Feb 19, 2024 - Day 726

726 days of active phase of the 9-year war. The war may last a long time, but its finale depends on us. On each of us. All here?



❌Tonight, the Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed all four Shahed type strike UAVs released by the enemy towards Kharkiv region from the Belgorod region.

Time for some great news!



🤬At night, the aggressor directed heavy artillery fire at Nikopol.— OWA

First - to Manganese. And a little later - to the district center. In total, about a dozen shells were fired there.

Damaged two private houses. The main thing is that people survived.



🕯Every morning at 9:00 with a minute of silence we honor the memory of those who died in the brutal war of Russia against Ukraine.

President of Argentina Javier Milei fulfilled another of his campaign promises.

Argentina achieved a budget balance in January for the first time in more than a decade. This was achieved by reducing the budgets of many state agencies by more than 50% in real terms.

This is exactly what happens when the president has competencies in economics, fulfills his pre-election program, and does not have Danylo Getmantsev in his team.



Today we honor the memory of border guard Pavlo Shevchuk.

The guy was born in Rivne region, lived in Zhytomyr. In 2018 he graduated from a technological college. And with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he signed a contract with the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. From April to July 2023, the serviceman carried out combat missions in the Kharkiv and Luhansk regions. In November 2023, the fighter went on rotation to the east for the second time, namely - to Donetsk region, Avdiivka direction.

On January 24, a soldier died while performing his next combat task. He was 22 years old. For bravery and heroism shown in defense of the state sovereignty, Sergeant Shevchuk was nominated for a state award.

Forever in line!

In Hungary, the government refused to accept the delegation of US senators. It is clear that this was done at Orban's decision.

Senators arrived in Budapest with an official visit. Their purpose was to urge officials to immediately approve Sweden's application to join NATO. However, Hungarian officials led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban did not accept the delegation.

One of the senators noted that the refusal of Orbán's government to meet with the delegation is strange and alarming.

Orban not only raises the stakes and helps the Kremlin in a strategic issue, but in the NATO issue gives way to Trump, who is excited about Orban and most likely is in communication with him.



😡Over the past day, the enemy carried out 21 shelling of Kherson region, - OOS.

The enemy fired 16 shells across the city of Kherson.

Russian military targeted residential areas of populated areas in the region; port infrastructure in Kherson.

There are no casualties or injured among the civilian population.



Explosions are heard in the occupied Mariupol.

Mariupol. Not just loud, but fire! Reports of a burning plane crash in the area of the village of Rybatske. In addition, the city continues to hear explosions.- writes the advisor to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko.



🤬"About 5 settlements in Kharkiv region have been shelled by enemy artillery and mortar fire," said the head of the regional military administration, Synehubov.

At 09:00, the occupiers struck blows in the village of Vilshana in Kupiansky district.

No information about destruction has been received.


At 11:00 as a result of enemy shelling in the village of Borova, Izium district, two buildings of non-functioning educational institutions, a two-story apartment building, a private house, and a medical institution were damaged.

There are no casualties.

Years later, military historians will study the events of the war in Ukraine, including the Battle of Avdiivka, and the main question that will interest them - What was it at all?

At the propagandons, of course, there is full of resources - victory, the VSU are running away and all that. But if you take a closer look at the various "war correspondents", who are further away from the feeding trough and closer to the front, they are the ones who have the same question - What was that? Or why?

According to Pentagon estimates, during the assaults on Avdiivka, the Horde lost 50 thousand people and almost a thousand tanks and armored vehicles, which gives some idea of the infernal hell that was there.

But even taking into account the absolutely cannibalistic nature of the Russian regime, there must be some meaning in such losses. And it is not visible. Let's say, Avdiivka was the last stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and behind it there was an operational space, and behind, mechanized strategic reserves were waiting for their turn, which would flood into the breakthrough along diverging directions - towards Kyiv and Dnipro? There is no such thing, the Armed Forces of Ukraine retreated to the next line of defense, Donetsk agglomeration is indeed captured, but then there is Kramatorsk-Slavyansk - 10 years of continuous construction of fortifications, 6 major cities, and several hundred settlements, each of which needs to be stormed head-on, because the front line is relatively stable and there are no expected flanking maneuvers. And they don't know how to do these very maneuvers. Head-on, in heaps - yes. In total, a simple calculation shows that to achieve, let's say, Pavlograd, you need to spend another half a million people, or even more.

Or another option: negotiations are just around the corner, a peaceful agreement is about to be reached and we need to seize as much as possible in order to negotiate from a more advantageous position? There are no negotiations or even intentions, and who would even negotiate with them about what.

Avdeevka cost Horde three times more than 10 years of the Afghan war or twice as much as two Chechen wars combined. And this is despite the fact that at the most critical moment, allies essentially left Ukraine without shells and help. But this will change, and quite soon. Then each next "Avdeevka" will cost two to three times more. And this is only the South-East of Ukraine, and there is much more to come. It is appropriate to remember the story with Bahmut, which was also considered a "great victory", spending there a huge amount of reserves and somehow squeezing Ukrainians out of the shattered city.



😔On February 18, two residents of Donetsk region were injured by Russians: in Krasnohorivka and Ocheretyn.

In addition, the bodies of two people killed as a result of missile strikes on Kramatorsk and Slovyansk were also recovered from the rubble.

The total number of Russian casualties in Donetsk does not include Mariupol and Volnovakha.



General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published approximate losses of Russian occupiers for the past day.



💥 Explosions were also heard in the occupied Makievka, black smoke is visible over the city.

There is one force that defends Ukraine, holds the defense, regains territories, destroys occupiers, and brings Victory closer - and this is the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to the Ukrainian military!



😈Russian UAV has already started operating in Bryansk and Taganrog.

Reports of explosions in cities.

And also a rocket threat in the occupied Crimea. They even closed the bridge.



The Russian army is advancing from 5 directions.— The New York Times.

In the publication it is written that we are talking about Avdiivskyi, Mariinskyi, Robitnytskyi, Kreminskyi, and Bakhmutskyi directions. In this way, the Russians are trying to regain the territories that the Ukrainian Armed Forces liberated during counterattacks in 2022 and 2023.

In addition, the material indicates that Russia has accumulated up to 40,000 military personnel near Mariupol and about 110,000 - near Kupiansk and Lyman.

The capture of Avdiivka is the first significant victory of the Russian army since May 2023 when the Russians captured Bakhmut... By the way, Ukraine's attempts to capture the flanks around Bakhmut have subsided. The initiative passed to Russia, - journalists write.



⛓️SBU detained a Russian intelligence agent who was preparing a missile strike on railways and military hospitals in Cherkasy.

The main task of the criminal was to identify key railway stations involved in the transportation of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the front.

Also, the occupiers hoped to receive accurate coordinates of warehouses with weapons and ammunition of Ukrainian troops from their agent.

In addition, the aggressor was interested in the locations of military hospitals where wounded soldiers of the Defense Forces are being treated.

Invaders were planning to use this information to plan missile and drone strikes on Ukrainian objects.

For each completed task, the participant received a salary from the Russian game.

He faces life imprisonment.

In Europe considering creating an alternative to NATO in case Trump wins the election, writes The Washington Post.And this is no longer hypothetical conversations, but a transition to the question of the direct security of the EU.

The idea of a "pan-continental supplement to NATO" was discussed at a conference in Munich. It will work in conjunction with US security guarantees, but could also be a reliable alternative if US guarantees are canceled, writes an American publication.

Such a scenario of events is being considered by European officials in case of Donald Trump winning the presidential elections in the United States. This is related to statements by the American politician that if he wins the election, he will "encourage" Russia to do "whatever they want" with the NATO countries. And Europe takes this seriously.



🇺🇦🇯🇵🇺🇦🇯🇵Ukraine JapanUkraine and Japan signed 56 documents within the framework of the Conference on Economic Development and Reconstruction.

In particular, we are talking about:

▫️intergovernmental convention on the avoidance of double taxation

▫️ agreements on support for Ukraine's reconstruction with powerful Japanese organizations;

▫️grant agreements for the implementation of recovery programs, as well as a number of documents providing for the provision of Ukraine with various agricultural machinery and equipment;

▫️ intergovernmental memorandum on cooperation in the field of education and technology;

▫️documents in the field of energy, telecommunications, infrastructure construction, and ecology.

Operators of the drones of the 18th Slavic Brigade of the NGU systematically dispose of Russian biological waste. One grenade is one less occupier. Soldiers have enough grenades, but there is a lot of biological waste. In particular, biological waste is quite scared of such hunting. They talk about it in a conversation that was recorded through radio interception. But the problems of biological waste do not bother the national guards.



😡 ATEŞ reports the arrival of Wagnerians to the occupied Dzhankoy.

Also found military personnel from the combat medics unit Druid, 80th separate motorized rifle brigade, military vehicles from the Arkhangelsk region, and representatives of the Komi Republic.

Jankoy has become a real logistic center of the occupiers and a springboard into free Ukrainian territories. Thankfully, our agents continue to work, as a result of which we already have a number of successful arrivals."mention the partisans."

I brought a terrible message to your house, Nadia. Call the children. (c)

In this story, I am interested in only one thing - what does the person who comes up with such news in Russia use? Because a sober and non-hallucinogenic person cannot come up with such nonsense. I wonder, how many idiots believed in this?



🚨The air alarm is spreading over Ukraine!



The announced participation of farmers from other European countries in the Polish protest action on the evening of February 18 has not been confirmed.- customs service of Ukraine.

It is noted that the movement of trucks at the international checkpoint Dorohusk - Yagodyn on February 18 was completely blocked in both directions by Polish farmers conducting a large-scale protest action on the approach roads to Dorohusk.

"Despite the promises of the protesters to allow fast-moving, dangerous, or humanitarian cargoes, since then, no truck has crossed the border"- mentioned in the post.

At the same time, the passage of flight buses was carried out in the usual order, without queues.

"From noon on February 18, Polish protesters tried to obstruct the movement of trains on the railway tracks in Dorohusk, which could be a false start of the action announced earlier on February 20."- noted in the State Customs Service.

Recently there have been rumors that the West is tired of the war in Ukraine and as a result is reducing our aid. Is this really the case? What does the EU fear? Why has the consideration of the Ukrainian issue in the United States been suspended, and what needs to be done by the Ukrainian authorities - I, Boryslav Bereza, am investigating on my channel. Join the discussion in the comments.




👊Zaporizhia direction. The enemy's advance is stopped. Personnel is fleeing.

At night, the Russians tried to repeat the attack and storm our positions. All enemy actions failed. Equipment destroyed.



In the morning Air Force of the Armed Forces of UkrainedestroyedTwo Russian planes, which struck with guided aerial bombs on the positions of our troops.

One Su-34 bomber and one Su-35S fighter.



🗣️ Defense forces are preparing for any situation in the northern regions, including a possible invasion by the Russian Federation.— DPSU Dictionary Andrii Demchenko.

According to him, at the relevant sections of the border, the units of the State Border Guard Service are ready for any developments.

The necessary preparation conducted before the onset of cold weather now ensures military personnel proper conditions for staying in combat positions and readiness for sudden actions if necessary.



💬 Ukrainian forces in Donbas began preparing for a full-scale invasion by Russia in the fall of 2021.- Commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who led the Joint Forces Operation at the beginning of the full-scale war.

All signs indicated that we would encounter the enemy - not only from the lnr / dnr, but also from the territory of Russia. Therefore, since autumn we started taking certain actions in order to successfully meet and inflict maximum damage on it. Realizing that the balance of forces and means was and will not be in our favor, but we still had no options - we had to stand our ground, because all of Ukraine was behind us. Therefore, for five months we were preparing to repel full-scale aggression. Already in January-February, we received telegrams from the Main Intelligence Directorate predicting that such a scenario was possible. And in the month of February, we did everything possible to dignify meet the enemy: all positions were maximally reinforced, all possible action options were calculated, all reserves were moved - we conducted full-scale training at least twice, and many local trainings were held.

According to the lieutenant general, this played its, possibly, decisive role: on the first day, when strikes were inflicted on all command centers, control points, and possible troop concentrations, all strikes were already at empty places.



😈Russian rescuers reported that the Su-35 pilot is facing the water in the Sea of Azov. And the Cospas-Sarsat system once again indicates where to look for the Su-34 crew, - Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk.



❗️ES decided to start a military-naval operation against Yemeni Houthis to ensure safe navigation in the Red Sea— DPA. (Note: DPA stands for Deutsche Presse-Agentur, which is a German news agency.)

According to sources, Germany has already sent the frigate Hessen to the shores of Yemen, with about 250 soldiers on board.

Friends, I come to you with a request. An account has appeared on Twitter.https://x.com/OleksandrGleb?t=ltmzVhb7FUh-zwUsz3QrKQ&s=09, who uses my photo during my service in the Armed Forces in Zaporizhzhia. I wrote to him asking why he was doing this and he immediately blocked me. Something tells me he's a scammer. Report that he pretends to be me, please, if you have Twitter. Thankful. My username on Twitter@UkrBereza



❌During the week, the air scouts of the SBU destroyed on the left bank of Kherson region:

✔️ howitzer D-30,

✔️armored vehicle

✔️3 trucks

they struck the fire damage on the occupants' shelters.



📄 SBU reported suspicion to the archimandrite of the UOC (MP) who blessed Saldo on the fake referendum of the RF.

After capturing the regional center, he supported the Russian invaders and entered the closest circle of the Gauleiter Saldo, becoming his spiritual guide.

According to the investigation, the archimandrite regularly invited him to services in the temple, and during the sermons blessed the holding of an illegal referendum of the Russian Federation on the annexation of Kherson region to the aggressor country.

In addition, the person personally appealed to Moscow Patriarch Kirill with a request to include the local cathedral in the parish of the Russian Orthodox Church.

For switching to the side of the occupiers, they handed over to the cathedral the captured territories of Ukrtelecom and local businessmen in the central part of Kherson.

During the liberation of Kherson, the cleric fled to the left bank of the southern region with the Russian aggressors.

According to operational data, there he became the secretary of the so-called Skadovsk diocese of the ROC.

Some hackers hacked the servers of a company related to the Ministry of Defense of Iran and engaged in the production of drones. The details there are impressive - drones of all kinds, jet, reconnaissance - Iran seems to have achieved impressive success in this business and is now selling all this goods to the Horde at fabulous prices, buying without bargaining. They pay, including in gold.

But the most curious moment is that in Russia they are working on turning the An-2 planes, those very "corn carriers," into drone carriers. It sounds like nonsense, of course, but many things in this war have happened for the first time, and before they were not taken seriously.

So, the idea is as follows: there are still many An-2 aircraft in service - hundreds of them. The plan, judging by leaked documents and drawings, is that the "cornfield" should carry two drones behind it: a reconnaissance drone and a kamikaze drone. Ukrainian air defense notices a larger target (i.e. the aircraft) and destroys it. The spy UAV should determine the position of the air defense, and the attack drone should then attack it. As for the pilot of the An-2, it is unclear - either they will make the aircraft remotely controlled (which is possible in principle), or it will be a suicide mission.

So far, nothing like that has been noticed over the front line, but who knows. The fact that they are constantly looking for such cheap ways to fight the air defense already says a lot.

Details of the whole story with pictures—here.



❗️Fighters of the Third Assault in Avdiivka were in a complete siege for some time, but managed to get out.- Deputy Commander of the 3rd Special Purpose Brigade Maxim Zhorin.

Certain Katsap channels write that there are fighters still stationed in the territory of Avdiivka coke-chemical plant - I can say that there is no single our fighter left there. There is basically nothing left there, except for a few semi-destroyed basements. Almost half of all the KABs that fell on our heads in Avdiivka fell on the territory of the coke-chemical plant.



💪The reconnaissance group of the 12th Special Purpose Brigade Azov of the NGU conducted a raid behind enemy lines.

The video shows unique footage of neutralizing the enemy in close combat.

If people are told for a long time about two to three weeks and coffee in Crimea for the holidays, but in life everything is the opposite, then trust in such sources decreases. That is why Ukrainians have become less trusting of telethons, according to a survey by KMIS.

According to this survey, in February 2024, a negative balance of trust-distrust towards the telethon under the control of the President's Office was recorded for the first time. That is, the number of those who trust now is less than the number of those who do not trust.

So, in December 2023, the telethon "Єдині новини" trusted 43%, and did not trust - 38%.

As of the beginning of February 2024, the proportion of those who trust has already decreased to 36%. At the same time, the proportion of those who do not trust the telethon has increased to 47%.

By the way, among those who trust Zelensky himself, 48% trust the telethon, and 33% do not trust it. This is a diagnosis of the information policy of the Bank.



📊Trust in the telethon Unity News continues to decrease,- CIMS.

As of the beginning of February 2024, the share of those who trust has decreased to 36%, while the share of those who do not trust has increased to 47%.

The idea of the telethon "Only News" was widely supported in 2022, but since 2023 there has been a stable decrease in trust, and as of February 2024, we are recording a negative balance of trust-distrust for the first time.- sociologists note.

Although those who do not trust President Volodymyr Zelensky are significantly more critical of the telethon, among those who trust Zelensky, 48% trust the telethon, and 33% do not trust.

A little more critical of the telethon Only News residents of the West and Center. At the same time, practically in all regions, no more than 40% trust him.



📰 The EU is discussing the creation of an alternative to NATO in case of Trump's possible victory in the US presidential elections.— The Washington Post.

It is noted that representatives of European countries are discussing the possibility of creating a pan-continental supplement to the Alliance, which could cooperate with both US security guarantees, and without them.

The Washington Post reports that the discussion began after Trump's statement that he will not defend NATO members if they do not fulfill their financial obligations.

I think the Muscovites are somehow fixated on Zelensky. This topic is irrelevant to them. They have some unhealthy erotic fantasies. Perverts.



Ukraine, presumably, used the latest GLSDB bomb against the Russians for the first time.

About the supply of American GLSDB rockets (Ground Launched Small Diameter Bombs - small caliber bombs launched from the ground) to Ukraine, Politico and Reuters reported.

The provision of these bombs to the Armed Forces of Ukraine was approved after successful tests over the Gulf of Mexico, which were conducted on January 16 at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida.

According to military expert Valeriy Ryabykh, the GLSDB shell was specially made for Ukraine.

They can significantly expand the capabilities of the Armed Forces in terms of hitting important enemy targets located far from the line of contact. GLSDB is a high-precision bomb, - said Ryabykh.

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Politico: Being Ukrainian in 2024.

If you are tired of this military conflict, imagine how exhausted Ukrainians are. During a survey conducted at the beginning of the year by the research agency Info Sapiens, 35% of Ukrainians said they feel happy, while 58% feel unhappy. In 2022, only 19% were unhappy.

▪ Another survey, conducted by the analytical center "Democratic Initiatives Fund," showed that about 60% of Ukrainians still look to the future with hope, but anxiety is growing.Ukrainians, as before, believe in each other, in their army, and in its ability to ultimately reflect the Russian offensive.However, fewer and fewer people believe that the country will regain the territories occupied by Russia since 2022.

"¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?" ▪Ukrainians are losing faith, probably due to the duration of the fighting, problems with arms supplies, conflicts between the government and the army, corruption scandals, etc."... however, the majority, as before, does not agree with any of Putin's demands," says deputy director of Info Sapiens Inna Volosevich.

Increasing pressure intensifies the split in the country. Tension is growing between different groups of Ukrainians: those who serve in the army, those who have stayed but do not fight, those who have left Ukraine. "I think the biggest divide is between those who are involved in the war - mobilized and their families, people who have lost loved ones, residents of the front-line territories, and those Ukrainians who are still trying to live a normal life," says Inna Volosevich.

"Paradoxically, but Ukrainian refugees abroad reported psychological problems almost twice as often as residents of Ukraine, and most often they reported feelings of guilt, probably before those who stayed," says Inna Volosevich, deputy director of Info Sapiens.

▪27-year-old digital marketing specialist Taissia Semenova now lives in Portugal. She feels she has to be careful with her words. "People may be touched by my experience living in Portugal, and I don't want to devalue the experience of Ukrainians who have stayed home and are experiencing constant attacks... People may say: 'It's easy to say something under the palm trees,' so I often prefer not to say anything at all," says Taissia Semenova. It was painful for her when President Volodymyr Zelensky in his New Year's address called on Ukrainians abroad to return to determine whether they are refugees or citizens.

As a Ukrainian who stayed, I understand her. It was my choice - to stay, because I felt that my country would fall if we left. Most of us, 30 million people, stayed home and began to fight for the existence of our country. We have all paid dearly.

▪ Two years have passed during which I could not plan anything without worrying about a possible missile strike or air raid. In May 2023, we slept in Kyiv for just a week, as Russia almost every night shelled us with rockets, trying to test the newly appeared Patriot air defense system.

Life has turned into an endless "Groundhog Day" - shelling, work, tax payments, sacrifices and struggles. Every day we try to maintain resilience and a sense of humor.

"To be a Ukrainian in 2024 means thinking about what is worn on you... If a rocket hits you and they pull you out from under the rubble, dead or alive, your photos will be on the internet... As a woman, you want the last photos in your life to be good. That's why every night I think about my pajamas. They should be cute, but warm enough to save you from freezing in winter when you're lying under the rubble, if you're lucky enough to survive, and wait until the rescuers dig you out," - says volunteer Myla Yaroslavska from the charitable foundation.



🇦🇲Nikol Pashinyan stated, that Armenia is not an ally of Russia.

The Prime Minister of Armenia reminded about international law regarding the recognition of state borders and emphasized the friendliness of Armenians towards the Ukrainian people.

I have already said that Armenia is not an ally of Russia when it comes to Ukraine, and this is our honest position. I first said this two years ago, and we regret that we cannot influence this situation. The people of Ukraine are friendly to us, - emphasized Pashinyan.



In Russia, the remnants of the non-working "Roshen" factory in Lipetsk were confiscated, and the fifth president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, was declared an "extremist".

This is evidenced by the decision of the October District Court of Lipetsk.

Although the Roshen factory in Lipetsk ceased operations on March 19, 2014 - searches were conducted in office and production premises, and the company's funds were arrested. After that, all property was seized by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Part of the equipment was successfully exported from the enterprise, part was cut into scrap metal so that it would not fall into the enemy's hands.

Italian media reported that in Spain, Maxim Kuzminov, who stole a Russian military helicopter, was found dead. The publication spread this information.The Correspondent.

They write that he was shot and his body was found in an underground parking in the community of Villahoyosa.

But Spanish officials have not confirmed this yet, and the propaganda is writing that this is a setup. So let's wait for the conclusions. Too many questions...



🚂 Polish protesters on February 18 blocked the movement of passenger train No. 119 Kyiv-Helm, in which there were 260 passengers, reports "Ukrzaliznytsia".

Among the passengers were mostly women and children. Many passengers had further transfers and flights, they said in the company.

After the intervention of the Polish police and railway workers, the train was unblocked and continued moving.

More and more contradictions and inconsistencies in the story with the alleged murder of Maksym Kuzminov. The main thing, as I pointed out, there is no confirmation from Spanish official authorities, and there is also no information from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. So do not rush to conclusions. And not only in this case.



😢 In Spain, Russian pilot Maxim Kuzminov, who flew a Mi-8AMTSh helicopter to Ukraine, was found dead. The death was confirmed by Yussuf, a spokesman for the GUR to "Public".

Against the backdrop of a catastrophic collapse of trust in the Unified telethon and a growing distrust of it, the question arises - which TV channels and bloggers do you trust and where do you get information from?

Illustration (c) Irina Shaganyan

The State Emergency Service confirmed the death of Russian pilot Kuzminov, who stole the Mi-8 for Ukraine.

We can confirm the fact of death, - said in a commentary RBC-Ukraine representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate Andrii Yusev, commenting on rumors about Kuzminov.

There are more questions...



🇯🇵Japan will provide Ukraine with assistance of $12.1 billion, - Shmyhal.

In particular, Ukraine will receive a grant of $4.7 billion by the end of the current month.

Am I the only one who thinks that the Russian has been slightly overcooked here? It's not even "well done", it's charcoal. The fate of the occupier, that's what it is. It won't go home in a bag, it'll go in a jar. A three-liter one. ))



🤝The American company stopped transporting Russian oil, in Ukraine it was excluded from the list of war sponsors.

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption has excluded the American company Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry from the list of international sponsors of the war.

As reported by NAZK, the company sent a letter indicating compliance with the conditions that allow it to be excluded from the list.

From now on, Russia's ability to transport its oil has become even more limited, isolation from the civilized world deeper, and the opportunities to receive oil dollars smaller, - told in the Agency.

Today, on Monday, February 19th, at 19:00, we will be doing a live broadcast with the People's Deputy of Ukraine Dmytro Razumkov

- The mobilization law is postponed again due to lack of votes and corruption risks. What to expect and when?

- Servants, with the support of the Bankova, seriously want to prolong the decision "booking for money". What are the consequences of this decision and what are the chances of adopting such a law?

- After the information that the accounts of tax evaders will be blocked, a record amount was withdrawn from personal bank accounts. What's next and how to attract people to the army?

- In the West, they are closely following the situation with the persecution of journalists and the opposition. Partners have started talking about a lack of democracy in Ukraine. Could this situation harm Ukraine in terms of EU funding? And will we have new scandals related to violations of freedom of speech?

- The government is considering introducing new taxes to fund defense needs. It's strange that there is still no tax on corruption. What is the government thinking?




🇺🇸The USA is considering the possibility of imposing additional sanctions against Russia over Navalny's death, President Biden announced.

We have already imposed sanctions, but we are considering additional sanctions, yes," he replied to a question about further actions in connection with Navalny's death.



During the day there were 70 military clashes,reportsGeneral Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

During the day, the aviation of the Armed Forces struck in ten areas of concentration of personnel, one control point, and ten enemy anti-aircraft missile systems. Also, on the eastern direction, two enemy aircraft were destroyed by the units of the Air Force of the Armed Forces: the Su-34 fighter-bomber and the Su-35S fighter.

Units of missile troops struck at one command post, four ammunition depots, and five enemy artillery pieces.

Today, on Monday, February 19, at 20-10, we will be doing a live broadcast with Svitlana Orlovska.

- After the recent departure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Avdiivka, the enemy did not stop offensive actions on the front line. How does the current situation on the front line affect the decisions of our partners?

What conclusions can be drawn from the Munich Security Conference. Is this a demonstration of the confusion and uncertainty of the West or still of their strength and determination? How will this affect aid to Ukraine?

- Ukraine has already signed a second security pact this year. So what are these security agreements? Is this a real prospect of guarantees or an attempt to reassure Ukraine due to the lack of prospects at the NATO summit in July?

- Help from the US will not arrive in Ukraine anytime soon. How will the domestic political game of partners affect the Ukrainian front?

- The Head of NATO's Military Committee Admiral Rob Bauer stated that the West was "too optimistic" about the course of the RF's war against Ukraine in 2023. What does this statement mean? What are our partners wary of?




Budapest will stop blocking the new package of European Union sanctions against Russia, as there is no longer any reason for this.reportedminister of foreign affairs of Hungary Péter Szijjártó

Syarito also noted that the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Russian occupiers into Ukraine "should be a reason" to talk about ceasefire and peaceful negotiations.



📱The head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation Fedorov stated that there are no plans to send summons through Diya, and there will also be no mobile mobilization-related services in the application.

I don't want to talk about possible scenarios, because the law is still being prepared for the second reading. The only thing I can reassure once again is that no summons will be sent in the Action. There will be no mobilization-related services - in whatever format the Rada adopts the bill, - the vice-premier said in an interview to "Suspilne".



In Russia, in two days, minus six combat aircraft. How did this happen?🧐 We tell in detail.

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What is happening on our western border - the border with Poland - cannot be perceived as something normal or ordinary. Simple and understandable justice is needed. Only 5% of our agro-exports pass through the Polish border. So, in reality, the situation is not in the grain, but rather in politics. And near Kup'yansk, not far from the border with Russia, where enemy artillery does not cease, news from the border with Poland looks simply mocking. Joint decisions, rational decisions are needed to get out of this situation. Our decisions with the Poles first and foremost and with everyone in Europe who cares about the fate of Europe.

Thank you to all who fight and work for our country and people! Thank you to all who help!

Glory to Ukraine!

Reading the news that CNN, citing its own sources, reports that there are about 50,000 Russian occupiers on the Zaporizhzhia direction. According to the publication, the places of concentration of Russian troops are located approximately where last summer the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to start a counteroffensive.

Then he remembered the artillery hunger, Avdiivka, and the concentration of the enemy on the Lymano-Kupiansk direction, and thought that our president cannot fail in strategic thinking. In time, he fired Zaluzhny, Shaptala, Naiev, Zabrodsky and other generals and commanders, thus strengthening Ukraine. Right? Well, in any case, one must act with the aim of strengthening the country. Isn't it?



We have gathered the most important things you might have missed for February 19th:

🔹In the 110th separate mechanized brigade told, that the occupiers assured of readiness to evacuate Ukrainian wounded in Avdiivka, provide them with assistance, and exchange in the future. But later it became known that the invaders killed Ukrainian defenders.

🔹AT GUR confirmed murder of Russian pilot Kuzminov, who fled to Ukraine on Mi-8.

🔹Administration of US President Joe Biden works to provide ATACMS ballistic missiles to Ukraine with a longer range, - NBC News.

🔹Ukrainian defenders were able to stabilize situation on Avdiivka direction.

🔹Hungary will not block 13th package of sanctions against Russia.

What was that???



Lawyer Ilya Novikov published documents from the Russian court, from which it is clear that Russia considers Petro Poroshenko an extremist because of his support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The reason for the lawsuit of the aggressor state-plaintiff was that Poroshenko was an extremist, because he said that Russia had invaded Ukraine and was killing people here. And because he transferred 3 billion to support the Ukrainian armed forces (actually 4 and a half, they are a little behind our schedule there), - Novikov reported.

He said that last year Poroshenko's lawyers sent a notice of commencement of international arbitration and recovery of compensation from Russia for the destroyed enterprise.

But if before we had a difficult situation "how to prove to an international court that the factory was destroyed when on paper it exists - open it and work" - now this question is completely removed, from the point of view of international law, Russia carried out 100% expropriation of the business for political reasons, and these are no longer our words, but their own official position, - explained Novikov.

PHOTOGRAPHER for such photos must be judged mercilessly!!! )))

How?! How can you give such an angle?! A little more and people will ask: who let a child into a military briefing?!!!! ))) (c)Mykola Saveliev



Near Odessa, a car of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army was blown up.

Tonight near one of the military facilities in the suburbs of Odessa, a car belonging to the Ukrainian Volunteer Army was blown up, which was carrying our brother and sister - Albert and Natalia Kruchinini. Right now doctors are fighting for their lives. The police are working at the scene, reported by the UDA.

The information has been confirmed by the police of the Odessa region.

An explosion occurred in the village of Hvardiiske. Information about the injured is being clarified, law enforcement officials reported.

Many people think that everything is bad with us, the situation is critical, there are no prospects and it will only get worse. This is a wrong judgment. Yes, the situation is tough, but we will get through this! There is an understanding of the processes that are taking place. So, do not lose heart. And we will do it. The main thing is not to give up and remember that everything will be as we need it to be if we put in maximum effort on the way to our goal. And everything will be Ukraine. Moving forward! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Death to the enemies!