Mar 26, 2024 - Day 762

762 days of active phase of 10-year war. Every morning I ask if everyone is here. This is for me like a marker of your mood. Is everyone here?

Time for good news!



Russian attacked Kharkiv with strike drones, explosions were heard in the city.— Sinyegubov

According to the words of the mayor of Kharkiv, Igor Terikhov, the landing of one of the drones was fixed on the ground near a non-residential building. Preliminarily without victims or injured, only broken windows in the building next to the explosion crater.

"According to preliminary information, the air defense forces over the Kharkiv region shot down at least eight enemy drones," said Sinyegubov.



At night, the enemy attacked 12 strike drones of the Shahed type from Cape Chauda - Crimea and Kursk region - Russia, as well as with two guided anti-aircraft missiles S-300 towards Donetsk region.

All 12 chessboards are beaten.



😈This night was restless in Belgorod.

The governor assured that the region was attacked by drones and infrastructure damage has already been recorded, local residents were injured.

In the village of Dubove, two people were affected, documented in 20 private residential buildings and one outbuilding.



In the morning at 9:00 minutes of silence we honor the memory of those who died in Russia's brutal war against Ukraine.



❗️The Ukrainian Armed Forces struck the ship Konstantin Olshansky with a Neptune missile.- Dictionary of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Dmytro Pletenchuk.

He noted that this ship was stolen by the Russians from Ukraine in 2014 during the occupation of Crimea.

The ship stood in a bay for nine years, and the Russians began to dismantle it for spare parts. In the 10th year of the occupation, the occupants realized that they were running out of large landing ships, so within a year they restored the Kostiantin Olshansky.

The Navy dictionary also noted that the enemy wanted to show that the Minsk or Olenegorsk miner ships, previously damaged by Ukraine, had been restored. But the damage is such that the restoration of the vessels is a big question.

This ship was supposed to be used by Ukraine. Therefore, the decision was made to strike this unit with our Neptune," Pletenchuk said.

He noted that the degree of damage to the affected ship is currently being determined, however, the vessel is definitely not seaworthy at the moment.



Today we honor the memory of the defender of Ukraine Anastasiya Maryanchuk with the call sign Troy.

The girl studied philology at Taras Shevchenko University. But in the first year of the full-scale aggression of the aggressor, Anastasia took academic leave and stood up to defend Ukraine - at first joined the Right Sector Volunteer Corps, and later became a medic in the 67th separate mechanized brigade.

The girl died on March 18 this year while evacuating the wounded from under enemy fire in eastern Ukraine. She was only 22 years old.

Forever in line!



😡In the evening, the occupiers directed a kamikaze drone at the Marganets community in Nikopol region. Later - they struck Chernohryhorivska. Heavy artillery was used.

By the morning, Nikopol found itself under enemy artillery fire twice. A fire broke out. 9 private houses, gas pipeline, and power line were damaged.

A 91-year-old woman was injured. Will be treated on an outpatient basis.



In the command of the Naval Forces, the hitting of the large landing ship Konstantin Olshansky was confirmed.



🤣In Moscow, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Maliuk, was arrested in absentia.

He is charged under Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (terrorist act).

roszmi write that the court has satisfied the request of the investigating authorities to choose a preventive measure for Malyuk. According to their data, this is aboutbombing organization on the Crimean Bridge in 2022 і.



👀Deputies from the Servant of the People party proposed sentencing for life imprisonment for misappropriation of state functions.

Two parliamentary deputies from the monobellwether became his authors: Halyna Tretyakova, who was a part of the Reanimation Package of Reforms before entering parliament, as well as Mariana Bezuhla, who previously actively criticized the former Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valeriy Zaluzhny, and advocated for his dismissal.

This bill proposes to amend the Criminal Code of Ukraine with an article on the responsibility for citizens misappropriating state functions.

Karate is offered to those who represent Ukraine without authority and consent.

🔹at international events;

🔹before authorized persons or agents of foreign states, as well as representatives of international organizations.

It's about representing Ukraine, in particular, through letters, phone calls, correspondence, or other forms of communication.

According to the bill, the sanction of the article should provide for imprisonment for a term of 10 to 12 years with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of 10 to 15 years and with confiscation of property or without it. At the same time, during a state of war, punishments are planned to be even more severe, with imprisonment for a term of 15 years or life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

The authors of the bill explained the need for the document by stating that shameful citizens, without providing specific examples, appropriate state functions to obtain their own privileges. They called their bill a fair response to those few citizens of Ukraine who commit state treason.

At the same time, the document does not specify what is meant by appropriating state functions.



🇫🇷In France, an elevated level of terrorist threat has been announced., — the US Embassy in France.

Attacks can occur practically without warning or without warning at all, their targets are tourist sites, large sports and cultural events, as well as other public places attracting large numbers of civilians., - mentioned in the message.

Americans in France are asked to be especially vigilant of their surroundings in crowded places.



The Kalinovskiy Regiment as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced a nationwide mobilization campaign among Belarusians.

Fighters said that Belarusian dictator Lukashenko is only afraid of them. They noted that every Belarusian can find their place in the regiment.

Fighter of the Kalinovsky regiment Pavlo Shurmey (Dziadzka) emphasized that the fate of free Belarus is being decided here and now.

The host Lukashenko wants to expand the war, and this time it will not be possible to sit out. War will affect everyone... Those who have stayed in their homeland have a choice - to become cannon fodder in Putin's army or join us and provide a worthy future for themselves and their children in independent European Belarus," he said.



😱 A bridge collapsed in the USA after a ship crashed into it in the state of Maryland.

Previously, there are victims: more than a dozen cars and countless people can end up in the water. Namely, the ship that crashed into the bridge caught fire and sank.



💬Not about supporting Ukraine. It's about our personal interests -Borel about the EU and US assistance to Kyiv.

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy stated that the West helps Ukraine not only through generosity and love for the Ukrainian people.

We cannot allow Russia to win this war, otherwise the interests of the USA and Europe will be greatly damaged. Therefore, we call on the USA to unlock and approve additional aid.



Enemies wanted to use the stolen ship "Kostyantyn Olshansky" during the occupation of Crimea because they already lack their own fleet.

But the Ukrainian "Neptunes" didn't give them any chance) Everything used to kill Ukrainians must be destroyed!

Glory to the Ukrainian Military Naval Forces!


Dialogue with a doctor.

Your tests show that you are already in a condition to undergo another surgery.

- But I don't feel ready for it yet.

- You don't feel, but I see.

- Maybe we can wait a couple more weeks?

- You can wait. But it doesn't cancel the operation. You are like the saying Before death does not inspire.

Damn... Such an analogy is very motivating.

- You take this figuratively.

These images don't inspire me.

Borislav, today very little inspires us. But it will not always be like that. So we are preparing for the operation and looking for inspiration in the future.

Talked. I didn't convince him. But it won't always be like that. ))



🤝Iceland will support the purchase of ammunition for Ukraine by the Czech Republic, as well as invest in the purchase of equipment for Ukrainian servicewomen.

It is expected that Iceland will spend about two million euros on the project.

It is extremely important that we continue to firmly support Ukraine. In this way, we contribute not only to the defense of the country's people, but also to international law in a broader context and our own security interests. At the same time, we intend to continue supporting initiatives of this kind," said Icelandic Foreign Minister Bjarni Benediktsson.

In addition, Reykjavik will allocate about 500 thousand euros to purchase equipment for Ukrainian defenders.

The percentage of women in the army has significantly increased in recent years, especially after the beginning of the Russian invasion. To meet the needs of female military personnel, it is proposed to provide them with uniforms, bulletproof vests, medical and hygiene products.



🔌Odessa and Odessa region: returning to the schedule of stabilization power outages,- DTEK.

Energy workers have managed to stabilize the situation in the energy system of Odessa region and we have the opportunity to return to the schedule of stabilization outages., - stated in the message.

Also, 50% of the fleet of electric transport is being restored in the city.



The occupants hit the civilian residential infrastructure of Kharkiv.- Bluebeard.

Hit in Shevchenkivskyi district. Information about the injured has not been received at the moment.

The review of the place by specialized services continues.

Good that they are digging. It sucks that they are doing it only now, and not when Zaluzhniy demanded it. And not even when Zelensky promised the Avdiivka defenders. But it's good that they are finally doing it. Finally!



❗️ A non-residential building suffered, in a high-rise building nearby, windows flew out, - Terkhov.

There are no wounded or dead, fortunately.



General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published approximate losses of Russian occupiers for the past day.



💰Ukraine received $880 million from the IMF.— Shmyhal.This is the third tranche of financial support under the Extended Fund Facility program.

Funds will help cover priority budget expenditures and support macrofinancial stability.

Maryana Bezuhla and Halyna Tretyakova propose to punish imprisonment for representing the interests of Ukraine by unauthorized persons. People's deputies from the Servant of the People faction believe that despite the cohesion and common opposition to Russian aggression, there are cases of disgraceful actions by "Ukrainian citizens" aimed at obtaining their own privileges at the expense of state interests. After a wave of criticism, Bezuhla called her bill on criminal responsibility for "appropriation of state functions" a "legislative provocation." About this and not only told in her author's blog.



🌤️ In KyivOn March 28, they plan to finish the heating season.

From this Thursday, the capital will begin the process of disconnecting buildings from heating.

At the same time, the shutdown of heating systems in healthcare institutions, cultural institutions, physical education and sports, pre-school and general secondary education, as well as in social service institutions and establishments, is carried out upon written requests of their heads.



The SBU caught FSB saboteurs red-handed trying to blow up a railway line in Poltava region.

To carry out sabotage, they laid a homemade explosive device near the railway track and the power supply system of the rolling stock.

In the future, the villains planned to detonate the explosive device using a remote control.

But the figures did not have time to do this, as they were detained by the SBU employees right at the scene.

In case of undermining, the occupiers hoped to disrupt the logistical routes for supplying weapons, ammunition, and fuel for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Criminals are in custody. They face life imprisonment.



📰Russia has started direct oil supplies to North Korea, violating UN sanctions and international efforts to restrain Pyongyang.- writes Finance Times.

Satellite images provided by the Royal United Services Institute confirmed that at least five North Korean tankers departed on March 7 from the port of "Vostok" in the Russian Far East for oil products.

Two of these vessels then headed to the North Korean port of Chongjin, where they apparently unloaded. These shipments are the first documented direct maritime operations from Russia since the UN Security Council imposed strict restrictions on oil supplies in response to North Korea's nuclear tests in 2017.

Hugh Griffiths, former coordinator of the UN group monitoring sanctions against North Korea, called these oil shipments a "full-scale attack on the sanctions regime." According to experts, the ships using Russian terminals are some of the largest in the North Korean fleet, and some of them have a special UN permit that prohibits them from entering foreign ports or participating in oil deliveries.

When the country is led by a woodpecker Putin, it is naive to hope that there will be others around him. Meet, this is Nikolai Patrushev. Another old woodpecker who holds the position of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

In response to the journalist's question, who is behind the terrorist act in Crocus - ISIS* or Ukraine?, Patrushev replied - Of course Ukraine!

Answered the way Putin wants to hear, even though he knows the truth. And why? Because he is not only an idiot, but also a cowardly scum who is afraid to anger his master.



🤔 Speaker Mike Johnson is looking for a reason not to bring the bill to support Ukraine to a vote.

According to the White House press secretary, the administration's proposed project will have bipartisan support in the House if brought to a vote.

"I think that what is happening is that the speaker is looking for a reason that is not justified, that is not needed. Because we know that if he put it to a vote, it would pass," said Karin Jean-Pierre.

She also added that the Senate supported this project by an overwhelming bipartisan majority.



As a result of yesterday's missile attack, 10 people were injured.— Keeper.

Seven people, including three women, are currently continuing treatment in medical facilities. All others have been provided assistance on the spot.

As a result of the impacts, about 300 apartments were affected. Several buildings were destroyed. Significant damage was also done to the Palace of Sports.

You can't cure a disease without making a diagnosis. You can't atone for a sin without recognizing it. The hardest part of repentance is the first step. First, a person must admit, without making up any excuses or justifications, what evil they have done. (C) Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, "Jewish Values", p. 122

The choice of power by scoundrels, fools, traitors, corrupt officials, bribe-takers, villains, criminals, ignoramuses or liars is evil. Against oneself, against one's children, against the State. And until there is an understanding, that the blame for this committed evil always lies with the voter, and until the voter seeks excuses - from "who knew?" to "there was nobody else to choose from" or "what difference does it make if it's not me?" - nothing will change. And hoping for good news is not worth it. Society will continue to be sick, the state will decay, and the future will be without prospects. This is how it will be if you agree with this scenario and continue to seek justification instead of analyzing the situation and not repeating your mistakes...

Now you can write to me, how I am wrong or that it is not the right people again. And think about whether this will improve the situation in Ukraine? And if these words do not correct my address, maybe it's worth thinking about what I wrote? Although I agree that it is easier to blame someone for your stupidity and immaturity than to admit your mistakes.

I understand that this text may not be relevant to many because they do not understand when the elections will be, and are not ready to work on their mistakes. But considering the unchanged infantile moods and processes in society, I am not sure that there will ever come a time for such posts, if these issues are not raised in advance. And if these issues are only raised on the eve of elections, it will be too late.



In the village of Odradokamianka, the Russians hit the bus carrying humanitarian aid with two FPV drones, - Khersonska OVA.

The vehicle and cargo - destroyed. Only by a miracle, the driver and passengers were unharmed.



❗️The "European Solidarity" faction demands to immediately ensure the full functioning of the parliament and urgently convene a session of the Verkhovna Rada to discuss urgent issues.

In the faction's statement specifies, what members of the "Servant of the People" party must stop blocking the full-fledged work of the parliament, and the government must immediately report on its activities.

Therefore, "European Solidarity" demands an urgent meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to discuss urgent issues:

🔹Government report on liquidation of the consequences of rascist attacks, strengthening of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as control over fortification works and financing of the defense forces.

🔹Formation of a temporary investigative commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to oversee the construction of fortifications and prevent abuses (No. 10462);

Effective involvement of funds from local communities to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine (№11075);

🔹Adoption of a law on the prohibition of the Moscow Church in Ukraine (No. 8371);

🔹Purpose of parliamentary hearings on the implementation by Ukraine of conditions for accession to the European Union;

🔹Decision on full coverage of the parliament's work and allowing journalists onto the balcony and into the corridors (No. 10102, 10107).

Also, the EU statement emphasizes that the parliament should not just meet once or twice a month with the ritual function of listening to high-ranking guests, but should work fully.Return to the work schedule of the Verkhovna Rada as it was before the full-scale invasion.

Ukrainian scientist, politician and multiple-term MP Igor Yukhnovsky passed away. A great man has left us. A true legend. People of his caliber are not in power today. He did a lot for the Independence of Ukraine and was a moral authority for me. This is a great loss. RIP.



🤡 Of course Ukraine.

The response of the Secretary of the Russian Security Council Patrushev to the question of who, in his opinion, is responsible for the terrorist attack in Krokus.

By the way, it is precisely Patrushev who is called one of the organizers involved in the explosions of multistory buildings in 1999 in Russia.



McDonald's in Ukraine plans to open 6 new restaurants in 2024.

According to the words of the CEO of McDonald's Ukraine Yulia Badritdinova, Uzhgorod and Chernivtsi are the only regional cities where there is currently no McDonald's.

"We plan to close this gestalt and open new restaurants in two regional centers - in Zakarpattia and in Chernivtsi region," she noted.



Poland prepares a response to the missile in its airspace from Russia and the demarche of Ambassador Sergiy Andriyev who ignored the call to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The latest Warsaw perceives contempt and promises to pay attention to both incidents. Poland's deputy foreign minister, Andrzej Scheyna, said the Russian missile strike was "more of a deliberate act."

NATO is currently considering the possibility of shooting down Russian missiles flying towards Alliance countries, but Ukraine's consent is needed, as this will be happening in its airspace.

Friends, I'm asking for help again. I have brothers from the 97th battalion of the 60th Separate Motorized Brigade. They need help repairing their cars. Their horses were beaten by the war, but they need something to work with. I know times are tough for everyone now. I understand that the Ministry of Defense doesn't provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine with everything they need, but I also understand that our support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine saves lives of our soldiers, destroys the enemy, and brings us closer to victory. The amount needed is not small, but they have many cars. If you have the opportunity and desire, please donate. This will help repair these and other cars the fighters in the 97th battalion work with. This is not just for them, but for all of us.

Link to the bank and card in the first comments.

Goal 200 000

5375 4112 1529 6810



The Russian Zircon missile, which the occupiers struck Kyiv with the day before, has an average speed of 9 thousand kilometers per hour, often even more, the Southern Defense Forces reported.

So, Zircon flies:

🔹Odesa, Kherson, Mykolaiv - up to 1 minute

🔹Zaporizhia, Dnipro - up to 2.5 minutes

🔹Kropyvnytskyi - up to 3 minutes

Olexiy Danilov has been dismissed from the position of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council - Decree of the President of Ukraine

The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council is appointed the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service - Lytvynenko.

PS I wonder which country the ambassador will go to?



‼️ Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed Oleksiy Danilov from the position of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council and appointed head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Lytvynenko in his place.



☠️ Elimination of enemy drone pilots together with their position and equipment.

Our kamikaze drone with a 2 kg bomb entered right into the middle of the basement and detonated. Surviving after such is impossible.



❗️MP Honcharenko announced that the Committee on National Security rejected the amendment on compulsory mobilization from the age of 18

Chinese golf carts have become "coffins on wheels" for Russian soldiers - BILD analyst

Recently, BILD expert on open data analysis Julian Röpke reported massive use of Chinese Desertcross 1000-3 ATVs by Russian army in Ukraine instead of traditional APCs or IFVs. Apparently, the Russian armed forces wanted to take advantage of the fact that the Ukrainian armed forces do not have ammunition to destroy such buggies, and it is difficult for kamikaze drones to chase after small, fast, and maneuverable vehicles.

However, now, as Ryepke reports, Ukraine has learned how to destroy Chinese golf cars. As a result, they have become "coffins on wheels" for Russian soldiers. Ukrainian drone operators accurately hit them with kamikaze drones. And since the buggies have no armor, all the soldiers inside perish. (c) BILD



💪🏻Ukrainian writer Serhiy Zhadan decided to mobilize to the ranks of the NGU Khartia Brigade.



❗️Ukrainian military could receive twice as many shells as part of the Czech initiative: 1.5 million ammunition for artillery, - Bloomberg citing the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Trends among voters are changing in the USA.

According to a survey conducted by The Economist, current US President Joe Biden currently enjoys slightly more support from Americans than his opponent in future elections Donald Trump. Democrats trust 45% of respondents, while Republicans trust 44%.

And on that note, Biden significantly reduced the gap or outpaced Trump in six out of seven swing states - according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll. Moods have changed significantly in Wisconsin - Biden now leads Trump by 1%, whereas he was trailing by 4% in February. In Pennsylvania, Trump was ahead by 6% in February, but now his and Biden's support is tied at 45%. They have the same levels in Michigan.

And such swings will last until the end of the elections.



🤯 russia - how it is...

In Nizhny Tagil, the military tank crashed into a car.



Putin's entourage believes Ukraine is not involved in the terrorist attack in Krokus - Bloomberg

According to four people closely connected to the Kremlin, there is no evidence of Ukraine's involvement.

In the publication, it is indicated that Putin was present at the discussions, where Ukraine's involvement in the terrorist act was not confirmed. However, the dictator is trying to use the tragedy to rally Russians for war in Ukraine.



Today continued rebooting the management system our country. There are personnel changes.

Grateful to Oleksiy Danilov for his work as Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. He is being transferred in another direction - more on that later.

The new secretary of the National Security and Defense Council is Oleksandr Lytvynenko. He will combine his experience in leading the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine with the tasks before the Council. Oleh Ivashchenko has become the new head of foreign intelligence. He has the appropriate experience.

Overall, I expect the strengthening of the strategic capabilities of our state to predict and influence processes that determine the national security of our state. Strengthening Ukraine and renewing our state system in all directions will be continued.

🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 - Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine

Let's take turns:

Siloviks: cut off the ear of one detainee and publicly torture another with electricity.

2. Officials: calling for the death penalty.

3. Medvedev: Kill them all

And at the same time Putler says that in Rashka they should rely on the values ​​of creativity, humanism, and mercy. It turns out that torture, murder, and the death penalty are the standards of humanism and mercy for the Rashka. Rashka, it seems that a very merciful future awaits you. But you won't like it... )))



🚨 Threat of ballistic missile launch from the south- In the lower regions, an air alarm has been declared!

Yesterday the Tatar judge of the Pechersk "court" closed the proceedings on the administrative offense of Zelensky's deputy.

NAZK drew up a protocol on Shurmo, who DID NOT report his conflict of interest while presiding over the meetings of the OPC committee, the decision of which (including) provided multimillion-dollar payments to firms of his own brother. the same time, Shurma himself admitted that (at the end of 2020) he invested about $10 million in his brother's company, (and in 2021-2022) together with his wife, he lent about 430 million hryvnias to his brother.

Recently, brother Shurmi was the director of a venture fund that enables to optimize the payment of taxes for hundreds of millions of hryvnias.

So, yesterday the Tatar judge Svitlana Shaputko from the Pechersk "court" closed the case against Shurma. The connection of Judge Shaputko with Tatarov is described in detail in the investigation entitled "Tatarchata" by colleagues from Hromadske.

As Ukrainians are at war with Russia, Tatarkiv and Co are arranging a little copy of it for themselves. Because in Russia, the president's team is above the law, in Ukraine, the law is the same for everyone.

Pechersk court, as well as the prosecutor's office (which was supposed to "defend" the NACP protocol), ignored such a socially "insignificant" meeting.

We are waiting for the publication of the court decision in order to detail how the Office of the President violated the law by saving another deputy of Yermak. Earlier, by saving Tatarov, the Office of the President used "Lozovy's amendments", the cancellation of which is now so aggressively opposed.

And before that, the judge of the same Pechersk "court" Serhiy Vovk pushed through a decision that covered up the illegal transfer of Tatarov's case from NABU to SBU.

The OP could not choose a worse time to so obviously smear Zelensky's deputy. If a Tatar judge were publicly considering this case, Shurma (with a high degree of probability) would be found guilty and (in addition to the fine) provided grounds for dismissal from the OP...

I will remind you that under a similar protocol, the Prosecutor's Office dismissed the undesirable mayor of Chernihiv, Vladyslav Atroshenko. enemies will definitely use the exemption of the deputy head of the Office of the President to undermine the provision of financial and military assistance to Ukraine. (C) Vitaliy Shabunin



The Minister of Defense of France has stated that his country will soon be able to supply Ukraine with 78 CAESAR self-propelled howitzers and increase production and delivery of 155mm shells.

According to him, this year Paris plans to produce 100 thousand 155mm shells, 80 thousand of which will be sent to the battlefield in Ukraine. The remaining 20 thousand will be used to replenish their own reserves.

Sumy region is under water. Evacuation. Hell. And local deputies taking bribes to steal more from local medicine. What words to choose here?

On March 26, in Sumy, law enforcement officers detained two deputies who tried to bribe the head of the Sumy city military administration for $100,000.

And just read these letters.

The specified funds were proposed by deputies to the head of the Sumy city military administration for the merger of two medical institutions, which would have ensured an increase in funding, as well as for keeping in office the chief physician of this combined hospital one of the persons who provided illegal benefit.

These "parasites" are countless. Each trap takes us further from victory in this war. Day after day. Week after week.

All garages twist rusty twenty-year-old pickups that will save priceless lives tomorrow, and booked peaks wear cabinets of 100 thousand.

100 thousand - that's four mortars. Or 40 helicopters. Or 10 pickups.

Kolkhoz of animals. (c)Mikhail Tkach



🤡 Bloomberg's report that those close to Putin do not believe in Ukraine's involvement in the terrorist attack in Crocus, Russian Foreign Ministry's representative Zakharova called the mother of all fakes

While the servants of the people create corrupt schemes and take bribes, and five successful managers of Zelensky in the Office of the President are engulfed in corruption and reputational scandals, I am busy with my own business in communications and information space, damaging the Kremlin and Lukashenko.

And even the Belarusian cockroach courts took note of this. The Telegram channel Berezovyi Sok was recognized as extremist in Belarus.

Well, I'm fretting about them. Just like with the original post. But I don't care. We all need to do our job! Destroy enemy propaganda, counter disinformation, highlight the truth, support the worthy! We are stepping towards victory!



Collected for you the most important things you could have missed on March 26:

🔹 Zelenskyfired Danilovfrom the post of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

🔹The list of institutions that will be able to be adopted in advanceprovide "reserve" to their employees .

🔹Ukraine can receivetwice as many shellsas part of the Czech initiative.

🔹 The defense forces struck with "Neptune"by the captured Russians assault ship "Konstantin Olshansky".

The Russian Federation has accused of a terrorist attack in "Crocus City Hall"Ukraine, the USA, and Great Britain.

🔹NBU againraised the dollar exchange rateto the hryvnia to a historical maximum.



⚽️The match between Ukraine and Iceland in the final of the Euro-2024 football qualification play-off continues!

Currently the yellow-blue have equalized the score 1:1

Fiery reaction to the pro-government bill 11104 on maximum criminal liability for unauthorized contacts with foreigners was of course expected. Repressions against Ukrainian citizens before the Revolution of Dignity are still fresh in memory, and authors of dictatorial laws are still at large.

Not like me, many did not see just the main goal and innovation behind these emotions, which is in another (directly related to the scandalous and still unanswered by anyone) project 11103 - the introduction of a new tool for Ukraine's foreign policy activity - special missions.

By the way, all this responsibility of citizens remains in clause 13 of this bill. And this is no joke!

What's the point? In short:

- A network of special missions of Ukraine is being created along with the network of foreign diplomatic missions of Ukraine.

- The heads and members of these missions will be appointed and recalled by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, the President or the Prime Minister. As indicated - at their discretion. No criteria or necessary skills;

- The functionality actually duplicates the functionality of embassies and ambassadors;

- You can send directions anywhere: to countries where there are functioning embassies, and to countries with which there are no diplomatic or consular relations (interesting - where is this?).

- Provision - at the expense of the state budget;

And a berry on the cake: Members of the families of the heads, members, and staff of Ukraine's special mission are entitled to accompany them in the performance of the functions of Ukraine's special mission.

Why is all this now and is it really aimed at ensuring the unity of the country's foreign policy course - think for yourself... (c)Valeriy Chalyy



Offside at Tsygankov

Involvement in the gate was canceled.



Score is 1:1!



⚽️Goal moment!

Уthe 38th UN reportRegarding the situation with human rights in Ukraine during the period from 01.12.23 to 29.02.24, the organization counted the loss of 32 Ukrainian prisoners of war by the occupiers. This is significantly more than in any of the previous periods.

Misi documented credible reports of the execution of at least 32 Ukrainian prisoners of war in 12 separate incidents during the winter period from December 2023 to February 2024, significantly more than in any of the previous periods. The mission conducted independent verification in three of the mentioned cases.

Also, experts interviewed 60 Ukrainian soldiers recently released from captivity and found that most of them had experienced sexual violence.

According to Mission Head Daniel Bell, virtually all of them told respondents that Russian military personnel and officials torture prisoners, including using beatings, electric shock, forcing them to stay in uncomfortable positions for a long time, threatening to shoot them, or simulating shootings.

Russians - trash, scum, and filth!



💥And this is how they celebrated the goal of Ukraine in Belgorod!



⚽2:1 Mudrik scored a goal!

The dismissal of Danilov is Zelensky's fear. Because of Yermak's tricks.

What indicates that we are entering the most dangerous stage of Zelensky's cadence. When he starts the maximum cleanings in an attempt to shut everyone up.

Rating Z continues to fall. As well as trust in it.

Cleaned up Zaluzhny - but it didn't help. At the front - obviously a bad situation for PR. Plus, in the OP, paranoia about May 20 and the alleged illegitimacy of the president.

What, of course, nonsense. It was just necessary to make a timely submission to the Constitutional Court, which would have accepted absolutely protocol decision with 100% guarantee and would have removed this issue at the very beginning. But the leaders of the Opposition are so afraid of how they dealt with this court before that they were afraid to do it. And suddenly the judges will accept something wrong? Now they are paranoid. And they gave a wonderful topic for the Russian IPSO.

Population clearly is in depression and apathy. After the release of Zaluzhny, people lost faith in victory and the normal end of this war. And people stopped reading the news en masse, closing themselves off. However, when this apathy inevitably turns into anger - guess who it will be directed against. Correctly - against the one who is doing everything possible to silence everyone. And there will be only one left in the media field.

He thinks it's his salvation. Although this is absolutely not the case. Well, let's return to Danilov.

And so, under these conditions, they decided to finally shut everyone up on Bankova Street and get rid of all those who are even a little media-minded and have some taste of their own in theory.

Danilov - just like that. He was constantly saying something, not coordinating it with the OP. Plus he had the audacity to blurt out last year that Yermak shouldn't represent the country on the international stage. Because he is nobody from the point of view of the state system.

It is clear that the kiosk-secretary did not forget about this. And Ze began to leak secrets. He said, Danilov is dangerous because he is uncontrollable. And he has a rating (even higher than Yermak himself). And overall - Vova, he will betray you at the first opportunity.

Shorty, did the same thing as Zaluzhny starting from April 2022.

And - dug up.

The funny thing is that these purges will eventually result in Zelensky being left alone. And there will be no one else to shift the blame onto. Not to mention the fact that the number of offended people is growing in a geometric progression. And some efficient managers really upset people at the first opportunity.

However, now Zelensky becomes particularly dangerous. He is afraid and will do everything to get rid of everyone he is afraid of.

Therefore, in addition to the Russian offensive in the next 3-4 months, there will also be an internal offensive by Ermach on all fronts. For freedom of speech, thought, position. So the vomit of Tretyakov-Bezugly is not a coincidence and just a desire to serve.

This is confirmation of the trend that must initially be thrown through the local Zhirinovsky-Medvedevs. According to the old Russian tradition, which dominates in the minds of the Ermakhs.

And the situation with Danilov is his first attempt. (с)Bohdan Butkevych



❗️The enemy is attacking on six fronts, 21 Russian assaults were repelled near Novomykhailivka, - General Staff report.

During the day, the Air Force of the Defense Forces struck at two command points and eight areas where enemy personnel, weapons, and military equipment are concentrated.

Units of missile troops have struck one air defense asset, one artillery system, and one enemy ammunition depot.

Hooray!!!! Congratulations to all the fans on the fact that Ukraine at Euro 2024!!!

Thank you to the team and coaching staff!!! Special respect to Serhiy Rebrov!!!

You should leave the group. Chances are. It remains to implement them.