Feb 28, 2024 - Day 735

735 days of active phase of a 10-year war. Each of us is fighting a war on our own front, but everyone is fighting for the common Victory! Everyone here?

Time of good news!



❌Destroyed 10 out of 10 strike UAVs.

At night on February 28, 2024, the enemy attacked with anti-aircraft guided missiles C-300 from the occupied Donetsk region and with 10 strike UAVs of the Shahed type from the area of ​​Primorsko-Akhtarsk – RF.

As a result of the air battle with mobile fire groups of the Defense Forces and anti-aircraft missile units of the Air Force, 10 militants were destroyed in the Odessa and Mykolaiv regions.



The 76-year-old resident died from an enemy shell in the temporarily occupied village of Nove in the Polohy district.— Zaporizhzhia RSA.

Also, a 53-year-old man was injured as a result of an artillery strike on the front-line village of Orihovo.

Overall, during the day, the enemy struck 234 times in 11 settlements of Zaporizhia region.

Famous Ukrainian porn actress is engaged in the rehabilitation of military personnel. So, 29-year-old Yulia Senyuk from Zolochiv - a world-famous porn actress under the pseudonym Josephine Jackson helps in the rehabilitation of soldiers who lost limbs in the war. She teaches them how to swim, English, and provides them with psychological support. She also raises funds for prosthetics for the soldiers.

So by observing her actions, you understand that despite her job, she is more moral and decent than quality Bezuhla, Bogutskaya, Tyshchenko and other Arakhamiy. And the benefits to society from her are greater. Respect to her.



🕯Every morning at 9:00 we observe a minute of silence to honor the memory of those who died in Russia's cruel war against Ukraine.

18-year-old Darya Kozyreva was sent to pre-trial detention until April 25 for... a poster with a fragment of his poem attached to a monument to Taras Shevchenko in St. Petersburg. And she pasted a passage from "The Testament":

Bury and rise,

Kaidani tear

And with evil angry blood

Water the will!

The girl is charged with the criminal article "discrediting the army." Daria Kozyrev was detained on February 24, 2024.

The court session was cowardly held in closed mode... so as not to disclose the secret.

In December of last year, a protocol on "discrediting" the army was drawn up against Kozyreva for her post in March 2022 with discussions about new articles of the Criminal Code on military "fakes" and discredit, as well as the imperialist nature of war. For this, she was expelled from St. Petersburg State University.

In December 2022, 17-year-old Daria, who was still in school at that time, was detained in St. Petersburg for writing "Killers, you bombed him. Judas" on a heart with the inscription "Mariupol". Initially, administrative proceedings were initiated against the 11th grader for "discrediting" the Russian army and she was released on her own recognizance. Mordor.



Today we commemorate the memory of serviceman Ivan Kipta.

He was born in Kharkiv region. From the first days of Russia's full-scale invasion, he volunteered to defend the country from the aggressor. While carrying out a combat mission on December 22, 2023, the soldier was killed in Luhansk region. He was only 27 years old.

Forever in line!



One person was killed and five were injured - Russians shelled the Kuharivska community of Donetsk region with artillery.

According to the regional prosecutor's office, a private enterprise was caught in the zone of attack. The explosions damaged the building of the enterprise and cars.

All according to Freud. The Russian advertises his worldview by acting on the subconscious. The Russian world is ruins, tragedies, death. And the Russian shows it.



Russian military targeted residential areas of populated areas of the region, in particular, 12 high-rise buildings and 15 private houses were damaged, - Khersonska OVA.

In Kherson, hits on a cargo ship were recorded, cars were also damaged.

As a result of shelling in populated areas, the farm and elevator were damaged.

Also, the enemy again shelled the Kherson region from aviation. Near the village of Zelenivka, a guided aerial bomb was dropped.

Due to Russian aggression, 1 person died, and 2 more were injured.

I have never seen such synchronization from Rusny. The synchronous explosion of two boxes pleases the eye and replenishes the statistics of destroyed Rusny! But this is fantastic!

Glory to the Ukrainian military!



🗣️The Ministry of Agroindustrial Policy expects compensation from Polish farmers who spilled up to 180 tons of Ukrainian grain at the border.Deputy Minister Taras Visotsky.

It is noted that the issue of compensation can be resolved by the court or voluntarily. Ukraine hopes that this issue will be resolved as soon as possible.

According to him, the Ukrainian side received confirmation that the Polish law enforcement officers have initiated the relevant criminal proceedings regarding cases of grain scattering at the border.



📰Lowering the conscription age could threaten Ukraine's economy— The New York Times.

Journalists write that lowering the draft age in Ukraine will allow soldiers who have been defending the country since the beginning of the full-scale war to have a rest, but it will create long-term risks to support the country's population.

"As in most former Soviet republics, Ukraine has few 20-year-olds because the birth rate sharply declined during the deep economic depression of the 1990s. Due to this demographic decline, there are now three times more men in Ukraine at the age of 40 than at the age of 20."- mentioned in the material.

According to the publication, calling more men aged 20 to the army, taking into account probable losses in battles, may lead to a decrease in birthrate.

This, in turn, over decades will lead to a reduction in the number of men of conscription and working age, putting the country's security and economy at risk.



Losses of occupiers per day: 1060 military personnel, 14 tanks, and 2 fighter jets.



Fighters from the Third Assault Brigade catch up and destroyoccupiers on the Avdiivka direction.

Successful hits with strike drones eliminated: enemy infantry, equipment, including MT-LB, and a group of occupants on the move.

Yesterday famous Ukrainian restaurateur Alex Cooper posted this post:

I exchange your donation for a deposit at my restaurant.

The scheme is as follows:

1 hryvnia donation = 1 hryvnia deposit in Seliam and Shalom.

Without complex minds. They sent 1000 hryvnias - came, showed the transfer - spent 1000 hryvnias.

We threw off 2000 - ate for 2000.

Collecting 1,000,000 for 50 fpv for the 47th brigade near Avdiivka.

Link to the bank in the first comment.

And already yesterday the money was collected. It was an initiative that caused respect! And what also pleases me is that businesses and citizens are doing everything possible to strengthen the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because they understand the importance of this and together bring Victory closer! So together we will win!



🔎 In Great Britain, a group of people was exposed who collected intelligence information in favor of Russia.— Sky News.

It's about four men and two women accused of conspiracy for espionage and collecting information intended to be directly or indirectly useful to the enemy, particularly during the period from August 2020 to February 2023, police said.

Scotland Yard added that this information was allegedly collected with the purpose of harming the security and interests of the state.

Recently, the sixth accused, Bulgarian citizen Tikhomir Ivanov Ivancev, was charged with alleged espionage for Russia.

The sixth suspect was identified and arrested as a result of an investigation conducted after the previous five arrests in this investigation, and charges have been brought against him together with the Royal Prosecutor's Office," said Dominik Murphy, who heads the counterterrorism department.

Other defendants - three men and two women - are accused of conspiring to collect information that would be useful to the enemy from August 2020 to February 2023, and have previously appeared at the Old Bailey.

This is 46-year-old Orlin Rusev, 42-year-old Biser Jambazov, 32-year-old Katrin Ivanova, 32-year-old Ivan Stoyanov, and 29-year-old Vanya Haberova.

It is expected that the trial against them will last four months. It is set to begin in October.



⚖️ Kolomoisky was extended to custody until April 25 and the bail amount was reduced to 2.4 billion hryvnias.

He stated that Kolomoisky will not post bail. Also, lawyers requested an immediate medical examination for the businessman.

Oh, what happened?

"AvtoVAZ" has started serial production of the Lada Vesta with a modernized 1.8EVO engine (122 horsepower) and automatic transmission. There is no information about prices, configurations, and sales start dates. It is known only that there will definitely not be safety airbags, but mentions of this are carefully removed in Russian media. Also, the level of defects in the cars of this series is currently unknown. Earlier it was reported that two-thirds of the new Ladas from AvtoVAZ turned out to be unsuitable for sale. A significant number of Lada Vesta NG cars that are delivered to dealers are in a state of "incompletion" or are impossible to operate.

The Great Empire continues to release buckets with bolts and nuts, but proudly calls them cars. Handy people who cannot create anything for a comfortable life, but are sure that the whole world envies them. ))



⛓️SBU detained an official from the Kharkiv University who helped Russians find weak spots in the city's defense.

The female offender conducted reconnaissance at night in the front-line area of Balakliia district, trying to identify and photograph possible locations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to the investigation, the detainee turned out to be an engineer from one of the technical universities in the region, who helped the occupiers obtain intelligence about the defense of Kharkiv.

In the area of special attention for the aggressor were the locations of air defense systems, fortifications, checkpoints, and armored vehicles of the Ukrainian military.

The enemy was also interested in the routes of movement of Ukrainian weapons towards Kupiansk.

To collect intelligence, the Russian agent traveled around the front-line territory of the region in her own car and secretly photographed the locations of the Defense Forces.

The suspect is in custody without the right to bail. She faces life imprisonment.

Intelligence services stated that the Russian Federation is preparing the most expensive operation Maidan 3. What is wrong with this story? Why is it impossible in Ukraine to have any Maidan with Russian money? How does the government itself create problems for the state? Will the Office of the President address the Constitutional Court of Ukraine regarding Zelensky's legitimacy? Analyzed the situation Initiative, which is respectable! In his author's blog. Write your thoughts in the comments




😨Russians will build a railway near temporarily occupied Mariupol, - adviser to the mayor of the city Andryushenko.

According to him, the moving is already ready, and they laid the sleepers on the section from Ilovaisk to Granite. Nearby, the occupiers are building a fork directly to the south towards Mariupol.

This way, before our eyes, a backup supply route is being built, which can easily be transformed into the main one after completion – taking into account the presence of a port and large sorting stations in Mariupol, – wrote Andriushchenko.



🇪🇺The European Union will open a Defense Innovation Office in Kyiv.

This was announced by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

"I am proud to announce that we will establish the Office of Defense Innovation in Kyiv. This will bring Ukraine closer to Europe and allow our member countries to benefit from Ukraine's experience on the battlefield and innovations in the defense industry," Ursula von der Leyen said.



📃Speakers of 23 parliaments have appealed to the speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson to consider the bill adopted by the Senate, which provides for over $60 billion in aid to Ukraine.

The letter was signed, among others, by the Speakers of the Parliaments of Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Spain, and other countries.



👀A total of over 360 organized criminal groups involved in assisting men of conscription age to illegally cross the border have been uncovered since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the RF.- State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

Unfortunately, attempts of illegal border crossing continue in the "green" section of the border, outside of checkpoints... Such attempts are also recorded at checkpoints on roads where border crossing is allowed legally, but violators try to use fake documents or bribe the State Border Guard Service inspectors. Most cases in the "green" section are recorded on the border with Romania and Moldova. Many cases, territorially speaking, are in Zakarpattia, - said the spokesperson of the State Border Guard Service Andriy Demchenko.

According to him, evaders often choose difficult directions through mountainous terrain or mountain rivers. At the same time, there have been cases of border violators being killed.

29-year-old Norwegian artist Johannna Brygfiel painted the face of the Russian president with 40,000 tiny penises.

She named her work Dicktator, playing on the word penis, which in English is Dick.

Yohanna told NRK that the idea to paint such a picture was suggested by her younger brother. I said I wanted to paint a portrait with penises, but who deserves it? - she recalled. He replied: You need to paint Putin.

That case when you are a Dickhead for everyone. Even in art.



📞 Ukrainian intelligence publishes another intercepted conversations of Russians.

The occupant discusses dissatisfaction with the actions of the command in organizing and conducting storm (offensive) actions against the positions of units of the Defense Forces and significant losses of the enemy in personnel.



⚔️The Netherlands ordered 9 from the Czech Republic for Ukrainenew self-propelled artillery systems DITA.Self-propelled howitzer DITA is a modern fire system capable of hitting targets at distances of tens of kilometers. Ukraine has a great need for this weapon.— told the Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands.

It is noted that this weapon is part of a large Dutch order for Ukraine, which is supplied by two manufacturers in the Czech Republic.

155mm self-propelled howitzer DITA is manufactured by the Czech producer and exporter of armaments Excalibur Army.

Self-propelled artillery installation equipped with an improved onboard control system and autonomous superstructure. DITA uses NATO standard 155mm ammunition with a firing range of 39 km.



They will report on explosions in occupied Sevastopol.



The State Bureau of Investigations and the Security Service of Ukraine together exposed and blocked the criminal scheme of misappropriation and sale of property of one of the brigades of the Territorial Defense of Kyiv.

The organized crime group included military personnel who provided writing off of military property, as well as civilians engaged in its sale.

One of the civilians organized a criminal scheme that influenced certain military personnel under his control. Through them, he stole armored vests, helmets, winter/summer clothing sets, shoes, and so on. The stolen goods were taken from the military unit to an improvised warehouse in one of the garage premises in the capital.

The criminals stole things worth at least 3.6 million UAH. The exact amount will be known after the investigative actions and examinations.

Ukrainian media report on the arrival of a train with Russian equipment in Belarus. It's fake.

In Ukrainian media, information about the arrival of a train with Russian equipment in Minsk began to spread.only 60+ units, mainly BMP-2).

The echelon was reportedly spotted onstation OzeryshcheThis is a loading station for transporting units.120th Mechanized BrigadeThe Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus, which is located

in the immediate vicinity of the brigade's military town.

In the photos being shared, snow is visible, however, as of February 27, the snow had already melted in the area near the Ozerische station. Moreover, on satellite images from February 27, there was no sign of a military equipment convoy at the station.

Let's note that on February 22 we recordedformationtwo echelons with military equipment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus at the Ozerishche station. Oncompositionone of the echelons was BMP-2. Most likely,this echelon was issued for the Russian.

With the current location and number of Russian troops in the Republic of Belarus, you can familiarize yourself with the text.link.

The news is available on the website




💪Ukrainian forces shot down 10 Russian military planes in 10 days: nine top-performing Su-34 and Su-35 fighter-bombers, as well as a rare A-50 radar plane,- writes Forbes.

This way, the Russians lose airplanes 20 times faster than they can replace them.

Journalists reminded that on Tuesday in Ukraine, the ninth and tenth Su-34 crash of the month was announced.

At the same time, the authors of the article wonder: how Ukrainians shoot down so many planes - it's unclear.

It is possible that Ukrainian Air Force units have allocated some of their American Patriot missile systems to mobile anti-aircraft defense groups that quickly move near the 600-mile front line, setting up ambushes for Russian aircraft. The PAC-2 missiles with a range of 90 miles are then quickly redeployed to avoid counterattacks.— It says in the material.

They added that the distance at which the Ukrainians shot down the A-50 on Friday - approximately 120 miles - suggests that a missile system of greater range was used. Perhaps an old Cold War era S-200, which the Ukrainian air force pulled out of long-term storage.

Authors of the article also clearly understand that Ukrainians have moved several of their two dozen or so NASAMS ground-to-air missile batteries closer to the front line with a range of 25 miles. The actual response to Ukraine's hot streak of air defense may be that Russia is deploying all of its systems in more aggressive ways.



"If you want to live, go after the bird"Russian surrendered to the drone of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade.



🤦‍♀️Protect Transnistria and its 220,000 Russian citizens.

The self-proclaimed Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic has turned to the Russian Federation for assistance due to the economic blockade by Moldova.

A page from the document of the so-called congress of deputies at all levels of Transnistria was shared in the Balkan-Center Telegram channel.

Moldovan journalists also note that the authenticity of the document has not yet been verified.

Do you know what I can't understand?

At a time when Western support hangs by a hair, when there is a threat of significant delays in aid from the United States, but I do not see any efforts by the government to consolidate and concentrate resources to strengthen defense.

I mean, to load all our cement, metallurgical plants to the full. All our plants that produce reinforced concrete structures. All our construction companies, so that they can build powerful defense lines in the shortest possible time. About the massive involvement of all available production capacities in the production of weapons and ammunition.

And instead, everything is still happening to us somehow on a muddle...

Local budgets make repairs. Banks earn on certificates of deposit. Business is mainly occupied with orders from the civil sector. And the government deals with issues far from defense needs.

And no one thinks that with such a frivolous attitude, we can lose the entire left-bank Ukraine in about 2 years. (c) Pavlo Velynsky



The invaders struck KABs across the city of Kup'yansk.— Kharkiv Regional Laboratory.

Hit fixed in the central part of the city.

As a result of enemy shellingThe 59-year-old and 39-year-old men died.one woman wounded. Probably there are still people under the rubble.

Damaged residential buildings, civil infrastructure.



😡Russians have started executing more Ukrainian prisoners. Since November, there have been 45 reported killings.Head of the Department for Combating Crimes Committed in Armed Conflict Conditions of the Prosecutor General's Office Yuriy Byelousov.

Ukrainian prosecutors have already opened 19 criminal cases regarding deliberate killings of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russian military.

In the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, they believe that this indicates changes in the policy of the Russian Federation, as the killings of prisoners can be initiated by higher military leadership of Russia, according to the prosecutor's representative.

In this way, the occupiers try to force Ukrainians to surrender through violence and losses.

War is pain, blood, wounds, and death. And Ukrainian soldiers are the first to bear all the blows of war. Heroes who are writing the history of Ukraine today!

Glory to the Heroes!



🇯🇵In Japan, new sanctions against Russia were announced..

The head of the Japanese government called for unity around Ukraine amid ongoing hostilities and challenging circumstances. He also assured that support for Kyiv remains one of Japan's main priorities in 2024.

G7 countries have committed to strengthen control over prices for Russian oil and impose sanctions on those who help bypass restrictions.



As of now, it is known that as a result of bombardment with FAB-500 bombs, there are a total of five injured and two dead.— BlueLips.

Casualties - 58-year-old pastorchurch of Jesus Christ and39-year-old man, details are being set up.

Wounded- three women and two men. They are receiving medical assistance.

Destroyed residential buildings, cafe premises, church.

Search operations are continuing. All services are working on site.



❗️The relief of the terrain will help restrain the advancement of the Russians near Avdiivka, — dictionary of the Taurian direction Dmitry Lykhoviy.

There is a cascade of water reservoirs, and such was chosen as a priority. Thus, the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Avdiivka direction continue to conduct a defensive operation.

Likhoviy noted that Russian troops were blocked on the outskirts and approach to the settlement of Orlivka.




☝️Over the next four years (2024-2027), Ukraine will solve some social and economic problems through direct support from the European Union in the amount of €38.27 billion (out of €50 billion under the Ukraine Facility program).

📜 Plan of Ukraine within the Ukraine Facility program can be approved by our government in March 😳 (wrote about this)here), this is a top priority.

And one more - a requirement for Ukraineto support and respect effective democratic mechanisms, including a multi-party parliamentary systemand the supremacy of the lawце,in my opinion,very important.

Ukraine cannot turn into an authoritarian and closed state, and the fact that several global documents of our partners (creditors) draw the government's attention to these issues - means a lot❗️

Russians, this is the 2004 issue. So, did Putin lie? Is he a liar? A liar on all questions? Oh, how awkward it turned out, right, Russkies?



🤬 Poland may temporarily close the border to all Ukrainian goods due to protests by farmers, - Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

M2 Bradley works in a rusny on the Avdiivka direction and with a 25mm cannon clears enemy positions.



☢️The Financial Times received secret documents from the General Staff of the Russian Federation with criteria for a nuclear strike.

Journalists have obtained 29 secret Russian military files, including a presentation with criteria for the use of nuclear weapons.

➖inability to stop enemy invasion with conventional weapons;

- destruction of 20% of ballistic missile submarines or 30% of nuclear attack submarines;

- destruction of three or more cruisers or three airfields;

Simultaneous strike on main and reserve command centers of the Russian Federation.

By the way, it's interesting that the majority of the received documents are related to scenarios of war with China.

🇧🇪Belgium will earmark 200 million euros for the Czech initiative to purchase ammunition for Ukraine.

Prime Minister of Belgium Alexander de Croo reported this

Former President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavelreportedabout what they managed to find abroad sources of hundreds of thousands of artillery shells - 500 thousand shells of 155 mm caliber and 300 thousand - 122 mm.

❤️Radio Liberty. Subscribe

The Russian guy, such a Russian guy. In general, a funny story about how a half-wit in Russia complained about a gay club in Novosibirsk to have it closed, but the local residents recognized him as a visitor of this club. It seems that he didn't share something with the club and wanted to cause trouble, but it backfired on him. Instant karma in action. )))



🤬As a result of the shelling by the Russians, five people were injured in Kupiansk.

Two 31-year-old women and two men aged 45 and 52 were hospitalized. Another man received medical assistance on the spot.

At least 12 private houses were damaged. Local cafe and the Church of Jesus Christ were destroyed.



- Don't cut, they cost five thousand hryvnias, screams the wounded paramedic who is about to cut the pants with scissors.

And don't touch my boots, I bought them for ten thousand!

Bro, I'm saving you, not gearing you up!

The unbelievable story of one of my friends, a paramedic.

I dreamed of becoming a doctor in childhood. And Santa Claus fulfilled my dream, damn it, forty years later. Dream more carefully. So, from the first days of the war, I became a paramedic of an anti-tank separate unit. I knew the theory of soyamed, went through several courses, we practiced, but in practice it turned out a little differently. Because applying a tourniquet, or doing tamponade in class and on the battlefield, or in the shelling sector - two big differences.

When we became a full-fledged unit, we got a battalion doctor. In a white coat, handsome, intelligent, wearing glasses. They said he worked as a therapist before the war. As a platoon paramedic, I tried to establish contact with him - came after the formation, to coordinate actions. I say, we need to conduct training for personnel, you know more!

Yes, yes, yes. Do you need to see? Go ahead, says the "vomiting" doctor.

The doctor brought a whole trailer to school with him. Legends had it that it was filled with medications and bandages. Covered in camouflage netting. If the enemy Eagle saw our sector - everything was supposedly hunky-dory. Right in the middle of the asphalt schoolyard, the school principal decided to dig a bed for himself in two days. And in hours grass grew in the bed. That's how fertile our land is, envy, orcs.

Well, not a little experience in camouflage. War is time to learn. Learn to survive, kill the enemy and save your own.

Came back again, I tell the doctor that I would like to learn how to set up a drip. Because who knows what will happen next. Maybe it will be necessary to do it in field conditions. There have been cases when the evacuation of the wounded was delayed. And blood loss was critical.

- What are you doing? my professional colleague says categorically, drip can only be placed in sterile conditions. You have no right to put drips in field conditions!

And here I thought about the words "has the right." The paramedic has a protocol for providing assistance. The first rule - priority of own safety. Who should determine it ?! That's right - the commander. But if the commander is not nearby, is he on the other side of the landing or trench? Therefore, the responsibility of the paramedic takes on. If in the conditions of a civilian city, an ambulance can arrive to the injured person in a matter of minutes, in the conditions of battle, evacuation occurs only afterwards. It could be hours, or even days, as this war has shown. So in any case, the paramedic, with all the forces and means available to him (as they say in the army), tries to save the life of the wounded person until the moment he is handed over for evacuation.

I agree that in ideal conditions injections, drips, and other manipulations should be done in sterile conditions, without stress. But fragments of mines, cartridges, and bullets are not sterile at all, and the battlefield is not a laboratory, but a trench, unfortunately, not a manipulative one. Here you need to save lives, not health.

During the war I met many of my colleagues, experienced or not very. But I always treated them with maximum respect and reverence. I am proud of them. Because they often risk their lives to save soldiers. We shared experiences and discussed. About analgesics, types of tourniquets, bandages, methods of tamponade and much more. And we always came to one philosophical conclusion - in every paramedic lives a tangle of doubts: did he do everything to save this or that wounded person? Did he do everything right?

No one will ever give him an answer and a person will live with this for the rest of their life. And one more rule of the paramedic. It is not written anywhere, but most adhere to it: never criticize the actions of your colleagues or comrades in combat conditions. You were not there, you do not know how you would behave in that situation.


Experience and knowledge are always with you and do not weigh on your shoulders. God forbid, but the knowledge acquired once can save a life. So learn diligently - save lives. (c) Mykhailo Shamanov



Sincere and friendly conversation with the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Estonian Parliament Marko Mihkelson about the situation on the front, the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the prospects of EU and NATO membership.

Today, more than ever, internal unity and international solidarity are needed to protect Ukrainian independence and territorial integrity.

We must unite all efforts and remove any "red lines" and restrictions on providing assistance to Ukraine to deter the Russian aggressor.

Thanked the leadership of Estonia for the decisiveness and volume of military assistance to our state.


35% of men who are subject to mobilization are already ready to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but do not mobilize due to their own demotivation, - such data of a social survey.

What exactly demotivates Ukrainians of conscription age:

➡️ insufficient financial support - 65.6%;

➡️ lack of appropriate training before deployment to the unit - 64.3%;

➡️ the possibility of disability or death - 64.1%;

➡️ uncertainty of service terms - 63.8%;

The probability of getting a bad commander - 59.6%.

I can immediately recognize that the first two points are a failure of communication on the part of the State. And this can be easily corrected. But all points can and should be worked on to achieve the necessary result.



❗️The Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence continued today with the preparation for the second reading of the draft law on mobilization.Irina Freez.

She said that the committee did not support 5 points of the law at the moment.

🔻 Travel restrictions abroad.

🔻 Account blocking.

🔻 Electronic messengers.

🔻 Electronic cabinet as a duty, but supported as a right, that is, the opportunity for conscripts, reservists and recruits to use this mechanism to update data, etc.

🔻 Reduction of age from 27 to 25, as there is a law adopted by the Verkhovna Rada which has not been signed for almost a year.

Also, among other things, the meeting discussed the issue of involving the police in notification measures involving the TCk SP.

Today, on Wednesday, February 28, at 7:00 PM, we will be doing a live broadcast together with the military serviceman, People's Deputy of Ukraine Roman Kostenko.

Let's discuss the most relevant events:

Statement from the intelligence committee at the President's office regarding Operation Maidan 3 - what was it and how can it be explained?

- Law on mobilization. 4000 amendments - is this an attempt to drag out the process to the maximum or correct an incompetent bill?

People's Deputy Kostenko says that Zelensky is a political corpse and advises him not to think about elections, but to deal with making state decisions to save Ukraine. After that, MP Kostenko is not allowed to leave the country for the Munich Security Conference. Are these events related?

Avdiivka, Lastochkyne. What awaits us on the front? When will the enemy's advance be stopped? Do we have ready defense lines for retreat or do we have questions about those defense lines? Why doesn't the state build defense lines 24/7 using all available resources?

Will Secretary Bezuhla be removed from office?




💥The occupiers are back in town!

This time, as a result of a strike on the location of Russians in Olenivka, at least 19 RF military personnel were killed.



"Shukhevych can wait" - jointly decided in the high offices of Lviv and Kyiv in response to my proposal to build a museum at my own expense.

Almost two months have passed since January 1st, the day the enemy "shakhed" the orcs hit the museum building - nothing has been done yet. I have no doubt that the instruction to cut down my Foundation's proposal to restore the museum of the Chief Commander of the UPA Ratusha came from the capital.

They announce all kinds of "international competitions" to drag out time. And, God forbid, they will spend budget funds on it instead of giving them to the army. And despite the pleas of families, the thoughts of Ukrainian architects and artists, and just caring Ukrainians to leave the museum as it was before the Russian "checkmate," they intend to ignore this demand through irresponsible politics.

Apparently, these actors do not realize that there are times and issues where there is no room for old political squabbles. And if they followed this simple rule of political unity, then the museum damaged by the Russians would have been restored by our team before March 5, when the commander gave his last battle and accepted death for Ukraine.

I already said and will say it again.

If you want to join this project, I kindly ask: let's honor the memory of the museum all together and let's not let the historical monument lie under the snow, rain, and sun. Because by summer there will be nothing left there.

I call for unity, especially before such a figure as Roman Shukhevych, whose name has long been uniting Ukrainians.




Pentagon considers using $4 billion to help Ukraine, - CNN

It is reported that US Department of Defense officials are considering whether to use the last remaining source of military aid funding to support military efforts in Ukraine, even without guarantees that these funds will be reimbursed by Congress.

In this way, we hope to attract at least a portion of the existing amount.

Bitch, love these constructions by the Russians. Third in a row. Really unteachable idiots. And that's good. The Russians demonstrate the principle Can repeat and don't plan to stop. Goyda!

About unlocking iPhone ask? )))



🤔It is necessary to find ways to ban Telegram activity in Ukraine.— Statement of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Freedom of Speech

This is a witchcraft platform, and the state does not oppose it, on the contrary, it encourages the use of Telegram.saying the head of the public organization Internews Ukraine, Kurt.

News of the Verkhovna Rada. Full of corrupt officials, bribetakers, schemers, rapists, drug addicts, liars, servants of oligarchs and other Arakhamiys, but we must fight with Telegram. Everything is logical. Perhaps someone thinks that if Telegram disappears, then all the above-mentioned will not be mentioned in it and the problem will be solved. Simple solution with complex consequences. But why does it smell like Russia?




💪🏻The third assault brigade returned Krasnogorivka in Donetsk region under the control of Ukrainian military.

⚡️The third stormtrooper drove the occupiers out of Krasnogorivka in Donetsk region!

On the eve the forces of the Russian army attacked the southeastern part of Krasnohorivka and entered the city.

To prevent the enemy from consolidating its unitsThird separate assault brigade,fighters1st та 2ndThe storm battalions carried out a combat operation to clear the city of enemy forces.

In a short period of time the enemy managed to prepare for a prolonged defense and despite resistance and heavy fighting, the brigades assault groups inflicted irreversible losses on the enemy - about 100 occupiers "200-th" and "300-th".

Russians refused to surrender and were eliminated in the buildings they occupied.

As of now, Krasnogorivka is under the control of Ukrainian forces!

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For some countries, the grain spilled on the ground is just a crop. But for Ukrainians who remember the Holodomor, it is a whole lifetime.

More videos on our TikTok👇




🚨 Air alarm is declared in Kyiv and the region!

Air Force reports missile danger

Rusnya are not people - they are bio-waste!



We have gathered for you the main things you might have missed on February 28th:

🔹3rd OSBR killed Russiansfrom Krasnohorivka, Donetsk region.

🔹Belgium will allocate 200 million euros toartillery for Ukraine

🔹The European Union will open in KyivOffice of Defense Innovations.

🔹 The unrecognized government of Transnistria appealed to the Russian Federationwith a request for protectionfrom "strengthening Moldova's pressure".

🔹Pentagon can providemilitary aid to Ukrainefor 4 billion dollars.

🔹Partially in Dnipropetrovsk regioncurfew has been lifted.



🙈The website of the Verkhovna Rada was hacked!

The criminals placed a link to a fake page on the website contacts, supposedly, TG Council.



💬The hacker who created a fake channel of the Verkhovna Rada explained his action.

He stated that this was his response to the discussion regarding the ban of Telegram in Ukraine.

In addition, there was no breach - the link where the VR channel was hosted was not busy.

Bild got hold of an analytical report, which the German government presented to the Bundestag. In fact, we are talking about a scenario of war between Russia and NATO and Germany, consisting of four stages.

Campaigns of disinformation in the media and social networks with the aim of destabilizing the situation in society and undermining trust in democracy. At the same time, hacker attacks and sabotage actions on critical infrastructure objects may follow. Third parties and non-governmental structures may be used to conduct such actions.

2) Mobilization of troops towards the borders with the alliance. In response, NATO will send additional troops to the East. The number of cyber attacks, acts of sabotage, explosions, etc. will increase. The appearance of refugees from the regions of Eastern Europe is not excluded. Satellites will be disabled. Attacks on water pipes, chemical plants, and nuclear reactors could occur in Germany. The use of chemical substances is possible. The goal is to hinder the transfer of troops to the East and undermine citizens' trust.

3) Use of conventional and unconventional weapons for strikes on targets in the territory of the FRG. Destruction of satellites.

Transfer of hostilities to German territory, war in space.

Belarus' role in this scenario is not prescribed, but seems quite obvious: official Minsk may be used for actions in the first stage, and in the second stage, Russian troops will be relocated to Belarus. In stages 3 and 4, Belarus will already be at the epicenter of the fighting.

One can only hope that the script will remain just a script. (c) Alexander Friedman




❗️ Ukrainian soldiers hold positions on the left bank of the Dnipro, and also repulsed attacks by Russians near Ivanivka, - General Staff report.

Throughout the day, the aviation of the defense forces struck at 7 enemy positions.

Units of missile troops struck at 1 control point, 1 area of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment, 4 artillery units, 1 air defense system, 1 ECM station, and another important enemy target.

Considering the topic of mobilization, I have certain thoughts and conclusions.

To replenish the mobile resources, we had military commissariats, which were renamed a few years ago to territorial recruitment and social support centers. Previously, these structures were subordinate to the Ground Forces Command (for some reason decided by our wise government).

To comprehensively equip the troops with necessary resources, corresponding work was carried out with the registration of military personnel, institutions, enterprises and organizations that were supposed to supply equipment.

All this started to go to hell even before the beginning of the war (2014, I emphasize). But we managed to last until 2024 with great difficulty. What do we have now? After the mass dismissal of military commissars, work with people stopped. Replenishment of personnel became very slow. Plus unclear chaotic actions with violence towards civilians on the part of "recruiters." The Russian applauds.

Now we observe a parallel structure, such as recruiting centers. Everything is fine, departments can post vacancies, etc. But it seems like I've seen the same thing before in employment centers. That is, this is already the third attempt to replenish human resources.

Question: why this movement at all? What prevented bringing the same TSKK to its senses and reorganizing the work? What is the point of all the dismissals of officers (guilty of corruption have been released abroad, innocent ones are kept at disposal)?

We're going the wrong way... Not there...




🔥M2 Bradley is working hard on the Avdiivka direction!

The victory has many parents, but defeat is always an orphan. Unfortunately, this old principle is relevant in Ukraine today. As soon as something succeeds, government representatives rush to tell everyone about it and announce that it happened exclusively with their participation. But when there's a failure, mistake, or bad news, they keep silent as if they've swallowed a heap of insults and are afraid to speak out. We still haven't learned to take responsibility for failures and mistakes. And yet, taking responsibility for any events and results, even negative ones, is a sign of mature leadership. Not our case...

Eternal memory to the fallen Heroes.

Writing a friend from the Soviet Union:

- Let's get revenge. For everyone.

This is a better guarantee. He doesn't throw words to the wind.