Bilibili, the demonstrator even shows how to make a short video on HeyGen with a clip featuring Loek speaking.

HeyGen is an artificial intelligence company based in Los Angeles that has been operating in China since 2020. They specialize in realistic digital avatars, voice generation, and video translation. The technology developed by HeyGen was used in an artificial intelligence video where Donald Trump and Taylor Swift speak perfect Chinese, which went viral on Chinese social media in October 2023.

Loek said that after she and her YouTube subscribers filed complaints to Chinese social media companies, about a dozen accounts imitating her were deleted.

Voice of America reached out to the parent company HeyGen and Douyin, ByteDance, for comments, but did not receive a response. At the beginning of 2023, the Chinese government introduced regulations regarding deepfake synthesis services.

The law prohibits creating deepfakes without the consent of people whose images or other information are used. Loek published her story on YouTube, and it was shared on Chinese social networks. Network users on various platforms sympathized with her and called for strengthening rules regarding AI.



Today, March 5, 2024, marks the third anniversary of the US imposing sanctions on oligarch Kolomoisky, and in December 2021, the United States imposed sanctions on the controversial figure from the Yanukovych era, Andriy Portnov.

Portnov has been included in the list of persons under the so-called Magnitsky Act, because according to the convictions of US officials, he cultivated corruption in the Ukrainian judicial system, being widely known as a judicial fixer who used his influence to buy court decisions, reminds lawyer Ihor Holovan.

Already almost 5 years some Ukrainian judges are trying to defend the honor and dignity of Portnov, namely to prove that Portnov is not pro-Russian and in no way helped the aggressor.

In particular, he did not try to weaken Ukraine's position in the case of the capture of Ukrainian ships and sailors in the area of the Kerch Strait, - Holovan notes.

The Supreme Court twice overturned illegal decisions in favor of Portnov. And on February 27, 2024, the Kyiv Court of Appeal satisfied Portnov for the third time. However, partially.

Satisfying absurd demands from Portnov to Petro Poroshenko no longer dared and Portnov was refused. But the no less absurd demands of the European Solidarity party and Direct TV channel were satisfied again.

Holovany emphasized that the NABU is still investigating the case of sailors, as stated by Portnov.

And what did Portnov accuse the President of Ukraine of in his statement? In the introduction of MARTIAL LAW, WHICH MADE TIMELY HOLDING OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN UKRAINE IMPOSSIBLE. Doesn't it remind you of anything?



📄 Cabinet of Ministers is preparing a draft law that will increase the military fee for private entrepreneurs.informedMP Getmantsev.

According to him, the Ministry of Finance is working on increasing state budget revenues by 44 billion hryvnias.

Hetmantsev added that they expect the presentation of this bill already in March. He did not mention what the amount of the military fee will be.

According to him, the government intends to introduce a military fee for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities paying a single tax, as well as for certain types of transactions with real estate and jewelry.

Aaaaaa! Class and type of ship! Oreyro!!! ))



The destroyed ship Sergey Kotov guarded the Kerch Strait, said Navy spokesperson Pletenchuk.

He said that in general, the Russians have four units of similar ships in the Black Sea Fleet, but two of them have already been decommissioned — Sergey Kotov and Pavel Derzhavin, who is currently undergoing repairs.

Basically, the situation is quite complicated for them, they understand this, so the redistribution of the ship's fleet closer to the sea part of the Black Sea is taking place. But, of course, they cannot leave the waters," he said in a telethon.

As of Tuesday morning, there were no enemy ships in the Black Sea.

🇺🇸Former US Air Force employeedetainedfor disclosing secret data about the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine on a dating site. It is about 63-year-old David Slater, who was a civilian employee

🔸The Ministry of Justice noted that he worked in the commandant's office and from August 2021 to April 2022 had access to classified information. In particular, he was present at strategic briefings, and he transmitted the collected information through a dating site to a person who pretended to be a woman living in Ukraine.

🔸Before he worked there, he served in the US Army and retired as a lieutenant colonel. The first court hearing will take place on March 5th. He faces up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 for each count of the accusation.

❤️Radio Liberty. Subscribe



ChatGPT can now read its responses out loud, reports TheVerge.

The function is available in the web version of ChatGPT and for iOS and Android.

"Read Aloud" can speak 37 languages, but will automatically detect the language of the text being read. This feature is available for both GPT-4 and GPT-3.5.



🇨🇭In Zurich, 30,000 officials were accidentally paid double salary for February, SWI reports.

An error occurred during data processing at the bank and now officials have to return their "second" salary.

The amount of overpayment is 175 million francs or approximately 199 million US dollars.



📱 The app "Dіya" is not working again.

This time not through voting in the national selection for Eurovision-2024.

In the Parliament there is a revolt. In a good way. Deputies refuse to vote if they continue to be restricted in their right to foreign business trips. And that's why votes for the OP bills are missing. Because of this, meetings in the Verkhovna Rada, which were supposed to take place this week on March 6, 7, and 8, were cancelled.

In order to somehow officially cover up, it was decided to announce that a significant part of the members of parliament from the Servant of the People party plans a work trip within Ukraine. It will concern military and defense issues. But this is only an imitation of turbulent activity.

The real reason, as explained by deputies, is the rebellion of all opposition factions and part of the servants.

Reason - parliamentary crisis. The opposition threatens to submit all its amendments and slow down the consideration of any initiatives in the hall until they are allowed to travel abroad and go on business trips, - explained one of the deputies. And this scares Stefanchuk, who understands what the work of the Verkhovna Rada will turn into.

Good that the deputies remembered their independence from the OP. Bad that only now and only through restrictions on travel.



🇫🇷President of France Macron urged allies not to be cowards on the issue of Ukraine, - Reuters.

We are definitely approaching the moment when it will be appropriate not to be a coward in our Europe," he emphasized.

Macron said that France and the Czech RepublicThey understand well that the war is raging again on our land (in Europe), that some states, which have become uncontrollable, are expanding their threat of attack on us more and more every day, and that we will have to respond with the history and courage it demands. .

Fantastic idiot. He plans to erase Europe. Has his washing machine grown for this already? And the earth bears such scum...



This week the Council meetings were cancelled, as "servants of the people" are involved in preparing a report on fortifications for the US Senate.reportedPeople's Deputy Iryna Gerashchenko.

Instead of a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada, they are now forming three groups of 10 deputies only from the Servants, in order to send them to military positions and report on fortifications, - said Gerashchenko.



⚡️ The Hague Court issued arrest warrants for the commander of the long-range aviation of the Russian Federation Sergey Kobylash and the commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation Viktor Sokolov.

Two arrest warrants were issued at the request of the prosecution.

It is noted that there are sufficient grounds to believe that two suspects are responsible for missile strikes carried out by forces under their command on Ukrainian power infrastructure from at least October 10, 2022, to at least March 9, 2023.

The court Gaagi issued orders for the arrest of Admiral Viktor Sokolov, former commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, and of Sergei Kobylash, commander of the long-range aviation of the Russian army.

Russian military are synonymous with military criminals.



⚖️ The case of former MP Murayev on state treason has been sent to the court

He faces up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.

What's wrong with mobilization in Ukraine? Will Kyiv agree to freeze the war? What scheme is being developed by the Bankova? Politician Oleksiy Holobutsky told about this and more on the YouTube channel of Borislav Bereza.



🔥The State Border Guard Service counted the losses of the occupiers due to the sinking of Sergei Kotov.

At least 7 Russians are known to have been killed and 6 wounded.



The Moscow Patriarchate wants to ban in Ukraine at the legislative level, - MP Vyatrovich.

Recommended by the Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy, the bill will soon be considered in the Verkhovna Rada.

📊 Zaluzhny's candidacy for the presidential elections is ready to be supported by 41.4% of Ukrainians, Zelensky - 23.7%, according to a poll.

This is evidenced by datapollsociological company SOCIS, conducted on the order of Censor.NET.

So, the citizens responded which political force they would vote for if elections to the Verkhovna Rada were held.

For the political force of Valeriy Zaluzhny, they would give their vote 34.2% (46.4% among those who decided and will go to the elections). For the political force of Volodymyr Zelenskyy - 15.5% (21.1%). For Petro Poroshenko - 5.5% (7.5%). For Serhiy Prytula - 5.1% (7.0%). And for Dmytro Razumkov - 5% (6.8%).

Ukrainians were also asked who they would vote for if the presidential elections were held in 2024.

Valeriy Zaluzhny has the most support - 31.3% (41.4% among those who have decided and will go to vote) and Volodymyr Zelensky - 21.7% (23.7%).

19.2% of citizens did not decide on a choice or refused to answer.

I imagine what moods are on Bankova now and what will start pouring from there.

A few words about crime and punishment.

Shani Look was killed by Hamas terrorists. She became famous after the massacre at a music festival near kibbutz Reim, as one of the missing participants in the festival, when soon after the attack a video appeared online, showing her being taken unconscious through the streets of Gaza by Hamas militants in the back of a pickup truck.

On November 16, it became known that the terrorist who put on display and spat on the body of Shani Luka was liquidated by the IDF.

Today it became known that three out of four killers of Shani Luk were eliminated by Tsahal. The fourth will also be eliminated. There is no doubt about it. This is not revenge. No. This is the restoration of justice. Sequential and methodical. Crime and punishment.

Therefore, all the fascist creatures must know that retribution will come to them in time. Like in Krasnoyarsk to the Wagnerian Konkeev Sergey, who bragged about killing Ukrainian prisoners. And like in Engels it came to the Tu-95 strategic bomber pilot Oleg Stegachev.I have spoken.



❗️There are problems with the work of Instagram and Facebook, including among Ukrainian users.



⏯ Glitches in YouTube have also started.

Hmm... ❗️Facebook experiences large-scale outages worldwide. Users are being kicked out of their accounts and unable to log in. It tells me that the password is incorrect.

Twitter, YouTube, Google services, WhatsApp, TikTok and other popular services are also experiencing problems worldwide.

So, this could be some global failure due to software update or something else.But I think that this may be related to the fact that those damn Houthis "cut off" the connection between Europe, Asia, and Africa, interrupting the cables at the bottom of the Red Sea .

In the waters under Yemen's jurisdiction, 4 out of 15 underwater telecommunications cables are critically damaged.



❗️France will also join the Czech initiative to purchase ammunition for Ukraine.

About this, French President Emmanuel Macron stated in Prague at a joint press conference with Czech President Petr Pavel.

Rusnya says they dropped something. Says they were isolated in the corridor, they say the purge continues. And rusnya cannot understand who lied that they captured Krinki. They say they are sweeping. They don't like it. Once they don't like it, then get out of there. You can go to Rushka. Or to Kobzon...



🔌 Users report that Facebook and Instagram have begun to gradually restore operations.

Oleksandr Vilkul: "Today an important event happened - unification with Yevheniy Murayev. This is a comprehensive and systematic unification of political forces. In the near future, a unification congress will take place.

We have a very similar program, values, and views on the future of Ukraine. And I didn't say at the press conference for nothing that after winning the elections, I will offer Yevgeny's candidacy for the position of Prime Minister and suggest leading the party list in parliamentary elections"

On March 7, 2019, the official page on FB. (c)Yuliy Morozov



The occupiers did not stop shelling Nikopol area during the day.

As the head of the Dnipropetrovsk RSA said, there were a total of 5 UAV strikes and 2 artillery shelling. The Russians targeted the district center, Mirivska and Marganetsk communities.

Damaged private enterprise, 2 houses and the same number of outbuildings.

In the draft law on mobilization, they consider restriction of the possibility of leaving abroad as a measure of punishment for evaders.

Since men of conscription age cannot leave anyway, only one conclusion suggests itself. If it costs a man 10 bucks to leave now, it will soon cost the evader 20 bucks.))



The ship "Sergey Kotov", which was destroyed today by Ukrainian drones, was the newest ship of project 22160 in the composition of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, to which it arrived only on July 30, 2022.

Ukraine is not attacking this ship for the first time. Yes, last September during the attack on Russian fleet ships, Sergey Kotov received significant damage.

More videos on our TikTok👇

Someone made an attempt... It was me. Me!

Today, on Tuesday, March 5th, at 20-00, we will be broadcasting with Igor Lapin.

- Defeat in Crimea. The large patrol ship "Sergiy Kotov" was destroyed by the GUAM MO. What awaits the Russian Black Sea Fleet? And is it true that this is the implementation of Valeriy Zaluzhny's plan?

- The Verkhovna Rada rebellion. Deputies refuse to vote if they continue to restrict their right to go on official trips abroad. And that's it, votes for OP bills are absent. What consequences await us?

- Vlada handed over lists of problematic Telegram channels to the management. Is this a real fight against fakes or an attempt to silence those who need it?

- The Russian Federation continues to manipulate negotiations. We know how actively Russian propaganda works, so will anyone believe the enemy's lies?

-NAZK fulfilled the requirements of the law on open declarations. But what did this give to Ukrainian officials? The answer is obvious - new schemes to bypass declaration. So what to do? How to officially expose corrupt officials and improve the declaration system?



🔥Thanks to the viewer of Pravda who shared this infographic with us, we can recall all 28 destroyed RF ships, including Sergei Kotov.

Looking at all these names, you understand that currently in Kobzon there is no such a background vocal 😈



🙈 Meta explained the failure by technical issues and stated that everything has already been resolved.



Today there is a new step of the International Criminal Court - orders for the arrest of two more representatives of the Russian leadership. This time - military leaders. Commanders of Russian killers - long-range aviation and the Black Sea Fleet of the state-terrorist.

In particular, they have carried out and are carrying out a terrorist campaign against our state and people - strikes against our energy, our civilian infrastructure. These are obvious crimes - Russia's war crimes and crimes against humanity. And it is precisely in this regard that there is a principled move in the International Criminal Court. When international justice begins to work, it is no longer possible to stop it. Justice for Ukraine, for Ukrainians, and for the international community as a whole will definitely be restored.

I thank the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, the entire team of the International Criminal Court, and our Ukrainian team working for justice - all investigators investigating Russian war crimes, all experts assisting, the Prosecutor General and his Office, and all law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. Russian killers will be held accountable - for sure.

Glory to Ukraine!



🤬There is a massive fire in the Osokorky eco-park in Kyiv.

As the NGO "Ecopark Osokorki" opposes the illegal construction of the southern part of the district, activists consider it intentional arson

President of the Czech Republic, General Petr Pavel, did not rule out sending Western troops to Ukraine and called on Europe not to limit itself.

I am in favor of looking for new ways, including continuing the discussion about a possible presence in Ukraine. Let's not limit ourselves where we shouldn't. We ourselves will decide what form of assistance we choose, - said Petr Pavel at a press conference with President of France Emmanuel Macron, where the French president urged not to be afraid and to choose all options for assistance to Ukraine.

"How's the investigation of the case of the 'Zaporizhzhya marauders' going?" - you asked me... Here, take it..🤦‍♀️ (c) Yuliya Yatsik, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament

This is trash. This is a terrible diagnosis for a country being built by Zelensky, Yermak, Tatarnov, Tymoshenko and other Arakhmias. Generally, I don't upload such large files, but here...



❗️Yesterday evening near Tyahele Lake in Osokorky in Kyiv dry grass and reeds caught fire, - Kyiv City State Administration.

The State Emergency Service and the State Automobile Roads Agency are working on the spot.



We have collected the most important things you may have missed on March 5th:

🔹Special Forces GRU Group 13destroyed patrol shipBlack Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation "Sergei Kotov".

🔹The International Space Station issued an arrest warrantcommanders of long-range aviation and the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

🔹In the Verkhovna Radacanceled the meetingon March 6-8.

🔹In Germany, it has been clarified thathow did the leak of the conversation happenofficers on the Taurus strikes against the Kerch bridge.

🔹 58% of Ukrainians rate negativelyOffice of the President.

Deputy US Secretary of State VictoriaNuland resigns.

Fresh opinion poll shows that Zelensky's biggest mistake is maintaining a high level of corruption. Likewise, the vast majority of Ukrainians consider Zelensky primarily responsible for high levels of corruption. It's almost a verdict.

But Zelensky himself chose a tolerant attitude towards corruption and perceives it as the basis for the loyalty of his entourage. Corruption was present in the government before, but under Zelensky, it has become a state-building function. And impunity for corrupt officials has become a sign of a team member. Unfortunately...

News that doesn't ruin the mood. ))



❗️US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland will resign in the coming weeks, - Antony Blinken.

After her resignation, her duties will be performed by Deputy Bass Management.

One of Strelkov's close like-minded people, who is sitting in a shabby prison, Mikhail Polynkov, stated that this war has no goal, but only a path, and that Putin is simply undermining Russia in collusion with Biden, working together with allies from the European Union. Perhaps Putin is working for China? In any case, such thoughts are increasingly heard from the shabby. ))



📷The State Emergency Service showed a photo of a massive fire in the Osokorki district of the capital.

Three-pointer! Bravo, Achilles!



🤯In the Red Sea, four out of 15 submarine telecommunications cables in waters under Yemen's jurisdiction are critically damaged.

They provide global Internet and telecommunications.



🤯 In Russia Kolomoisky was recognized as an extremist and his assets were confiscated

It's about billions of rubles worth of property, as well as about 500 land plots in four Russian regions.

Good idea, although from Skabeeva. But where is she wrong?

Dreams must become a reality.